
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs


Michael points at Shounen-Chen. Everyone was shocked. Including the girls. As they would not expect him to choose Shounen-Chen.

"What? I though Michael and Chen were friends?" Sue Mo said with a confusion look on her face and shock in her voice.

"Yes, Michael has shown incredible strength and eliminated countless opponents. So why would he choose That boy as his opponent? " Hasley Mo pondered.

"It's not for Michael's sake but it's for Chen." Amy Said while Shounen-Chen begin to walk towards the ring with a nervous look on his face.

"what do you mean by that?" Queen Tillie asked

"Michael wants nothing more than to help Chen but for Michael to call him out like this. It must be for a good reason." Kelly Page said confidentiality.

"She must be right. He maybe brutal and fights without mercy but there's a side to him that pulls you in. His not the type to bully his friends." Sue Mo said in a heart felt way.

Hasley Mo began to start crying out of the blue.

"waaaaaaahh…my little niece has fallen for such a brute… Oh no, his going to take her away for me… Nooo… I can't let that happen." She cried while hugging Sue Mo tightly.

"wait.. Wait.. Auntie… It's.. It.. Not like that" Sue Mo frantically tried to explain her while blushing gives it away.

The rest of the girls couldn't help but feel sorry for Sue Mo's embarrassing feeling.

"Honesty I don't know what's Michael is planning to do with Chen but we'll just have to see." Amy said while looking onto the Ring where Shounen-Chen is now face to face with Michael.

"Chen, do you know why I called you up here?" Michael said with a friendly smile on his face.

Shounen-Chen looked hesitate but grips his samurai sword.

"I don't know but what I do know is that you are very strong." Shounen-Chen said while taking out his sword and holding firmly with two hands.

"I called you out here because I want to prove, not only to yourself but everyone around here that you are not weak." Michael said while He takes out his Dragon Tooth Blades.

"Not only that but since the first time we met. You are the one person I wanted to face in a one on one battle." Michael said, taking out the Dragon Tooth Blades and taking his battle stance.

The stadium fell silent as they waited for the fight to start. The anticipation swept through out the stadium. Giving sliest anxiety to each individual.

(crowed chatter)

"what's this? Isn't that Chen guy too weak."

"Yeah, that Lee Guy just destroyed Almost a hundred competitors."

"Tell me about it. Didn't he talk about not bullying others."

"That's what happens when you have too much power. It gets in your head."

"Chen, before we start. I just going to let you know that if you make the slates mistake. I WILL KILL YOU." Michael said with a serious look in his eyes. Shounen-Chen could feel the intent Michael is giving off. Him. He said nothing back but held his ground. Michael just smiled.

Michael Sprits towards Shounen-Chen. His caught off guard by Michael's speed but manages to block Michael's attack.

They exchange blows at a high speed but Shounen-Chen is being pushed back with each attack.

'Dame it.. His so fast and his not giving me a chance to recover. Is Michael really trying to kill me?' Shounen-Chen asked himself as Michael is ruthlessly attacking. Michael then hits him with an attack that literally pushes him at least 7 feet away.

Shounen-Chen breaths heavily.

"Chen, this is not a game. If you want to save your sister. You can not be weak anymore." Michael said.

'His right, I can't be weak anymore. I have to save my sister.' Shounen-Chen thought to himself while having flash backs of his sick sister running through his mind.

Shounen-Chen, this time attacks at will. His speed increased and blows became heavier. He swings his sword downward with one hand. Michael bocks it easily but under Shounen-Chen sleeve came out a small brown bag. It flew close to Michael's face and a flash of light comes out. The light is so bright it blinds Michael.


Out from beneath Shounen-Chen feet grew a fire like Lotus. It bloomed out and covered Shounen-Chen and his surroundings. From The corners of his mouth, he breathed fire through his teeth. Shounen-Chen's footwork and Movements where like a shaman's traditional dance. Shounen-Chen closed the distance to Michael very quickly. He Moved his sword from the bottom, upward but Michael quickly stepped back to dodge his blade. Unexpectedly fire surrounded the sword and burned Michael with a blast. Michael was sent flying across the ring with his shirt on fire.

