
Revenge of the cornered crown princess

"Why are you doing this." The brute man shrunk in fear, he couldn't believe a fervent warrior like himself could not beat a woman as feeble looking as the one before him. "Why ..... isn't it obvious because I feel like it, and you are a scumbag and also you're a tool for me to get the attention I need." The lady said while stroking the Brute man's face . "You are a monster, monster I tell you." The Brute man said regretting not heeding his colleagues warning against crime in this alley. "In order to conquer and get revenge you have to be a lot of things." The lady said with a cold smirk on her face landing the last strike that led to the death of the Brute man while she walked into the night with her wine bottle in her hands and her red dress. --------------------- Watching her mother (The Empress) die in the in the hands of the royal concubine, devastation was an understatement. But there was nothing she could do but vow to get revenge on those who hurt her mother. She was hidden by the maid to protect her while trying to run away from the royal concubine knights, but ended up being carried by a martial arts master that trained her. Now she's back bigger and better with only one thing written in her mind, and that is REVENGE. But will her revenge get affected when she meets Song Yuan, a person she saved in her younger years and falls in love with only for him to end up being no one other than the brother to the one who killed her mother, would she overcome her thirst for revenge just for her lover's sake or goes on even with the knowledge they would have to face each other in the future in a life or death situation. Being cornered by love and revenge which one would she choose to let go. . . . . . . . If you like it then add to Library

M_dee · 歴史
70 Chs


Li Yehan waited in agony till Bogsu finished her laughter, despite the embarrassment she felt there was nothing Li Yehan could do but wait and let Bogsu finish so she could take her chain back.

When Bogsu finally stopped laughing, she stood upright and wiped the tears that escaped through the corner of her eyes, then Bogsu let out a deep chuckle that sounded like a happy predator seeing an helpless prey.

Li Yehan couldn't remember how she managed to get back to Qi nation but she did but was not in a good shape.

Bogsu had beaten Li Yehan badly causing some internal injuries, Li Yehan couldn't feel her body for days and kept on slipping in and out of coma.

Li Yemo couldn't bare to see his beloved daughter that way and prompted her to quit the assassination association, which Li Yehan agreed to because she couldn't imagine holding the weapon that was used to beat her in another battle against another person, Bogsu managed to crush Li Yehan urge to get stronger for Song Yuan.

Even though Li Yehan didn't want to use her weapon again as it reminded her of the humiliation that Bogsu subjected her to that day, the grudge against Bogsu never died and even though many years has passed, Li Yehan still believed that she would get her revenge.

Li Yehan heard a knock on her room door as she stood lost in thoughts holding her chain in her hands, without asking Li Yehan said "come in" knowing it was her father.

"Didn't you say you wanted to practice to familiarise yourself with your weapon, well I have cleared the courtyard for you." Li Yemo told Li Yehan urging her to leave the room, "No need to worry I would prepare the things you need for tomorrow." Li Yemo added.

"Thank you." Li Yehan muttered bending her head to the chain that laid in her hands, she knew the reason why her father was of more concern in getting Song Yuan interest.

Li Yemo and Li Yehan are from North China and Li Yehan only had Yehan in her name because her mother was from this path.

Li Yehan knew her father was worried that if they were discovered by Song Yuan, he might be demoted in the court or permanently removed, So Li Yemo wanted Li Yehan to get closer to Song Yuan so that their life could be much more easier and they could live in peace.


"Your Majesty, Your majesty!!!" A soldier ran into the Han Jisung's courtyard yelling and panting.

"Is this a way to show respect to your Emperor?" Han Jisung asked sternly as he wondered what gave the guard the audacity to barge Into his courtyard yelling his name that, Han Jisung furrowed his brows in anger waiting for the guard response.

The guard seeing Han Jisung come out of his chamber with a frown on his face, the Soldier gulped at his misfortune, wondering what could have made him make such a foolish act, that due to the urgency of the matter he forgot to pay respect to the Emperor.

"Am sorry you Majesty." The guard slightly bowed as he folded his fists and placed it on his chest as an act of sincerity, the guard needed to protect his life, he thought.

"Your apology is accepted." Han Jisung said, "Now, what was so urgent that you came barging into my courtyard in an unruly manner." Han Jisung asked as he folded his hands at his front waiting for the guard to talk.

"Your Majesty, the Min nation are already marching to the border town and would arrive there in approximately three days." The guard reported with anxiety in his voice, the soldier was excited because of the war, it was joy to their hearts but they didn't dare showcase it out as it was a bother to the Emperor so won't it mean rejoicing at the Emperor's burden.

Han Jisung eyes widened in shock, he didn't expect that the Min nation would action so soon, and they were due to arrive in three days.

After collecting his expression so the soldier wouldn't notice the panic in his mind Han Jisung straightened his back and raised his chin up repossessing his air of authority.

"What about your general Bogsu, does she know about it?" Han Jisung asked the soldier wondering what the young girl might be doing, and feeling slightly worried for her.

"The general on hearing the news has mobilised all members of the army, assigning every one to the part and role they would play during the war and devising strategy." The soldier reported, his head was still bowed so Han Jisung could not see his pained expression when the Soldier talked about Bogsu, the army has come to reference Bogsu during the past few days preparation for the war, and the soldier really wished he was there participating in the strategising, although there were still some Soldiers that don't agree with Bogsu because she is a woman and also because they sided with the crown prince but the soldier had already vowed to follow whoever was stronger.

After hearing the Soldier report although Han Jisung face revealed no emotion he was shocked to the core and was tempted to go see if it was the same Bogsu he knew that was controlling the army or it was a substitute.

"Tell your General to come see me." Han Jisung said after deliberating within him, he would have told the soldier his order but it was a time of war, the most vulnerable time the Kingdom, where no one could be trusted as they could be a spy.

"Yes your Majesty." The soldier bowed once more preparing to leave when a Messenger rushed into the courtyard too.

"What's it now." Han Jisung said starting to get irritated with the way his subject kept barging in.

"Greetings your Majesty." The messenger greeted bowing down.

Han Jisung stood on the stairs that led to the door of his chambers not moving an inch since he came out earlier, Han Jisung looked downwards at the Messenger, "What do you have to say?" Han Jisung asked feeling weakly as he felt an headache coming, sometimes being an Emperor could be tiring answering the different complaints of the people everyday.

"Your Majesty, I bring good news." The messenger said pausing, peeping at the Emperor to see his expression but saw only Han Jisung raised brow telling him to go on.

"Qi nation has agreed to collaborate with us, they would start marching here by tomorrow." The messenger reported and for the first time since the news of the war, Han Jisung realized a small smile relieved, seems Song Minhyun had some usefulness after all, he thought.

Then Han Jisung let out an ironic laugh because but good and bad news came at the same time.

Sorry for leaving you all hanging.

M_deecreators' thoughts