
Revenge for lovely wife......

<p>That is a small village. there are beautiful mountains, springs , river ,green paddy fields with big bush trees everything all around the village. It is really fascinating the heart by natural beauty. There villagers were living peace fully. Joseph is a ryot of that village. Who cultivating many products .Korn, paddy and some more foods. And he is very good hard worker too.Cause of that day by day he was grown-up in his cultivation.<br/>And there are three members in his family. His mother ,Small brother and himself. Father passed away by sudden heart attack when they were in fancy. After father's passed his mother started to work in the village as a house cleaner. His mother was trying to teach him. But his was didn't agree to do that.<br/> Because! His 'Mom faced more difficulties in earnings. So! He was decided to teach well his brother. And he was told to his mother 'That' ''Your acquisition is enough to home expenses only. If I started to study you want to earn more. So! I decided to work with you '<br/> He continuesly said to his mother 'That ' ' We both together if worked daily we can help John to study. And we can manage his other own expenses also very easily'. He hopes reply from his mom but deep silent only being the reply from her . Again he itself continued. ....'Well ! We can teach brother John'. First mother against to teach only John. But finally agreed by Joseph's request. From that day he started to work with his mother.<br/> That time he was ten years old a small boy. But more than age he was smarter.<br/>Without any tired and laziness he was working And very honest behaviour ,Helping tendency and completed with good manners. Therefore villagers loving him so much. He decided way he was sent his brother to city college. And he said him on the way railway station 'John 'We are very poor family. And I decided to teach you because! I didn't get chance to study' By mom's difficultly in her work. And she was very weak in health wise.<br/> My ambition should be fulfill by you ' After listening that John asked to Joseph 'What is your ambition bro? Tell me! Definitely I will fulfill it.<br/> Then Joseph said 'I thought to be a good police officer and to give my support to poor people of this village and our country too.' After listening his dream and John replied ' I will make true your dream.<br/> And here after this is my dream too.' After listen his words Joseph was very happy. He huged him and said' Thank you so much John' ! And I know you will fulfil it sure! '. After send off him to city Joseph came back. John did not forget his brother's advice .<br/>He also behave with good behavior. After some years John finished his studies and came back to their village. <br/> After meeting his family he was very happy. He said to brother Joseph 'Bro!' I finished my studies and I was applied to police job too'. My first responsible is full filling your dream by myself'. Joseph was gratified while listening that sweetness news. And huged him and said 'That is my brother John'. <br/> Mother too very happy. She said 'I'm always worshipping to God my two children are always want to be like this happily and unity. They not good to be against to each other'. After listening that both said together ' Never happened.<br/> Then mother said 'Okay! Okay! Come both and take your lunch.' Then John replied 'Okay my lord'. All laughed together and finished their lunch. <br/> Few months later John got chance to face the police officer selection interview. He got passed the final round too. 'Within few days you will get your appointment letter ' Said interviewer. He got the information and come home and enjoyed with his family members. After few days he got appointment as a police inspector to his own village. <br/> Now! Joseph too in a decent position of his cultivating journey. As usual one day he working in his paddy field. Then suddenly he heard something falling sound. He looked at that side. He couldn't control his laugh. There is a girl fallen in the mud with a bicycle .<br/> She got angry when looking his laugh. She started to cry and shout. Joseph run and came to that spot and he first asked sorry for the laughter. And helped her to getting up and he said 'Here before I never seen you here since I started to work in this field'. Who are you ? She little bit be cooler and first asked sorry with Joseph.<br/> Because! She shouted to him. Hello! Both after shaking the hands and Each introduced themselves. ' <br/>My ame is Monica. I am a school teacher in the city. And I came here from city for spend my school holidays to my uncle's house. And this is not a first time I am here. Many times I have come here. And many times I have seen you when you worked here. But you always concentrating in your works only . That's why you haven't see me.And she continued. ...<br/>' Long days I had a desire to ride bicycle in the ridge of the field'.<br/>'So! Today I was tried. That time only this happened'.' It's okay no worries if you no objection I can support you to learn to peddle bicycle in the ridge of the field' Said Joseph. She is very glad to listen that and she said 'I am' Okay' You tell me the time sharply I will be there'. <br/> Joseph shocked and said 'This is the first time we are meeting. At once how can you say okay to come with me to learn bicycle?' Then she continued 'Do you think first time itself I said okay to come with you? That is wrong.<br/> Many times I have noticed you and your behaviour when I was in this village. From far daily I am watching deeply about every workers. In that I felt you are little different than others. He suddenly asked 'What is the difference you saw between me and others?' <br/> She start to tell 'Your hard work, Helpful mind to others and your hand some look too attracted me. More than that my uncle always telling about you. He is loving you too much. Aunt also the same she always tells about your child hood life tragedy.<br/> After listening that all I thought to meet you once. That's why now I am here'.' Is it? Then okay ! Here after we are good friends. Okay! She said. First you get your uncle's permission to learn bicycle riding by me. Then I will learn to you' Said Joseph. Next day morning Monica came to meet Joseph with sweets and she said 'My uncle agreed to learn bicycle riding by you.' Then he said 'Okay! Come let's go my home to meet my mom'. And he said on the way home <br/> My family is so small. We are three members in our home. Mom, brother and myself. 'You don't know about our mom. She is softer than flower petals. I never seen her with angry mood. Always a small smile will be on her face. She won't speak a single word badly to others. Her level best she is trying to help others. Our mom is the best mom in the world. That is my opinion. By talking they reached the home. <br/> Mother and brother John there in the home. Joseph introduced each other and he continued his speech 'Next time when you come here my brother John will be a strick and strong police officer'. She shacked hands again with John. 'All the best Mr. John'. 'Thank you Miss. Monica' Replied John. After some time Mary came with sweets and tea cups. They had some sweets and tea.<br/> Joseph started to talk 'By the way mom she loves cycling on our ridge of the field'. Then Mary replied 'So What! You can learn to her ' Monica is so happy. She thanked to her and said 'You are very lucky aunt'. Because! You have very good sons. They loving you to much. Mary replied that is by God's grace.<br/>After some time of their conservation Monica said' it's starting drizzle I have to go.<br/>. 'Mary replied 'Okay dear! Before you go back to city one day come for a lunch here'. She replied 'Okay aunt.<br/> Day by day Joseph and Monica continued their meeting . After passing few days Joseph and Monica realised some changes in their friendship both willing them by heart.<br/> But little bit confusion to declare that each other. However upto last both failed to declare.<br/> And passed her full holidays with their hesitation.<br/> Last day of their meeting 'Tomorrow I have to go back city. Because! Day after tomorrow school will reopen after the year end holidays'. <br/>So! 'More than this I cannot hide my love. I love you so much please accept my love. Caught his hands and said Monica.