


Mrs. Xiao was the former leader of the Dragon Gang in Peking.....


Lu Hui was quite shocked, this was information he and Yu Wen couldn't tell anyone. Xiao Ting would be in danger if this information leaked, the Xiao's probably didn't know this too. This was something Lu Hui didn't expect, the Xiao's weren't as clean as he thought.....

Yu Wen handed him a paper, all the information about Xiao Ri was on here.... But one thing was missing, her disappearance. How could something like that couldn't be on papers like this? What is the Dragon Gang hiding from China?


"Lu Hui and Yu Wen, I'll make you pay for this!! Leaving me alone for a report!! It's only 7 p.m.!!" Xiao Ting pouted. When she began with cleaning the pot, the men came back. They looked exhausted, but they were gone for only 15 minutes. What did they do? Xiao Ting stopped with minding their business and continued washing and cleaning.

***The next day, 8 a.m.***

Xiao Ting's alarm went off, she just sleeped so well!!

"Why did I even set an alarm, I never use it!!" Xiao Ting jumped out of her bed, smelling something delicious..... She quickly wore her clothes and went downstairs, she smiled at the view.

Lu Hui was making breakfast!!

Xiao Ting quickly went to the kitchen to see what he was cooking, but he pushed her away.

"You can get burned, don't come closer" Lu Hui was focused on the pan, so Xiao Ting tried to look in it. She couldn't see a thing, after a few seconds she gave up and sat at the dining table.

Did his wounds from yesterday heal this fast? What is he trying to show?

Lu Hui served two omelettes and two orange juices.

They ate in peace until Lu Hui said: "Today is your first day as my P.A.. There's an outfit in the walk in-closet, it's wrapped in black foil". Xiao Ting gave him a nod and quickly finished her omelette.

*30 minutes later*

***T&T Corporations***

Lu Hui was sitting behind his desk and drinking coffee while Xiao Ting was planning all the meetings for next week. Until Lu Hui finally spoke: "Han Lu is coming today, it's time to tell him the truth". Xiao Ting gave her new boss a nod, she was prepared for today. She checked Lu Hui's schedule yesterday, there was a meeting planned with the CEO of TY ENT.


Han Lu and Lu Hui were in a conversation, Lu Hui and Xiao Ting were going to surprise Han Lu....

"Mr. Han, I've got a new P.A. It's still a woman, you're always so kind so let me introduce her to you. Miss Xiao!!" Xiao Ting came walking in the room, making Han Lu shocked.

"Han Lu, how are you?" Xiao Ting gave him a fake smile, she was disgusted by seeing him.

"Honey, what are you doing here? I thought you worked at a news company...." Han Lu was trying to own Xiao Ting by claiming that she was his. He never called Xiao Ting 'honey', they always called each other by their names.


Xiao Ting slapped Han Lu in his face, making him mad. A print of her hand was seen, it was deep pink coloured. Han Lu held his cheek in pain, he almost cried of the pain. 'What a crybaby' Xiao Ting thought.

"YOU B*TCH, WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" Han Lu was yelling in Xiao Ting's face, spitting on her. Lu Hui was disgusted and held her hand, making Han Lu frown.

"Did you cheat on me Xiao Ting?! Xiao Xa was right, you're a sl*t!!" Han Lu tried to walk outside, but Yu Wen blocked the door. Han Lu was so mad that he tried to slap Yu Wen, but that was a mistake.... Yu Wen twisted Han Lu's arm in three seconds, Han Lu was crying on the ground and screaming.

"You're calling me a sl*t and a b*tch, but you don't know to who you're talking now... You think you know me, which is a mistake.... You're calling me a cheater, but are you sure you didn't begin?" Xiao Ting's eyes filled with hate, Han Lu looked up as the tears were streaming down his face.

"What do you mean?! The only cheater here is you!!" Yu Wen twisted his other arm too. It was torture for Xiao Ting's eyes, but not for her heart.

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