"Wow, that boy is a fire type user." Hasley Mo said in a happy tone of voice.

"Yes, although I've seen many fire type users but I've never a Technique like this before." Queen Tillie said with a curiosity look on her face.

"It's called the (FIRE LOTUS DANCE). It's a long lost Technique that was used by fire tribe Shaman century ago." Chun Xi said appearing out of nowhere.

Everyone is shocked to see the Head Sect Master appearing in front of them. Amy was especially surprised as she did not notice him as well.

"Head Sect Master we apologize for not being where we should." Hasley Mo and Queen Tillie Bow out of respect. As well as the rest of the girls.

"haha.. Now, now… Let's just relax. I'm only here because it's really boring to that I have to deal with the other Sect Masters. So I let out a clone in my place." Chun Xi said while Laughing like a Child.

"Even if Chen is using a long lost Technique. I see he hasn't fully Mastered it yet." Amy said while watching the fight closely.

"Or maybe your Brother has met his match." Chun Xi said in a serious manner.

Shounen-Chen Stood still waiting for Michael to get up. The fire, made His clothes and hair look and move like raging fire blowing in the wind.

'I have to forget about cultivation levels and how strong he is. I have to do whatever it takes to get back my sister.'

Michael finally got back up. His Black Long sleeve shirt is burned. Michael puts the Dragon Tooth blades away and ripped the rest of his shirt off. On Michael back were two tattoos. In the centre of his back is a large, solid black Cross. Above the Cross, just below the neck. Is a tattoo of 3 spirals, joining the centre in the form of a triangle.

The move, Shounen-Chen used did not harm Michael. When he looked at Michael, he could see that Michael looked disappointed.

"I though I asked you to not hold back." Michael said with an angary look on his face. Once again taking out the Dragon Tooth Blades.

Shounen-Chen is confused by this. He takes his battle stance. Spreading his legs and bending his knees. He held his sword over his head. With the sharp side of the blade facing up ward. Pointing it at Michael.

Shounen-Chen charges up his energy. Fire began to break out of the form the Fire Louts surrounding him again.

At the same time they both sprinted off towards each other.


An explosion of fire and smoke spread through out the ring. Making it hard for anyone to see. Once cleared, you could see Michael and Shounen-Chen with their backs facing each other.

Shounen-Chen has two large wounds like an X across his body. Suddenly Shounen-Chen fire around his body disappeared and he coughs up blood. He collapse to the ground and a pool of blood emerges from under his body.

(Crowed chatter)

"Oh my god his dead"

"he killed his own friend"

"his a mon….. MONSTER!"

"How can someone be so Cruel"

"Oh My God… Did Michael Kill Shounen-Chen… It.. It can't be" Kelly Paige said putting her hands over her mouth out of shock. .

"No.. I.. I. Can't believe he would do something like that." Sue Mo stuttered out of shock.

"Well as much as I would like to punish him. This is the life and death ring. I'm sorry for your loss." Chun Xi said with a disappointed look on his face.

Amy just stood their and watched. Kelly Page tugged Amy by the arm to get her attention.

"Sister Amy… Please.. Please tell me Michael didn't kill him…please…"Kelly Page Begged with tears in her eyes. Amy just looked and could not answer.

" i… I… I just can't believe Michael would kill his own friend.. Didn't he want to save his sister!" Kelly shouted while continuing to cry.

Amy hugged Kelly Paige to comfort her and said.

"You silly girl. I'm going to punish Michael for making you cry." Amy said then wiped Kelly's tears away.

"Listen sister Kelly. Everything Michael does is for a reason. To you it may look like he Killed Chen but theirs another reason why he did that." Amy explain witch made everyone curious and they watched on.