<br/> He replied ' Me too love you but I unable to say because you are wealth family but we are'...She soon closed his mouth with her hand before he finishing the sentence.<br/> And she continued 'Between the true love wealth or poor that all doesn't matter'. <br/>'You wait and see! In my next holidays I will come with a good massage to meet you. 'You telling way if happened I will be the luckiest person in the world' Joseph answered. She said' sure'!. And <br/>she went with him to his home to meet his mother before she leaves. <br/> Met her and she said 'Aunt! I have to go tomorrow because school is re open day after tomorrow'.' Already I know about that Joseph was said. That is why I have arranged lunch for you' Said Mary.<br/> Family members and Monica together finished their lunch and Monica said good bye! To everyone. And Mary looked at him. <br/> Joseph is in sad mood by her separation. Mary already hoped 'That ' The result will be <br/> this end of their friendship. She called Joseph and asked ' Are you loving her '? He without reply by mouth moved the head up and down. She continued 'She is a good girl I also like her very much. But the thing is they are rich. But 'We are'.....Joseph interfere and said 'Already I spoked with her about it'. <br/> She answered me ' That ' She will take care of it. 'Mother replied ' 'Then okay !' If you want to meet her again today evening or tomorrow go and meet her'. Joseph unexpected this sweet massage by her. So! He was full of happiness mood. 'My sweet mom' huged and kissed her cheek and said" Until tomorrow I can't wait today evening itself I am going to meet her'. <br/>Usually Joseph going to meet Mr.Thomas for his financial causes.<br/> But today his purpose is different than the other days. This was something special than that. 'Without any intention if I went to that house It will damage my reputation.' He said himself and he began to think'. What reason can I tell to him.....'Oh'...' I got a reason' That' John got appointment as a police inspector that matter want to say as a cause. <br/> He went in the evening to Mr. Thomas's house. Joseph pressed the door bell button and asked May I come in? Joseph stopped near door until any one come Mr. Thomas came.<br/> Good evening uncle! Said Joseph. 'Good evening, Good evening please come in ' Said Mr. Thomas. Behind of him Joseph went in . Mr. Thomas asked about his work and about other everything and he said 'Without reason you won't come here. Already I know the reason but you have to say by your mouth I want to listen it'.<br/> Joseph felt shame and he said 'No! Uncle my brother John be came a police inspector. I came here to tell about that. Mr. Thomas laughed and said' I believed it. So.....Except that nothing to say..... Am I correct'? He asked. Joseph without reply anything silently tried to escape from there. But Mr. Thomas didn't allowed.<br/> He stopped him and said I know everything about you two loving each other. So! Don't be hesitate! Go and meet her. She is there in the room. Joseph released a deep breath... And came to normal. <br/>Now! He is in cheerfull mood and he thought to make surprise Monica. So! He peeped into the room .She is busy with packing. Then he slowly step by step went closer to her and suddenly closed her eyes. <br/> She little bit disturbed and tried to remove the hands from her eyes .But by that touching she realised That is Joseph So! She stopped trying to removing hands from her eyes. After few minutes Joseph himself took the hands and said 'I came to meet you finely! Because tomorrow you will go from here. After that you won't remember me you will be busy with your works'.<br/> 'What are you talking Jo?' If I forget you that means I am forgetting myself. If it happening it will happen after my death mind it' She said with tears in the eyes.<br/> And she continued' 'Every holidays I am coming here and staying for few days and again going back. But I didn't feel this much difficult that time. Because! Those days I didn't fall in love with anyone. So! Any feelings didn't hurt me this much.<br/> Today! I deeply realising the real pain of the love of the last moment when they separates each other. This is the first time I have felt these kinds of feelings. That is difficult and different types of something new'. ' 'Yes! Me too !' Said Joseph and slowly caught her shoulders and pulled her more close to him and said. ...<br/> So ! Next time you will come here with your parents to speak about our wedding. ' Yes Definitely! ' Replied Monica. Then Joseph slowly caught her face with his both hands and said' 'These two eyes are power full gravity'. Not allowing to move my eyes from your eyes. Saying some more and blushed her. And he continued. .....'This beautiful structure created by God for me. I never allow to touch anyone. God's this special gift is only for me forever.'<br/> ' Thank you my God'.... He starts shouting. She soon clossed his mouth and said 'Are you crazy? 'Now uncle and aunt will come here if listen your sound'. 'Okay! Okay ! Then 'give me something special item to remember you forever' He asks her and suddenly tried to hug and kiss her.<br/> She objected it for fun . Then his gladly face altered into the pitiable face itself. She noticed that and tried to gladden him. ''My good boy! Now you close your magnetic eyes. And I am going to give you a tiny gift' Said Monica. <br/> 'Okay !Okay! Give !Give! ' He soon clossed his eyes and told' Make glaze my cheeks by your rosy lips.... But there is a condition. Two sides need equal rights. So....' If giving need equally to both sides. otherwise my lips will return it to you'.'What do you say'? Asked Joseph to her. <br/> ' You are cunning more than fox' She said. 'I don't care! That is fox or ox I need a justice that's all' He said. 'Okay.....'Close your sharp eyes for a minute' Hm..... Such a wonderful figure is front of fme. If I closed the eyes how can I description the figure? Asked he . she was stupor in his satire. At last Joseph got he need things and gave what she needs. After spent some times there and Joseph went back home. After few days a letter came from Monica to Joseph. In that she had written<br/>Dearest Jo!<br/>About our love affair I talked with my parents. First they were objected. But I without compromise forced them. After that my dad called to Thomas uncle and asked about you. In his reply at the moment itself they were agreed. So ! We will come there next week. My parents will talk with your mom about our wedding. Till that thousands of lovely kisses from your Monica... <br/> After seeing the letter Joseph could not control his gratification. And he faster go home and show the letter to mom and said the details .She said' Okay! 'No problem we have to do some changes and some arrangements. He hoped sweetness day also came. On that day he feels two feelings at the same time happiness and the hesitation. Because ! This is an ecstasy moment of his life time.<br/> After some minutes Monica came to his home with her parents and Mr. And Mrs .Thomas .And Monica introduced each other. Mary and sons gave a great hospitality for them. After some time Monica's dad Mr. Anderson starts talking. 'We were most enjoyed with your kindness and <br/>the great hospitality thank you so much'. <br/> ' It's okay this is our duty and responsibility'.said Mary. 'Okay' 'Well ....Then now we start our speech about these children's wedding proposals ' Said Mr. Anderson. Then John soon interfere and said 'Yes !Yes! If we deleyied these two babies will start to cry.' Everyone laughed after listening that..<br/> Joseph's and Monica's faces are turning glossy with allusions. Mr. Anderson starts speaking about themselves. Finally he said 'I have only one daughter. So! I am thinking to take the wedding soon.' What is your plan about this?' Asked with Mary. She starts to speak 'After my husband passed away My elder son Joseph and myself took care of this family. Joseph was very good talented in studying.<br/> Until his father alive he went to school. <br/>After the death of his father Joseph stopped his studies.<br/> Many times I forced him to continue his studies. But he didn't agree to do that. <br/>He said 'If we both started to study you alone can't manage the expenses'. Therefore we both together earn and we will send John to city college'. I said ' No! ' You too want to study how ever I will manage the expenses '. <br/>But he was strongly objected. Now he is a farmer and a hard worker too. If you don't have any objection with his agrarian we can continue further actions . She stopped her speech and waited to his reply.