
Revenge In Grins

In a dystopian world divided by class and power, where justice is a facade and truth is manipulated, Daemon Corvus. Falsely accused of a heinous crime he did not commit, Daemon and his family face public condemnation and are executed in a gruesome spectacle that scars the world's memory. But death is not the end for Daemon, as he awakens two years later with an unexpected and ominous companion of a Unknown System, offering him the power to exact vengeance on those who wronged him. -The God of Death has taken interest in your life- "Smile for me, darling, as I paint the canvas of your demise with the blood of your sins. Your screams will be my music, and your pain, my masterpiece. So, smile, for in your final moments, you'll know true artistry." Daemon's grin widened with sinister delight.

Danger_God · 都市
39 Chs

Chapter-18 Iron Chain Cartel Base

After Daemon's death at the hands of the Raven Sword, a minute longer than usual passed before he was reborn... when he woke up. He didn't notice the extra time; his focus was singular.

He quickly made his way to the Iron Cartel's true base, slipping into the jeep he had taken from the man he interrogated. The Raven Sword, trailing behind, was still in shock, its ethereal form wavering. How was this possible? It did not dare question it. knowing that at some point, it would find out on its own.

The jeep roared to life, its engine a low growl as Daemon drove along the main pathway to the village, heading towards Elysian Reach. The jeep was the fastest way, and he couldn't risk encountering Detective Adriana again... especially with bandits lurking on the road. The worry of her relentless pursuit gnawed at him.

Mainly because, as a detective from Nova Veritas City she has authority, she could mobilize resources to track him down. She represented the lawful side of the city's balance, while Daemon had plunged into its underbelly.

Adriana... that lawful hound she seems to never tire. Her tenacity is admirable, yet her interference is an obstacle I cannot afford. I must stay ahead, always one step ahead. But how long can I evade her? How far will she go to catch me?

As he drove, Daemon accessed his system, feeling the familiar tingle of accumulated fear points after killing Eldric. One thousand fear points, plus an additional seventy-five. He channeled them into twenty attribute points, maxing out his endurance and allocating the remaining three to his agility. A transformation rippled through his body; muscles tightened and senses sharpened. Time seemed to slow down a bit, slower than before.

-For reaching the passing novice level of Death Manipulation, the god of death rewards you with Death's Whisper, Phantom Chains, Death Steps, and Tenebris Lacerna-

-You have now unlocked the system inventory. The Tenebris Lacerna has been placed inside-

-The Tenebris Lacerna, a relic from the Shadow Wars... was crafted by the ancient sorcerers of Tenebris. This dark, ethereal cloak was said to be woven from the essence of shadows themselves, imbued with the souls of the dead-

"They all sound extremely powerful... I wonder how many more I will get for passing two hundred," Daemon said. Then he remembered something Adriana had said, leaving him confused. "System, what did Lawful Maddog mean by me being stronger than a D threat level?" he asked.

Daemon decided to name Adriana with the nickname "Lawful Maddog" due to her relentless pursuit, Daemon was curious about the threat levels.

-Taking the information of individuals in your world, threat levels are specialized systems used to gauge the danger posed by various beings, including humans, supernatural entities, and enhanced individuals. Each level encompasses a range of abilities, combat skills, and potential for causing harm, from E to S threat level-

Created by The Sovereign Collective that is led by a council of technocrats, each responsible for one of the key divisions. This council operates with absolute authority, making decisions that affect every aspect of society, the council members are typically from the most elite families, ensuring that power remains concentrated among the highest echelons.

 "S level, huh? No wonder Maddog didn't see me as a threat. What does it take to be a C level?" Daemon asked.

-Threat Level C: Moderate threat. Capable of posing a danger in combat situations. Enhanced physical abilities, proficient combat skills, and moderate supernatural powers or technological enhancements. Examples: Trained soldiers, mid-level supernatural beings, experienced criminals.-

Daemon absorbed this information, realizing the extent of the challenges he might face in the future. 

But what is the Sovereign Collective?

-Daemon Corvus-

-Threat Level: C-

-Strength: 100/200-

-Agility: 100/200-

-Endurance: 100/200-

-Intelligence: 100/200-

-Charisma: 100/200-

-Death Manipulation: 100/200-

-Fear Points: 0-

-Attribute points: 0-

-Abilities: Leech, Eternal Rebirth, Infernal Recall, Death's Whisper, Phantom Chains, Death Steps-

While checking out the system, Daemon suddenly felt someone's eyes on him, looking in the direction he felt the gaze from, he saw a black owl about fifty meters ahead no to his sharper vision. Even as he drove by the owl it continued to stare at him, its gaze unsettlingly inhuman.

