
Continued Abuse

Verce was awoken by the feeling of being burnt, and he started screaming out in pain because of this. He opened his eyes, and was greeted by the sight of a group of knights, who were this time accompanied by men in robes with staffs which Verce assumed were mages. One of them was shooting a stream of fire at Verce's legs.

This was not incredibly powerful magic, but it hurt an insane amount and once the stream of fire stopped, Verce's legs were charred. The knights then pushed past the mages and once again started taking turns beating him, and this time they even started to use their swords to pierce through Verce's limbs which was immensely painful.

This continued for hours, before a large man with a set of trays on wheels appeared and pushed past the knights and mages. Despite their previous actions of putting themselves incredibly far above Verce, not a single person stood in the way of the man, and instead they actually left the cell entirely.

The man spoke in a voice akin to that of a demon, "You're in for a good time today boy. I'm gonna enjoy this!"

Verce did not say anything, as most of his body had already gone entirely numb and he could not think coherently.

The man slowly approached Verce while dragging his trays next to him, before stopping close to his face and spitting on it. The man picked up a tool from one of his trays which Verce could not see properly, and he started to get to 'work'.

The man slowly started to rip off Verce's toenails which got a small flinch out of Verce, and by the time that the man had removed all ten on Verce's toenails, his feet were bleeding and he had begun to feel pain once again.

This process was carried out on his finger nails as well, and Verce's eyes had begun to water from the immense pain. Once all of his nails were gone, the man picked up a small jar and started to sprinkle the contents onto the open wounds that were littered on Verce, not just the area where his nails should be.

After this, the man pulled out a rusty saw which seemed to be going blunt, "You're meant to be the Bard Hero right? Well, I'll make sure that you can't even play an instrument regularly, maybe then you'll be even more useless."

The man, or torturer, put the rusty saw on the side of Verce's wrist, and moved it back slowly. Although this was not enough to go even remotely far into his skin, a scratch mark was made which outlined where the saw would go through.

The torturer then began to speed up his sawing, and Verce screamed out in pain, in response to this, the man punched him in the throat and picked up a ball of cloth which he shoved into Verce's mouth. This muffled his screams, and the torturer got right back to sawing, and after a horrendous ten minutes for Verce, his right hand dropped to the ground.

This was not the end either, as the torturer put down all of his instruments of torture, and stuck two of his fingers carefully beneath Verce's left eyeball which caused unimaginable pain. Once the fingers were far enough under, the torturer squeezed his hand as hard as possible, and ripped Verce's eyeball out in one gruesome action.

"If losing a hand isn't enough, better to make sure you can only just see your instruments as well!"

The torturer left the cell pleased with his work, and Verce was still chained to the wall with no medical attention despite his immense injuries. Verce fell unconscious again, and a while later he woke up while being dragged somewhere again.

The knight that was dragging Verce noticed that he was awake, "Look who decided to wake up. You're going in a dungeon, not the type you were in before though. A real dungeon, one with monsters. It was fun using you as a punching bag while it lasted, but the King's orders are the King's orders, not much we could do about it. You have no chance, especially not now that you're disabled. Well, we're here, good luck."

The knight threw him down and left where he had been very quickly, and Verce was unable to move in an attempt to follow him.

Through all of the pain he was in, Verce managed to get some words out, "Fuck, why did this happen to me? I'll kill that fucking King if it's the last thing I do! I won't keep being weak! I will get revenge."

However his words seemed to attract something to his location, and a large Minotaur like creature with a huge double sided axe emerged.

Verce attempted to stand up, but he felt incredibly weak due to being tortured, and only one thought came to his mind. If his 'Strengthened By The Music' skill was strong enough, then by using his 'Music Library' skill, he could regain strength by just listening to music in his head.

He thought of opening the music library, and in his mind a huge selection was shown, and playlists he had made on Earth were displayed as well. Verce immediately knew which song he would play to try and gain enough strength to escape, and maybe even fight the monster.