<br/> After listening these all Mr. Anderson said 'I am respecting his selflessness and the hard work. And I am very proud to say 'That' He is my son in law '. On the way saying he removed a diamond ring from his finger and weared it to Joseph's finger and said 'This is a gift of my respect.<br/> Always it should be in your finger'. 'Yes uncle! Definitely 'Josep replied' And he said 'I am very lucky to be a son in law to you.'<br/> After speaking everything both family together confirmed a date to their marriage.That date was second of January. There are three months to Xmas. After that there are six days more to wedding . Joseph and Monica expected a day recently. But these three months of gap they felt as three era. <br/>Both face to face looking sadly and with upset .Mr Thomas noticed that and he said 'Okay! Three months will go just like three weeks' He trying to console them. <br/> Both sides have to do some arrangements also therefore we need some time.' Am I correct Mr. Joseph'? Asked with Joseph with a small smile. 'Yes! Yes ! You are right uncle!' Said Joseph. After listening that Monica looks like dull. She without say anything moved from there to room. <br/> Joseph understood her feeling. He went into the room back of her and slowly caught her hands and said' Monica! You don't be distress. This charm and beautiful face should not be dull .And I don't like to see downcast Monica. Again he said <br/>Actually! For wedding preparations we both sides need some time. That's why this three months of gaps. ' She starts replying 'Jo! Don't you understand? These three months telling how big gap '. He replied ' l know it. But we will make it as an enjoyable moments.<br/> And he said 'Daily in my dream you come and in your dream I coming. Then no one can separate us. She said with smile' That is good idea'. Mr. Anderson getting up to leave and calling Monica 'Where is she? Asking with his wife.<br/> Before she reply Mr. Thomas replied ' I think Monica went out side maybe! , I am go and calling her.' He went out and looked at the room through the window and said 'Monica! ' We are going to leave'. <br/> 'Now come! Next time permanently you can stay here.' Joseph and Monica soon made a gap between them after listening his voice. <br/>'Okay !Okay !'No problem! It's all natural' He said with smile. They also smiled and came out. After leaving every body John said 'Mom this is our first function. So ! We have to prepare well. <br/>Then Mary said' Yes John! You should take care of all the responsibilities '.He replied again 'Yes mom! You don't worry. I will take care of everything '.<br/> After some days one day John came home with full of gay. Before entering into the home shouted' Mom !Mom! Where are you'? Mary came from back yard 'John! Why are you shouting? I am here '. He caught mom's hands and said 'I have a good news for you'. 'Good news..... What is that tell me tell me?'. Said Mary. <br/> 'Mom! I got a transfer with promotion'. ' Promotion.....In this short period of occupation .<br/>How can it be possible? More than you seniors are there. Then how '? ' I am sure! 'Today this was happened by pray of you both and the wish of my higher officer Mr. Henry.<br/> replied John. With limitless gladly Mary thanks to God! And said 'Okay! Okay! Your bro will be in the paddy field. Go and tell him he will glee after listening this wonderful news. Said Mary. ' Okay mom! Replied John 'And he went to there with riding his bicycle. <br/> Their paddy field is little far from their home. That is noon time Joseph without take care about the sun hot continuing his work. John looks at the sky and thought himself 'Sun is how hot he without feel that himself working'. I am very lucky to get him as a brother. <br/>'Bro! Bro! ' John called Joseph and came through the ridge of the field. <br/> 'John why did you come here in this sun hot? Go home I will be back soon. Joseph said. For that John replied 'Bro! This sun hot only for me.... Then won't you feel it'? Joseph replied again 'Here see John! I have more than eighteen years of experience of working in this climate. And also my skin is tough than your's. Your skin won't bear the hot like mine. And your body should be healthy without any scary wounds.<br/> When they taking full body check up they should be satisfactory. Therefore! Take healthy foods and exercise daily between in your busy time.<br/> ' Bro! ' Now I am a big man. Still you thinking 'That' I am so small' Said John. All right ! 'Here after I am thinking 'That 'You are a very big police officer'. When Joseph says both laughed together. And again Joseph asked....<br/> 'Tell me now! Why did you come here'? John started to tell. ' Bro! I got a transfer to city with promotion.<br/> just now came the promotion letter by post'.' Wow...! What a great news' .'Hearty congratulations Mr. Police officer' shacked his hands. And Joseph said 'Wash the mud in your hand. ' By rapture l forgot to wash my hands before shaking'. I am sorry!' Then <br/>John continues 'Bro! Life long this mud is giving us food we should respect it. And behind my police officer position also this mud's part is limitless in my career besides your support. And first of all I am your brother Second is the police officer. <br/>Joseph embraced him and tapped his shoulder and wiped his happy tears and said 'Good luck my boy' And he continued 'John! Now you are a one of the higher officer. Always duty is the first than other all. Any critical situation even you don't be emotional. First be honest to your professional. And before know the truth of the crime don't punish any innocent. <br/> Joseph gave some more advices to John. After listening that all John said 'Bro! ' You will appreciate me in future' Always I will follow your advices. I will keep it in mind'. Yes! 'That is my brother John' Said Joseph. 'Okay bro! I am going home you come without be late said John.' Okay John! Said Joseph and continued his work.<br/> Night in the dining table while eating John said 'Bro! I got a accommodation too in the police Quarter. So! For few days shell I take mom with me to city?' ' It's really good work John'. After death of dad mom didn't go anywhere. It will be a good change to her.' Mary interfered 'What are you talking Joseph? Only few months there to wedding more works are pending.<br/> If I went there who will finish the works '? 'Mom ! Mom ! Relax!, Relax! listen to me'. I can finish all the works with our villagers's help. You don't worry be happy with city life style'.<br/> 'Bro! Me too missing you. Shell I postpone my duties until finish the wedding'? Asked John. Joseph got angry on him . And he shouted 'Are you crazy? Like this an opportunity never come if you ignored it. This is a golden opportunity in your career. For any cause don't miss it. 'This is my dream did you forget it'?' No bro! No! I never.<br/> ' I asked just to help you' Replied John. Here I have people to help me I will take care of them. 'You join in your duty on time onIy that I need from you' Said Joseph.' Okay Bro!' John replied. Next day morning John and Mary getting ready to leave. Joseph and his friend Alex going with them to railway station to send off them. <br/> 'Please Joseph! ' Upto finish the wedding I am staying here to help you' 'Mary said again. Then Joseph said 'No mom! 'Now you need to retire and take rest well. I will handle everything trust me Alex also here with me'. 'Yes aunt! I will help him for every work you go and enjoy your time ' Said Alex.' Yes mom! They will take care of the works. You just don't worry' Said John. <br/>Train starts move Mary through the window put her head outside and said to Joseph 'Eat on time and take care of your health ' 'Okay mom! 'You too take care. Replied Joseph. <br/>After some days one day night Joseph was relaxing on the bad with listening music. Tap,tap, tap....He heard somebody was tapping the door. He stopped the music and opened the door and he got shocked. Monica is standing on the door step. <br/> 'Monica what is this? In this un time you are here asked Joseph. 'Please Jo! First allow me to come in' ' Okay come in! 'Said Joseph .'Now tell me 'Why did you come here in this night time and what is the urgent matter to meet me now'? Asked Joseph. Then she said 'First I am very sorry to came here.