An omen? Or a spy? Either way, I must remain vigilant... It seem now my every move is being watched. But by whom? how? and why?

Daemon shook off the feeling and focused on his mission. When he reached Elysian Reach, his first objective was to infiltrate the Iron Chain Cartel, using them to climb the ranks and seek his revenge.

'On the guy I tortured, his computer had an encrypted chat indicating that the nearest hideout is expecting a delivery in a couple of weeks. The message also mentioned that the boss of the hideout died... This is my chance to take over as boss. They also don't know how or why he died, but I have to take advantage of this opportunity,' Daemon thought. "Also I have to come up with a proper plan in case of any failure. If I had died to Eldric, what would have happened now that I'm exposed? I wasn't prepared," he muttered.

Preparation is key. I cannot afford mistakes. One misstep, and the whole operation collapses.

After about three hours of driving, which was easy for him as he was used to driving his own car to university, he finally reached Elysian Reach. Though his family wasn't rich, they were middle class, with his father also being an artist, though not as talented or successful as Daemon.

Driving through Elysian Reach, Daemon noted the city's blend of natural beauty and technological infrastructure. Known for its commerce, culture, and innovation Elysian Reach is nestled between rolling hills and a shimmering lake making it a popular destination for both residents and visitors seeking a peaceful yet vibrant environment.

However, like all cities, Elysian Reach had its criminal underworld. This was not just a collection of illegal activities and shady dealings but a society with its own unique cultural practices, traditions, and social structures.

Driving past the Central Plaza at the heart of Elysian Reach, he saw a bustling square surrounded by modern skyscrapers and historic buildings. The plaza featured a large fountain with a holographic display narrating the city's history.

As he drove south of the city, he noticed multiple men on the street who seemed like they could be criminals. These were likely foot soldiers, the members who perform day-to-day tasks such as enforcing territory, collecting protection money, and carrying out illicit activities.

While they had less power, their loyalty and willingness to follow orders were crucial to the organization's success.

Finally, arriving at the outskirts of the city, a couple of meters away from the cartel hideout, Daemon stopped and stepped out of the jeep.

He took a deep breath, feeling worry not fear. "If I fail here, the cartel will know someone is trying to infiltrate them. Then I'm afraid they'll increase security, and who knows what more they will do," he muttered.

Looking at the hideout with his sharp vision, Daemon saw that the perimeter was secured with high, electrified fences topped with barbed wire. Dim, flickering floodlights cast an eerie glow over the exterior, creating deep shadows that made the hideout look haunted and menacing.

The lights were strategically placed to create areas of darkness. The main entrance was a heavy, reinforced steel gate, and there were no guards outside to avoid attracting too much attention. Though the precinct had searched the area a couple of times, the cartel managed to hide all their activities inside.

Daemon accessed the system inventory for the first time. "It's like another dimension inside... I've never seen anything like it," he said before taking out the Tenebris Lacerna.

While doing so he wondered how much could be stored inside but focused on the cloak in his hand. It appeared as a black cloak, and while it didn't look as powerful as its name suggested, he put it on.

Instantly it seemed to have a mind of its own as it grew around his body.

The Tenebris Lacerna manifested as a dark, ethereal cloak that seemed woven from the very essence of shadows. It flowed around Daemon, shifting and billowing like smoke, never settling into a solid form. Faint, ghostly images of skeletal hands and faces moved within the cloak giving the impression that Daemon was accompanied by the souls of the dead.

The cloak exuded a dark aura that dimmed the environment around him slightly, creating a shadowy veil that could obscure vision and make it difficult for enemies to target him. Intricate, glowing runic patterns were etched into the fabric, pulsating with a soft, dark energy. Tendrils of shadow extended from the hem and edges of the cloak, moving and whipping around as if alive.

Powerful... and dangerous. I must control it, or it will control me.

"This is very scary... I was really wrong... if I don't hold back my aura, the whole forest might die out... I'm very wrong about this," Daemon muttered before looking at the cartel hideout. "Let's do this."