"So how long are you going to pretend to play dead." Michael said in a domineering manner.

"For a demon as strong as you are. To play dead. Is really a bitch move." Michael said sarcastically while looking over his shoulder at Shounen-Chen's body.

While lying on the ground. Shounen-Chen smiled in a evil way. Suddenly fire spread out from under his body and All across the ring. The pressure of power coming from him. It stared to spreadthought out the stadium like a heat wave. People were taking cover because of the heat's strength.


Large amount water came from underground and flowed up against the arena's walls. The water flowed upwards into the air. Water came together in a dome shape form, Separating the crowed. On top of the dome. The water came together and a shape of a beautiful women. Her body looks like clear water and wears gold bracelets, beautiful gold necklaces, gold crown fit for a queen. It was as if she is the embody meant of the dome.

Queen Tillie used a water technique to cover not only her but the entire stadium's crowd from the heat.

"AMY NOW!!" Michael shouted.

Amy jumped in the air and stood on a Magic crest. Using it Like a plat form.


Around the ring chains grew out from the ground. Then linked together to create a steal cage so tall is could peek outside the stadium. . Barb Wire surround the chains and Giant horrifying skulls on each side of the cage. Each skull, looked as if it is alive.

"what kind of technique is this? " Queen Tillie asked as she looks at Amy in the air. Amy seems to be holding the Cell.

"Never Mind that. The boy has a Fire Demon in his body. I've never felt such fearsome power." Hasley Mo said. With the serious look on her face.

"Hey, this is the part where you tell me you back story. So please lets just get this over with." Michael said sarcastically.

"YOU DARE TO CALL A GOD OUT AND ASK FOR A STORY!." Demon spoke in a Demon like voice that could send chills down your spine.

"Come on, if you're going to kill me. I might as well hear how a God ended up in Shounen-Chen Body." Michael

The Demon God thought about and said.


Lee Xeng face was truly shock about what her heard. His body shacking as if he had heard great news.

'[RED LOTUS FIRE]!!... That is the ultimate fire for alchemy. To bring out at least 90% effectiveness of Every pill. That boys [RED LOTUS FIRE] Must be mine' Lee Xeng thought of evil ideas.

Chun Xi's clone could sense Lee Xeng's evil intentions.


" So that's it." Michael said casually.

" I thought it was something cool. I guess I was wrong." Michael said with a disappointing look.

" No wonder Chen wouldn't use his full power." Michael the took out the Dragon Tooth Blades.

Michael puts the blades together. The upper and lower jaw put together looked like a dragon skull. With its jagged teeth interlocks. The eyes on the Dragon skull lit up with a bright red colour.


Black shadow like fire gushed out from the sword. The blades combine into one. The Skull mouth opens. Red and black leather straps appeared out of thin air and wrapped itself around the handle of the blade. Intertwining with each other. Out of the opened mouth dragon skull. Came out a black blade that grew 5feet long 12cm wide. At the end of the blade is a 45 degree angel, straight cut, one side is sharp and shined a red colour. Suddenly a burst of evil, murderous intent spread through out the stadium.

The Fire God Arinna looked at him with astonishment in it's eyes. It could too see an evil Shadow figure of a Dragon coming from behind Michael.

'WHAT EVIL POWER IT HAS' it thought.

Michael placed the sword on his shoulder and slowly walked towards the Fire God.

"YOU DARE TO DEFY A GOD!!" Fire God shouted.

"Just Shut up. I don't care what happened to you a 1000 years ago. I'm going to bring my friend back and his going to kick you ass."