<br/> Second without any serious matter I won't come here in this un time. Why can't you think about that'? And she continued... <br/> ' It was my fault I came here.' Okay no problem! You continue your music I am going forever Monica came out to go'. Now Joseph realised'That ' She has faced something big problem.He said' Okay ! First come in and sit here he showed the bed. <br/>And he asked her to drink some water ' He gave her glass of water. She take the water and had gulped. And asked some more water and started to drink. He said 'Don't be hurry slowly slowly sip by sip drink and first be calmness.<br/> Now you need something to eat. I am arranging something else for you '.Said Joseph 'No Jo! I am not hungry. And I am not in the eating mood too.' said Monica. 'Then okay! Eat some biscuits and drink a cup of tea'. Gave her to having them and he waited. But he couldn't wait till she finishes. He asked 'Tell me now! What's wrong with you'? She without say anything just eat the biscuits and drank the tea.<br/> Again Joseph did not ask anything he said 'Until you tell yourself I won't ask again'.<br/> After few minutes of silence she started to cry. She couldn't eschew her tears by agony. Joseph without understanding asked' What is this Monica ? And what is your problem? Tell me first. I can't wait until you say the reality.<br/> She wiped her tears and started to tell. 'My school is located in the town area. My house is little far from school. <br/> And there is a gap between my house and main road about five meters of footpath.<br/> I am daily travelling by school bus. There are some bad boys. They daily indulging in vain talk with girls and enjoying themselves. Myself too happened the same. One day I am waiting for the school bus. Then those boys come to me and started to talk the same. I warned them many times. <br/> Lots of people were there but no one come to help me. At last a young lady came to that spot and shouted to that boys for support me .Then the leader of that gang who slept to that lady. Then I removed my shoe and beaten that rascal. <br/>Then the people started to laugh. He shouted with anger. 'That ' ' You will get your punishment very soon for this remember it.' Afterwards they vacated the place . That time I did not think it seriously. <br/> Then the school bus came. Other students and myself went to school. After that incident that bad boys didn't be there for long days. I thought' That' They selected another spot. About six months without any trouble we went to school. Yesterday I had some work in the after school. So! I missed the school bus. In <br/>other days four students also will come with me in the same footpath.<br/> we are neighbours. But yesterday I came alone home by road bus.<br/> When I got down from bus I noticed around the main road. The road looks like very serenely. That moment the time will be nearly three o'clock in the afternoon. I soon started to walk home between that Bushey foot path.Then I felt some body following me. I increased my walking speed because of afraid. <br/> Again I heard something breathing sound very closely. Then I started to run and I prayed for any one should come in the foot path but no one come there. Suddenly someone onrushing from the bushes front of me with covered the face by lion face mask. And the other three with tiger face mask came to me and sprayed something perfume on my face. I was fainted on that moment itself.<br/> Some time later I came back consciousness. Slowly tried to open the eyes then I heard they talking sound. So! I without opening my eyes like stupor way stayed to listening their talk. That time they all had removed their masks. Then I slowly opened the eyes and looked. Then I realised 'That 'Those gang abduct me .I thought to shout to get help from anyone. <br/> Then I understood between their conversation 'That' They pursued me without my knowledge for long days .And they brought me to an old building. After some minutes a boy came to look at me. He called the leader of the gang. 'Ricky! Ricky! Come and look at her. She is still in unconscious'.Without come to look at me he replied 'It's okay! Let be her like that it will be easy to us. Then l realised their idea. <br/>I tried to escape from there.<br/> But they had tied up me with a rope. And it's getting darkness too. l was waiting for an opportunity to move. I Slowly slowly untied my hands and kegs and I walked in the gloomy. Unfortunately! By mistakenly ! by hand taught something fallen down. Then the leader shouted 'She is going to escape. Then other three soon catch and me and tied up me again. I shouted then one of them stuffed a hanker cheaf into my mouth.<br/> I struggled with them to save myself. Finally my two hands were failed to fight with that eight strong hands .At last they one by one come and destroyed my purity and outrage me. Here after I don't like to live some more. I would like to finish my life. Finally once I thought to see you. That is why now I am here. <br/> He was excited with anger. After listen that sentences from her. And he slapped her and rebuked. And he asked 'If you passed away will it solve your problems ? In this matter nothing your fault. And our love is not an infatuation. It is a deep real love . And I did not love only your body. I loved first your heart. Here after don't think about dieing and don't get upset too. I am always with you and I never reject you. You are my better half mind it. Certainly!They will get they unexpected way of gift for your pitiable position. <br/> Okay ! How did you come from there? He asked again. Then she replied' That is at last I was in impossibility after that savages's hunting. Maybe! 'That' They thought I was dead. They put me there and ran away. Little later I opened the eyes from unconsciousness. Then I looked full of darkness around me . I guess 'That' The time will be about twelve. And I didn't hear any sound around that area. <br/>Then I tried to get up but I unable to even move my body itself. I stretch the hands and groped around me.I realised by grip of hand there is a lighter. I 'On'... It and looked no one there except me. I felt little fearing myself. And I am helpless too. For few minutes again and again took a deep breath and left it out slowly. After that l got little energy to sit. But without anything's help I unable to getting up. Then I slowly crawled to wall side with lighter's help.<br/> Caught up wall and got up and cleaned my dress and slowly came out of the building. Little far I saw there was a main road. With lighter's bright came to road. Few minutes later a car crossed me. And came reverse by me and stopped. A lady asked with me 'This time why are you waiting here'?<br/>'My route going bus didn't come yet that's why waiting for the bus'.I said. Then she said ' This is a jungle area not suitable for night .Where want to go? Tell me I will drop you'.<br/> Then I said the name of this village. She dropped me near the post office. I slowly walk and came. After listening all Joseph said 'This matter should be between us only. Others no need to know.' Okay'!. Your weariness all to leave take a hot bath and don't think mightily about it be free and take rest . I can't take rest I want to punish them first. After that only I will be relax said Monica. 'Yes ! But this is not suitable time for that'.Said Joseph. <br/> 'Will you help me to punish them 'Jo? Asked Monica.' What is this question Monica? Without myself who else will help you' Replied Joseph. 'Thank you Jo! 'Said Monica. From your eyes if came tears from my heart blood will come'. <br/>When I see you in this flimsy condition I couldn't control myself. <br/> But I am very difficultly controlling myself. Because! By any cause our marriage not good to postpone or cancel. That's why I am thinking'. Said Joseph. 'I am very proud of myself. Because my fiance's love never being fail on me. I have deep trust in your affection'. Said Monica. <br/>He taught her hands and said 'I am promise you Monica! 'I never for giving up this dishonesty without revenge'. Wait and see my further activities. They will meet an incident frightfully. That will be they never meet here before or here after. <br/>Monica continued ' You will must destroy that bacilluss upto bottom. I am sure !'And it want to be a lesson to others too'. 