
Revenge of the cornered crown princess

"Why are you doing this." The brute man shrunk in fear, he couldn't believe a fervent warrior like himself could not beat a woman as feeble looking as the one before him. "Why ..... isn't it obvious because I feel like it, and you are a scumbag and also you're a tool for me to get the attention I need." The lady said while stroking the Brute man's face . "You are a monster, monster I tell you." The Brute man said regretting not heeding his colleagues warning against crime in this alley. "In order to conquer and get revenge you have to be a lot of things." The lady said with a cold smirk on her face landing the last strike that led to the death of the Brute man while she walked into the night with her wine bottle in her hands and her red dress. --------------------- Watching her mother (The Empress) die in the in the hands of the royal concubine, devastation was an understatement. But there was nothing she could do but vow to get revenge on those who hurt her mother. She was hidden by the maid to protect her while trying to run away from the royal concubine knights, but ended up being carried by a martial arts master that trained her. Now she's back bigger and better with only one thing written in her mind, and that is REVENGE. But will her revenge get affected when she meets Song Yuan, a person she saved in her younger years and falls in love with only for him to end up being no one other than the brother to the one who killed her mother, would she overcome her thirst for revenge just for her lover's sake or goes on even with the knowledge they would have to face each other in the future in a life or death situation. Being cornered by love and revenge which one would she choose to let go. . . . . . . . If you like it then add to Library

M_dee · 歴史
70 Chs


Li Yehan was a little bit stunned at how Bogsu treated the crown prince, from the looks of it even though the Crown prince was provoked to anger, he still wasn't able to do anything to Bogsu, Li Yehan wondered why and how Bogsu was able to command such powers and was so skilled in martial arts.

Li Yehan wanted to go into the tent to see what Bogsu was up to but hesitated remembering she heard a Tiger's growl that time, maybe it was best if she didn't.

After much hesitation, Li Yehan decided to go after the Crown prince and pledge her alliance with him so they could collaborate and see if they would be to kill Bogsu together.

Li Yehan went towards Han Jiwoo tent and was surprised that it was just like a regular soldiers tent, was the Emperor aware of how his son was treated though cause this was comical, how could a nobody live in a huge tent while the Emperor son stayed at the normal soldier camp.

Li Yehan from on of her assassin mission have heard about the crown prince of Chi nation, he was quite skilled in martial arts and was an amazing Sword man but judging by the fact that he could not do anything to Bogsu shows either he was too much of a Mama's boy to kill anybody or Bogsu was stronger than him.

At the second possibility of Bogsu being stronger sent shivers into Li Yehan spine, was that girl a monster or human.

Li Yehan headed into the tent after asking for the crown prince permission to enter.

"Greetings your highness, I am Li Yehan the soldier assigned by the general to guard you." Li Yehan introduced humbly bowing herself putting her sword on her chest, Li Yehan looked at the floor in contempt, what has she finally transformed too, bowing to a nobody like Han Jiwoo, the urge to be stronger sprouted in Li Yehan mind all of a sudden, if she was it was her that would be bowed too, and nobody would be able to compete for Song Yuan hand against her at all.

Han Jiwoo scanned the woman that was brought to her to guard her in disdain, "Who are you, if it was Bogsu that sent you, tell her I do not need any protection, I can take care of myself well enough." Han Jiwoo sneered as her mind automatically went to Bogsu as the general who sent Li Yehan.

Li Yehan face contorted in anger, like I even want to be here, "It seems his Highness is mistaken, I am one of the Qi nation army and am not under the command of General Bogsu rather I am under the command of General Yuan." Li Yehan explained not mentioning Song Yuan to be the Qi nation Emperor, for some reason while they were matching to the battlefield, Song Yuan admonished everyone that in the battlefield and in the presence of the sister army members, he should be only addressed as General Yuan and not by Song Yuan or Emperor, or even anything revealing his identity as the Emperor.

Hearing Song Yuan named being mentioned Han Jiwoo faced flushed from embarrassment as she recalled him saying something about getting a female guard to protect her.

Li Yehan peeked at Han Jiwoo to see her flushed faced and looked towards the ground quickly, could it be that the Crown prince of Chi nation has taken fancy to her.

Li Yehan was proud of her beauty and skills, well at least not before Bogsu belittled her, Li Yehan was still a beauty to behold, second to Bogsu but was still manageable compared to other women.

So it was possible to say that the crown prince fell in love at first sight with her.

"Oh, am sorry about mistaking your General for someone else." Han Jiwoo threw away her pride apologizing afraid Li Yehan might have the wrong idea about her and tell General Yuan the wrong thing about her.

"You can go rest for tomorrow's battle." Han Jiwoo hurriedly dismissed Li Yehan hoping to create a good impression on her to tell General Yuan.

Li Yehan bowed before exiting the tent, heading back to her own, at least the Crown prince was sensible enough to know that she would need enough rest for tomorrow's battle.

Originally, Li Yehan wanted to tell the crown prince about her plan to kill Bogsu but decided to let it wait, Li Yehan wanted to gain Han Jiwoo trust first then slowly reveal everything to him, or else it would seem all like a plot to him.

Before Li Yehan went back to her tent, Li Yehan passed by the general tent were all the male soldiers stayed, due to her privacy, Li Yehan was authorized by Song Yuan to stay in a different tent while all the male soldiers stayed in two different tent, they were divided into groups so one tent would not be too congested.

Li Yehan eyes scanned the area as she looked for that familiar figure that visited her tent, did he not say he was here with the same reason as her, to fight the war but why was he not here then or was he inside the tent?

Li Yehan had the urge to the two tents and bring the bastard outside but held her curiosity in, if she goes into that place now it might anger some soldiers, even if one is strong one still need people to help them out during the most difficult task, that was why Li Yehan decided to wait by tomorrow everything would naturally come out it's own and some questions that she had would be answered.

A figure in the dark watched as Li Yehan scanned the area with a smile on his face, "Tsk, seems the little brat has not the changed at all." A voice said in a nostalgic tune wearing a cold smirk on face, well everything would be sorted out tomorrow, he really could not wait to see the expression of Li Yehan when everything unfold during the battle.

Song Yuan stood at the entrance of his tent peering into the darkness in deep thought, why did he have a feeling that the enemy has something installed for them, like a trap or something, Song Yuan could sense it but could not place a finger on what was actually going to happen but he hopes the trap would not be two huge since he had a stupid partner involved in this with him.

Song Yuan looked at the bright full moon and realised a sigh,Song Yuan knew he has been getting crankier day by day, but it was all because he could not find his Perverted Angel, once he did, Song Yuan believed that everything would be settled, he could not help but miss the good old days that they stayed in the woods alone, Song Yuan thought back to everything and felt his heart aching from longing, would she still remember him? Song Yuan wondered.

My poor longing Song Yuan, don't worry am here for you (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

Spoil your author with power stones please, love y'all (⁠っ⁠˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘⁠⌣⁠˘⁠ ⁠)

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