The two, Instantly clash. The speed is fascinating. It was as if red and black streaks of lightning attacked each. Each attack emitted emended power. Clash after clash with their swords, waves of power and heat got hard for the audience to bear. As large as the Black Dragon Sword size. Michael is able to move it as if it a light sword. But Arianna refused to back down. It's was using Shounen-Chen's fighting style but at a fast more powerful rate. The strong amount of power intensified with every blow. Each slash broke or melted parts of the ring. Michael comes down from the air with his sword above his head. Above Arianna, Michael swung his sword downward but Arianna Side-steps flawlessly, sipping once around to dodge the attack. Michael hits the ground with great force and visashs black energy comes out. The black energy destroys part of the ring. All the way to the walls of the Cell. A huge explosion occurred but Arianna is not Fazed by this.

With Michael missing his attack, left an opening. As Arianna side stepped, it's sword hand is free. It aims for Michael's neck but Michael's reflexes are too quick. Michael let's go of his sword witch is stuck in the ground. He then back flips, barely dodging the sword. Michael lands on one knee and hold out his arm next to him. Back shadow like chain that seem to have already be connected to the hilt of the sword to Michael's arm appeared. Michael pills it and the Black Dragon sword flew right past Arianna back into Michael's hand. Michael got up and quickly ran towards Arianna and swung his at it at a fast pace. Arianna defended each attack but in the middle of the exchange. Michael successfully hit his knee against it's face very close.

" Dame it Michael. If we survive this. You have to take me out on a date." Amy whispered to herself. Amy began to struggle holding the Cell together.

Suddenly Amy sense two people behind her. Amy turned her head to see. Hasley Mo and Queen Tille with a serious look on their face.

From this position if they were to attack Amy she could do nothing. They lifted their hands and sent their into Amy's Body. This helped Amy to gain more Control over the Cell.

"little Amy, for taking care of my little Sue Mo. It's only natural that I would help her friend." Hasley Mo said with a smile on her face.

"I'm only doing this to protect the innocent people." Queen Tillie said as if she was not doing this out of her own but you can tell she cares.

Amy smiled and said.

"For the first time today. The Two Sect Master have shown me that not all Cultivators are evil….So….thank You."

Hasley Mo and Queen Tille couldn't help but feel happy.

In the ring the battle raged on. Michael is being pushed back and the Sun God is attacking furiously. Michael slides back from the last blow he just received. Michael is still holding his sword firmly, his breathing becomes heavy.


The Sun God Arianna shouted


Out of Shounen-Chen's body came the Demon Sprite From of Sun God Arianna. It is large muscular body and has the head of a bull. It's horns large and curled.

The fire around it is intensified and the ring began to melt. The sprite form breathed in fire and released a gigantic ball of fire from its mouth. The fire ball travelled, melting the ground as it went.


The attack was so intense that Amy, Hasley Mo and Queen Tillie could barely hold on. After the explosive power had calmed down. Amy could not longer hold on. The Hell In a Cell cage disintegrating back into the ground. Amy the lost energy and began to fall from the sky. Luckily Hasley Mo and Queen Tillie were there to catch her.

"My God, Sect Master Tille. Are getting old or is this new generation of kids all monster." Hasley Mo said while breathing heavily.

"You maybe right. Holding that cage alone depleted a lot of energy. . I can't believe this little girl is able to hold it on her own." Queen Tillie said while breathing heavily herself.

As Queen Tillie looked down at the ring. All you could see is fire and smoke on Michael's end.

"it's just too bad. There is no way that boy survived such an intents attack." Queen Tillie said with a reluctant look on her face.

Amy opened her eyes to just a little to say.

"No… There is no way.. An attack like that can never kill Michael."

Both Sect Master are surprised that she said that. They looked down again to see. After some of the smoke disappeared. Half the ring is on fire, destroyed and the ground beneath it as well.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH…. YOU THINK A MER HUMAN CAN DEFIY A GOD… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The Sun God Arianna laughed until it noticed something in the fire that. Shock him.

"NO… IT.. IT. CAN'T BE.. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE FOR A HUMAN." The Sun God Said and fell to h

It's Knees.

"….. BLACK FIRE ….."