'Certainly ! Replied Joseph. But! What ever you do I lost my un valuable chastity. l never relapse it. While she says her eyes drops tears unlimitedly.<br/> Joseph replied while wiping her tears with his hands 'Yes you are right! ' Passed is passed I unable to relapse it'. But I can apply little bit oilment on your hurted heart by my activities'. Till that little endure your pain'. <br/> Joseph looked at the clock and said 'Monica it's midnight now. Relax your mind and sleep then you will feel little bit energetic'. She replied 'I don't know how long will take to be normal my heart and mind .Some time I am thinking it will be impossible in my life time'. Then Joseph continued 'You should control your hastiness and impatience. Think as a bad dream and try to bury it. Otherwise you can't live forever calmly. This is my humble request please'.<br/> 'Okay Jo'! I will try my level best ' She replied. Both laying on the bad but sleepy is far away from them . Sun shining for the new morning. Joseph get up and go to next room and looked at her. Monica is in deep sleep. He says himself ' Innocent girl sleeps like a baby that mishap made her fatigue after struggled with that rascals'. He went to prepare breakfast. After some time she waking up from deep sleep. Looking at the clock 'Oh my God! It's ten o'clock. 'How did I sleep this much long time telling herself and came to kitchen. <br/> Joseph is preparing breakfast. 'Good morning Jo! 'Heard her voice and Joseph turns. There Monica standing 'Good morning Monica' Replied Joseph. And continued 'After deep sleep your face is clear than last night'.' Yes Jo! I feel little bit better than yesterday' Replied Monica. 'Okay! Now fresh up and come hot tea ,breakfast all waiting for you'. <br/> 'Okay Jo!' Said Monica. After finished everything Joseph as usual went to the paddy field to work. But his mind is not concentrating in the work. Mind going around that incident of Monica. <br/> He was confirmed' That' I won't give up I betroth herself. And he decided except us need not to know anyone about this in our both homes. Monica thinking about Joseph while she works. A most valuable person! Who Completed figure by dignity. Rarely a man will be like him. My destiny was cheated me. But my luck is helping me. Unless I cannot get a husband like him. He is a jem of the gentleman.<br/> He knows my full bad story. But at least his face even I did not see any small changes. His heart is very purity and eternal as the sky. She was admired him by heart.Thank God! At least your small sight even fallen on me. That's why I met him. She prayed by heart and lighted the candle to the picture of Jesus. <br/> Joseph came back home early. Because he unable to work there with free mind set. Opened the door and came in side the home and went to kitchen to prepare lunch. Before he come she had make finished lunch preparations. She asked Joseph 'Why are you so early'? He replied 'Today my mind and hands are not concentrating in the work that's why I came back. <br/> She said 'These all by me. I come here and made your mood upset'. He replied ' You mistaken me! I didn't think like that. My thoughts are about our wedding preparations'. 'Are you sure ?' She asked'.Yes! ,Yes ! He answered. <br/> And he said to Monica 'Your parents will find you. Before that you have to speak to them.' She said 'Yes! Myself thought about that. But in this village tele phone has only two places. One is in the post office and the other one is my uncle's house. That's why I am thinking.<br/> 'Yes! You are correct' Said Joseph and he continued' Postman is my friend. He daily night stays there. If I asked he will help me. But want to tell something. 'You say! What reason can tell? 'Asked to Monica.<br/> She said 'Reason anything no need to tell... And she started to think ...After few minutes she suddenly shouted! 'I have an idea' What is the idea soon tell me ' Asked Joseph. <br/> Again Monica continued I have a' plan. Today night you go and call him out and just speak with him about any matters for few minutes . That time I will slowly go in and speaking to my parents.<br/>Okay! That is good idea! Replied Joseph. They after finishing the lunch waited until be night. 'Time is going very slowly ' Said Monica. 'You hurry to speak to your parents that's why you feel the time is slow'. Reply and laughed Joseph.' I feel very ralexsation to see you with laughter face ' Said Monica.<br/> And she continued 'From last night I didn't see even a small smile on your face.<br/> And these all being by me in that way thinking time I am hating myself'. Joseph shouted 'Stop nonsense ' In this matter where is your mistake? All were happened by itself. Here after don't blame yourself again and again understand...'Monica got afraid. This is the first time she looks at Joseph this much harshly.<br/> She silently without say anything went into the room. 'I can feel Jo's mental torture. Without his knowledge how can I hide this much bigger incident? That's why I was said with him at last by me he forgot his cheerful moments'. She murmuring herself. <br/>Night they planned way Joseph come to post office and call the tipsy post man out and started to speak. <br/>Monica slowly went into the post office and ringing the number to her home and waiting.....! Mr. Anderson take the receiver and speaking 'Hello.... ' Monica replying' Dad I am Monica ' He listening that voice and surprised and continued 'Monica where are you'? We are finding you everywhere. Where did you go? Monica replied 'Dad don't worry. 'I am fine. <br/> After two days I will come. Now I am staying in my friend's house. Tell to mom and take care of her'. Mr Anderson before speak next sentence she soon kept the receiver. And she beckoning to Joseph and left from there. Then Joseph said to postman 'Okay sir! I am leaving good night '. 'Okay! Good night '.Replied post man. <br/> Monica said 'I am feeling more free from depression after speaking to dad. This credit all belong to you. No. ...Because the plan was yours. So! Fifty, Fifty...Okay ! He said. 'Then okay ! She reply and smiled. Joseph continued 'Monica! When you smile this tiny dimple is on your face fascinating and subjugating me. How beautiful chubby cheeks...Say and he touched by lips her chubby cheeks..' And he continued 'l hope! This beautiful smile should be always on your face'. Catch her face with hands and again he bestow some more soft kisses to her rosy lips. <br/> ' This is enough Jo! 'More than hundred years I will live with this memory' Said Monica. He thought to change Monica's mind. So! He changed the topic. 'Okay Monica ! 'What did you say to your parents? And when you call who answered? Asked Joseph. Replied Monica 'When I called dad answered ! He was full of tension When listening my voice. He said' That' They found me everywhere. <br/> I said 'After two days I will come and now I am in friend's house'. And before he ask the next question I soon kept the receiver. 'Oh...That is good ' Said Joseph. And he said 'Monica tomorrow mid night itself we will go to the railway station before anyone see you. Then in the first train you can go too'. She without reply just moved the head as a symbol of okay. He knows that she doesn't like to go. He said himself 'I am sorry Monica! 'Now I can't keep you with me. Because! I am helpless in this moment. If my mom here it doesn't matter'. <br/> She said herself' I know about you Jo! We alone staying here. That is why you feeling like uncomfortable. If your mom here you will be okay. I am not giving like that critical situation to you. Tomorrow definitely I will go. You don't be hesitate'. They decided way next day midnight Joseph took Monica to railway station before anyone see her. <br/> On the way he was saying to Monica' Please you should try to forget this loath some Incident. Because! In your house you have to behave as usually you behaving way. If they noticed anything abnormal behaviour in you it will create unnecessary suspicion on you. So! You should be careful. If we just crossed this three months of gap. After that our wedding .After finishing the wedding no problem at all. We can manage everything together. <br/> She replied 'Yes Jo! 'Always I am remembering your words. Every moment I will take care of myself'. 'You take care of our wedding preparations '. And I am waiting for that wonderful day to join with you forever'. 'You don't worry everything will happen nicely'. And don't forget to write letter' Said Joseph. After they reached the railway station Joseph waited until train come. <br/>Train came on time to platform. He helped her to get into the train between the crowd .She got in and sat nearby window. She looked at him and difficultly controlled her feelings and tears. And both said goodbye each other. Train starts move both waving their hands until disappear each. <br/> ' Love is an excellent feeling' Joseph saying himself on the way home. And he feels 'If Monica stayed with me I will be free from mind disturb'. My mom any day should <br/> not to know about Monica's problem. If she knew she won't be agree to this marriage. That is natural every parent willing to give everything freshly to their loved children. My mom only not exception to rule. So! I should handle this matter carefully.<br/> Maybe! The time understood their feelings therefore gone speedly. <br/> How ever after three months of the gap started Xmas celebrations. Another few days to their marriage. Family enjoining much about their marriage. But she didn't enjoy.<br/>Monica closed the room door and fall in the bed and started to cry. She murmured 'How long I was expecting for this good day. Today that day also came but I unable to enjoy with real feel. She released a deep breath and said' What to do all my fate.' Then somebody was tapping the door. She quickly wiped the tears and opened the door. <br/> Her mom stands near the door asked 'What are you doing in the room? There people started the preparations for your wedding. But in your face no any happiness.Your face is so dull. Without hide tell me. Is there any problem with Joseph? She soon said 'No mom with him nothing problem'. I worried because after the marriage between us little gap will come about that.<br/>'Oh.....My little girl don't worry about that. 'You are so cute'. Hug her and said mom. <br/>She said by mind voice 'I am sorry mom. Because! I am hiding a big bitter incident from you'. After she left from there again Monica shut the door and starts cry. <br/> Both sides very grandly did all the decorations for the function. John invited his all the officers to marriage function. So! He deeply watched about every preparations from workers of the function. <br/> On the wedding day.....! After finishing of all the formalities John gift them two gold breslets as a marriage gift. And he itself weared it to their hands and they thanks to John together. After that both came to the party Hall. <br/>On the way party Hall Joseph said to Monica 'Please Monica little change your face with smile everyone watching us ' She replied' How can I do that Jo'? He replied again 'I know it but others will feel like something else. Really if you can't at least fake smile even want to be on your face'. 'Then she said 'I am trying '<br/>That day night after finishing dinner every body entered into their rooms for repose. <br/>Joseph and Monica entered into their room and Joseph started to say something with her but she is not there. He looks every side of the room. Then he heard a vomiting sound inside the bathroom. <br/>She came out. Then Joseph asked 'What happened Monica! And why are you vomiting? She replied 'I don't know ' I suddenly felt giddiness and vomiting sensation'. 'Oh.....Maybe! 'Food indigestion will be' Now you take rest tomorrow go to doctor and we will take a check up. She slept after say goodnight. Joseph also slept but unable to sleep he had a small doubt about Monica's giddiness and vomiting sensation. Anyway tomorrow first work want to take her to doctor he decided. <br/>Morning after breakfast Joseph said to mom about going out for lunch and both went out silently. Joseph break that situation and asked with Monica. Where is your chatterbox? Without gap speaking Monica is where? And I can't see you like this. <br/>After few seconds of the silence she starts speaking 'Jo! I am not a chaste woman. That feel is killing me every second. 'You should be guilty conscious if you hidden with me the incident. But you said everything with me. So! You are clear in your side. <br/> Here after be cool and happy don't put unnecessary things in your mind' Okay,....! Said Joseph.' I am trying ' She replied. They entered into the hospital and waiting for doctor. After his coming nurse called' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph come in' They went into the checking room. After few minutes of checking doctor stretched his hand to Joseph 'Congratulations Mr. Joseph you are going to be a dad'. Monica shocked by this news. Joseph however managed the situation and shaked hand with him and after listening his advice and came out.<br/> ' What is this Jo! Another new confusion'? She asked. He replied' But this is not a new news to me. I already expected news only'. 'What are saying Jo'? He continued last night when you say about vomiting sensation I had a doubt about this that's why I brought you here . Monica said but I don't want this filthy and loathe some embryo this is abhorrence to me. And she starts crying 'Monica please keep quiet and control yourself. <br/>This is a road people moving' Said Joseph. Then she starts weeping.<br/> From main road they came to avenue. She said again 'I want to abortion this.Those cruel men abused me by forcely. I cannot absorb it'. ' And how could I again consecrate myself '? Joseph struggles to console her. Anyway brought her home after big altercation on the way. He gave her glass of water and asked to drink .She looks like crazy. <br/>Joseph sit near her and tried to make her calm but she doesn't. Again and again he tried. 'Monica please don't be affliction I am always with you'. She replied 'You are always with me' Okay.....! ' But! Yesterday marriage today conceived if said who will believe me?' That' I am virtuous. Why are you silent? 'I know you don't have any answer to this question.'<br/> I cannot face our family and out people. Tell me can you help me or can't to destroy this cruel men's burden? She asked. Joseph without reply anything went to out. Joseph started to think' I am alone can't take any decision. Anybody's support need. I can believe two persons one Mr.Thomas and the other one my friend Alex. <br/> Alex is a out person but Thomas uncle is Monica's relative. So!....He will be the best choice. Today I want to meet him yes.! ...Not good to make delay. But without Monica's knowledge want to meet him. He walked little far and stopped again started to think 'This is a serious issue'. If I said about this how will he absorb it? Positively or negatively. I think not fine to being hurry. It should be secretly for some more days. He changed his mind and turned back to home. But he unable to be free mind. <br/> But he has no consent to abortion the embryo. He said in mind voice 'For the big people's mistakes this innocent soul why should get punishment?. I can't accept it . First I want to make Monica to be agree without my permission not to do anything harm to that embryo. When entering into the room Monica is laying on the bad. He thought to take her out. And he said Monica come out we just go for a walk ' No! Any response from her. <br/> Again he said. She slowly turned his side and said 'I am not in that mood please leave me alone. He asked 'like this how many days can you spend without come out? She gets up and asked 'Why can't you understand me and my feelings? He replied 'l nicely understood that's why I'm calling you. <br/> She also need some change said okay to go out . She freshed up and coming out he touched her hands and smiled. She also little bit smiled. He took her to the church.When they trampled the church's first step she pulled her hands from his hand and came back. He shocked and asked 'Why? What happened? She said 'Why should I worship him? What good thing he did for me? While those rascals destroying me how many times I was worshipping him to help me. But he was disappointed me. <br/> Joseph said 'Monica! Destiny is powerful than everything. That was already fixed for each person by God. Human beings are powerless to go against to the destiny. Problems giving God at the same time for that solutions also declaring . So! Don't get emotional and depression.' Every thing will be alright ' Monica asked 'Then tell me the solution for this .' After few days my body declare the changes. Before that I Should clean this' Show her stomach and she said. 'Wait! If I asked you a question can you answer for that'? He asked. She said Okay! He continued.... <br/> Now a theef stolen your bag. Then you punishing whom for that? That theef or nearby you going person .What is this question ? I am punishing the theef she said. He replied 'Correct! Now I am saying the same. For those indecent fellows's faults this innocent soul why should get punishment? Why in silent mood? Give me your answer?Joseph asked. After few minutes she said 'Both are not the same tale.<br/>'Please Monica! listen to me don't do any harm to this innocent infant. Front of church promise me he stretched his hand. After long minutes of the silence she promised with unwilling. <br/> Then you telling want to forgive those devils also. She asked with extreme level of angry. He replied' No never! Even if you forgiven them up but I am won't . Their punishment is already fixed by myself. Have to activate the device only. I need some time and details also about them that's all. She said with smile 'Okay! Done. I will arrange it for you. And she said 'I feel very lightly after listening that.' My baby so. .....sweet' He pinched her cheek lightly.<br/> Why suddenly in silent mood? He asked with her. She said 'I am thinking that how can hide this pregnancy upto delivery? You don't worry your boss already planned for that. Boss ! Who is that boss? She asked ' That's me! 'The one and only boss ' He said. <br/>Without her knowledge she laughed loudly. He also laughed together. And he said 'Monica! You soon apply for transfer. She asked why suddenly?<br/>He replied 'After few months you can't hide your pregnancy. So! Before that if we shift some where any one couldn't understand. 'Yes !You are right'' She said. Tomorrow itself I will apply she said. 'Okay! 'Then problem solved.He said with smile. After some days they decided way she got a transfer to a school far from this place.<br/> Both families and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas too came to railway station to send off them. ' Here after upto delivery no problem' said Joseph on the way journey. She said 'Yes! ' While lay on his shoulder.<br/>Days passed very quickly. Joseph took care her as a mom,dad and a close friend. One day evening Joseph and Monica went for a walk. Monica said 'I am feeling very guilty conscious Jo!. He asked why? She said' As a every relationship you taking care of me.<br/> But as a wife according to the rule normally a husband needs anything I didn't give you. And even you didn't try to get yourself . Your satisfaction, Happiness everything you sacrificed for me. Your mom is an angel. That's why she got you as her son'. <br/>'In the world no one equal to you'. Then he said <br/> Monica!' 'Just don't appreciate me this is a humanity. Each people should help others'.' I can understand your thoughts. Already our love mixed with our hearts. Physically mixing is not an important matter. Your health only more important now remember that. <br/>We are youngsters we have more time in future to other activities'.And he continued ' You need meditation'. After we go to the new area I will arrange it for you. Then she replied 'You are clever! 'What ever I say closing my mouth correctly '.' For that all need some talent'. He smiled proudly.' Yes sir! I am agree to that.' After say that she also smiled. <br/>Both for few hours forget their mental pressures and enjoyed their journeying. After long journey they reached their new place. When they getting down from train a boy came to that spot and asked 'Madam are you Mrs. Joseph'? She replied yes ! 'Okay! Madam ! To both of you accommodation is ready.' Then Joseph interfere and asked 'First tell me about yourself and who asked to help us?<br/> Then he started to tell ' My name is Richard. Madam's dad Mr. Anderson is my uncle's family friend. He called to uncle and said to arrange everything.That's why uncle was sent me here to receive you both'. But dad why did not say anything about this ? Asked Monica. ' Maybe! He thought to surprise us'. Said Joseph. 'Yes! You are right' Replied Monica. <br/>'Okay Richard ! 'Take us to home'. Said Joseph. 'Yes sir !' He replied. And he called a taxi and put their luggage in the boot and opened the back door to sit them. And he sat with driver and mention the route to their home. <br/>They reached the particular place .And Joseph paid for the taxi driver. Richard was waiting there to support them to cleaning work. <br/> Joseph and Monica looked into the home and enjoyed. 'Thank you so much Richard!' Nice home arranged for us said Joseph.' It doesn't matter sir! Replied Richard' With smile. <br/>After finishing everything Richard went from there. 'Monica!' This is a new experience for us' 'Said Joseph. 'Yes Jo'! She replied.<br/>After few months one day Joseph took her out for ralexsation. That is a modern city. therefor every facilities are available there. Park, Restaurant ,Big shops all around that area .They went to a restaurant and bought some foods and went back home. <br/>Night after dinner Joseph said' Last time when we went to the hospital for checking then doctor said' That 'If you had back pain immediately come to hospital and admit you'. She replied 'I am not hurry to see this child'. This is ...If I say anything you will get angry. So! No! Comments. She stopped without finishing the sentence.<br/>'Comeon Monica'! ' Please don't show your abound to this infant'. Said Joseph. After listening that without any reaction she went into the room. Few months later one day from morning she felt abnormal pains in the body. She said about that to Joseph. If you feel back pain anything tell me said Joseph. That day evening itself she started to suffer with back pain. <br/> Joseph soon called a taxi and took her to hospital. On the way go to hospital she said' Promise me again 'That' You will do it'. Joseph understood about her meaning of the promise. ' Certainly Monica! First you should be relax from this condition' Said Joseph. She didn't speak anything more but tears only dropped from her eyes. Joseph embraced her with him then her tears fell to his shirt. He slowly wiped her tears and said 'Please trust me! I never forget your promise. <br/> Definitely! I will fulfil my troth. I promise on your head he keeps his hand on her head. She soon took his hand from her head and kissed back of his hand and said 'I have trust on you. But your humanity will try to avoid it'.That is only disturbing me. 'No...No. ....That is impossible. If I given up this! Then I won't be a good husband to you. Said Joseph. And he continued 'I am waiting until finish your delivery. Because! If I started now itself I couldn't work properly. Often mind will be disturb by your thoughts. That is the cause to postpone this matter. <br/> With their dialogue they reached the hospital. Joseph asked the attendant to help him to take her to doctor. After the examination of doctor he ordered to nurse to shift her to labour ward. Last moment of her labour pain she caught Joseph's hand tightly and looked at him with full of tears in the eyes. Joseph stroke her gently and released his hand from her tight caught. And attendants took her to labour ward. <br/> He couldn't control himself. So! He went nearby church to pray for her. After some times of prayer he came back to hospital. Then that ward working nurse come and said 'Mr Joseph You have a good news. Your wife delivered beautiful boy baby. He was very excited after listening that news. And she said 'Now we will shift her to the normal ward there go and you can look. But your wife is still in unconscious stage without disturb her look your baby'. <br/> Then he replied 'Thank you so much ma'am for the great news. After some time attendants brought her and newly born baby to normal ward. He went in side and looked them two. And he kissed her forehead and looked at the baby and he said himself 'A beautiful boy'. Definitely! She will compromise after looking at his face. <br/> After that he came out of the ward. And he meet the ward nurse and said 'Ma'am! I have to go out to buy somethings for their needs. 'You little take care of them please.' 'Sure!' Mr. Joseph! You go I will take care of them ' thanks to her and he went out. Few hours later he came back to hospital. Out lots of crowd around that spot.He also moved there . Make the crowd side and he looked. In his shout full building itself freezed Monica. ....! He faint and fallen on her. <br/> Soon doctors , attendants and there had people altogether carry him and admitted in the ward and informed to police. Within few minutes police force presented. One of the police officer gave the information to head office. Afterwards police officer Mr. John had come there and he looked at the dead body. He unable to believe his eyes. Total confusion but he without disturbed himself followed the duty. And he ordered to disposed the dead body to postmortem and ordered to inspector to start and continue the enquiry and he moved from the spot. <br/>After some hours Joseph returned to consciousness and he soon asked the details with nurse about her suicide.She started to say 'After you go some time later she returned to consciousness. Then I spoke with her and I took the baby from the cot and gave to her hand and said 'So sweet your baby' Afterwards I moved from there'. <br/> After few minutes she come and asked a pen and a paper. Then I asked 'What for' She said want to write a letter to her parents. Then I gave. After some time again come and said 'If my husband came give it to him'. Gave me the letter and said she going to take bath. <br/> I take the letter and kept. After few minutes heard a big sound everyone running to out. Then I also go and looked that time she was at the bloody top to bottom. Did the police come? He asked. <br/> She continued 'Yes ' They checked the body and sent it to postmortem. And higher officer Mr.John checked the CCTV camera. She gives me the letter and going to lift had area. Then police officer Mr. John asked the letter with me. I gave it . He took it a photo copy and gave me that and original he took as a evidence. And he come and looked at you and the child and asked me to inform you 'That 'Later come to meet him .'Okay 'Now where is the letter?He asked. <br/> She gave it. While he reading the letter his tears covering the letters. He wiped the tears and again trying to read he unable to do it. Then nurse ask and read the letter and tried to console him. And She continued' Mr.Joseph you are a really great man. Cause of her suicide is when she looking at the child she sees that mean persons's faces on this child's face. So! She couldn't suffer with that life long therefore she took this decision. <br/>Again she continued Mr.Joseph! If you need any help ask me. I will do it for her. But don't excuse them. Joseph replied... Never ! And he said thank's Miss...Joseph stopped. She said 'I am Miss Leena. 'Oh....'Thank you Miss Leena' He said. Some time later doctors hand over the dead body to Joseph after finishing the postmortem. He Finished the formalities of the funeral with arduous mind set. And he came to Leena and said' Now I need your help. <br/>She replied 'Sure Tell me! He continued' Very hardly controlled myself and I finished the formalities. Now the work is I have full fill my promise. So! I have to go. Till I come back can you take care of this child'? She said' With pleasure! You take your own time to complete your work .'And all the best'!. <br/> 'Thanks! Miss Leena' Now I will do I my work without disturb. He went from there and he was adventure to accelerate previously he planned system. And he followed already Monica gave details. First he went their area and began to watch their haunt. He realised their daily routine. Now he begins to injury inflicted in return. They daily travelling route without their knowledge he pursued them to get an opportunity. <br/> As usual they went to drink whisky to bar. Joseph soon get down from his car and come to their car and little damaged the wire of petrol supply. Few minutes later they come and get into the car with tottering. Behind them he continuesly followed. Middle of the way their car was stopped. The gang leader Ricky was driving the car. He looked at petrol meter and said 'Oh...My God! The petrol is over in the car'. Then all four getting down from the car and waiting for any vehicle. <br/> Joseph on that way passed them quickly. Then he thought way one of them clapped and asked to stop. He also stopped little far from them. He run and came to him and said. 'We need to go urgently can you give us lift please'? He replied 'It doesn't matter each other should help. Come and get in'. That boy called others and got into the car. Joseph starting the car at the same time they un expected moment he sprayed to them the same perfume by them sprayed to Monica.<br/> 'Can you four remember this perfume's fragrance'? Asked Joseph. After few secconds of sprayed that four fainted. He brought them to the same spot they brought Monica. First he weared the gloves to the hands and carried each in side the building and put them down and he knocked their hands and legs appropriately remove. And he kept four knives there. And he made powder the diamond removed from the ring that presented by Monica's dad.<br/> He mixed that with hunny and poured into a small bottle and hung that bottle in the ceiling fan. And he sprayed water to their faces then they came to consciousness . And he said ' I am Monica's husband! Other all you four can recognise when deeply looked at this spot. And one more good news! Just now you four drank whisky already by me poison mixed whisky. <br/> Within one hour if you did not take the anti risk medicine no one protecting your death. But I am not a bad man like you four. I have keep a solution in that ceiling fan. There hanging anti risk medicine to safe a person only. One sip of medicine at once want to gulpe it . In you four who dieing who living decision is your's. <br/>Good bye! He come out and close the door and he was watching them through the key hole.<br/>They soon removed the rope and jumped to take the knife.And friends changed as enemies and struggled to kill each other to take the anti risk medicine. Finally Three killed by each other. And the leader Ricky only left over. He soon pulled the table to ceiling fan and get on that and take that medicine and at once gulped and falling down from the table and started to drop blood from the mouth. <br/>Then Joseph opened the door and came in side and he said ' You four gave how painful situation to my lovely wife? After deciding to suicide when she jump from the top of the hospital building she would have felt much more painful than this. More than that this is not big. If had to punish you four more than this any way I will give that as a gift for you and your friends. <br/> This painless death is a revenge of my wife's death. Until come smell out from this place no one knows about this. And this is the punishment for the mean person. And he waited there until Ricky passed away. He came out after his passing way . Then he saying himself to an ant even I did not do any harm. To day I did this task for my Monica's love. <br/> He came back to hospital and took the child from Leena and coming out. And he heard a voice 'May I come with you as a baby care taker'? He turn and looked at Leena. She standing back of him. He without say anything looked at her and just smiled. She released' That ' The smile is symbol of okay. And she took the child from his hand. And they going towards for their bright future...After some days area people informed to police about the bad smell of that building. <br/> Police officer John come to that place with his team and disposed the dead bodies and asked to them find anything evidence. One of the police man brought a breslet and give to him and said 'Sir! This breslet had near that dead body. He took it and looked he shocked with that. Because! That was weared by him to Joseph on his wedding day as a gift. <br/> He said by mind voice 'Bro 'You advised me to be honest. But today you became as a culprit. And his mind voice said' He has chance to do this. But this only not enough to testify. Because! Maybe! Be might have lost it somewhere. Anyway deeply l want search some more traceable evidence about these murders. He thinks the way to follow his bro's advice.... <br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/> <br/> <br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>

Hi, Readers I am Abi Wazi, Writer on Webnovel. There are many novels of mine. Read and send me your comments.

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