
Revenge Blood

Drake the 1st Demon knight of the 12 Demon knights, First vampire (Dracula). He was betrayed by his father Lucifer Morningstar and his body was destroyed and his comrades were banished during the escape to earth. But Drakes soul was sent to earth and was accidently imprisoned in a 10 year old boy named Michael. Michael and his little sister who have been bullied by Society for being poor and not being able to cultivate for in this land only the strong have a safe in the week are left in the slums. all Michael wants is to protect his little sister from the world of cultivators and Drake with a mission of Revenge. Drake and Michael bounded by Faith team together for revenge and blood. So the question is, will they save the world and defeat hell or will they destroy both with No Mercy?

DevilsDead69 · アニメ·コミックス
37 Chs


Jane is dangerously driving the van down the Road. Amy is sitting in front with worry in her eyes.

At the back Sue Mo is upset with Yuri and refuses to talk with her.

"come on.. Are you still mad.. I was just joking.. I'm sure his okay.." Yuri said

"you don't seem to get it. Amy knows his situation better than anyone. If she says his in trouble then she means it." Sue Mo said in a serious manner.

Then she turn her head to give Yuri an evil look.

"if anything happens to him.. I'll never talk to you.. Never call you.. Never ask for your help.. And completely forget about you.." Sue Mo said even serious than before.

Those words scared Yuri to the core.

"Michael what black magic did you use on my sister!!!"

Soon they get to the Lee Manner. They run off to the back where the teleportation array is. After they teleport, they immediately run to the open field.

"look I see the cabins open." Jane shouts. As they get close, they see a blood trail to the cabin. They get to the cabin to find Michael against the door. He has blood on his mouth and blood stains in his hoody. He looked like a mess.

"oh my God.." Sue Mo said as shocked to see him in that state.

Amy quickly checks his pulse.

"Shit his pule is took weak." Amy said while Jane opens the door. Amy creates a king sized bed and jane helps her to put Michael on it. She rips his blood cloths off.

Jane and Sue Mo blushed and looked away. Yuri just gets to the door as she is very dizzy.

"Sister Sue and Big Sister Jane. I need you to come upon the bed with me." Amy asked ergantly. Jane and Sue Mo found it hard and Michael looks so defenceless.

" No.. NO WAY.. MY BIG SISTER SUE MO IS NOT GETTING ON THE SAME BED AS HIM!!" Yuir shouted but Sue Mo tied her to a chair, then gaged her and made her face a corner.

After Jane and Sue Mo got on the bed.

Amy got on top of his lap, Jane was on his right and Sue Mo on his left.

" okay guys we just have to touch him and transfer our QI into his body" Amy explained but they hesitated. Their not even looking him but their blushing.

"Ladies if we don't do this he will die and if you still don't want to do this then…" While Amy was talking she was taking her shirt off till you could see her red lace D cup sized bra.

"Stop Sister Amy… I… Can do this" Sue Mo said

"I'm his Big sister now so I'll have to for fill my duties." Janie said nervously.

The three of them touch Michael's upper body and begin to transfer QI. All three girls are trying very hard as they are blush for every second they spend touch Michael's muscular body. Amy checks his vitals but looks disappointed.

" Amy is something wrong?" Sue Mo asked

"Yes, although we are pouring in Qi it's too slow it barely enough to keep his pulse from dropping." Amy explained sadly

Shocked by her words Jane looks at Michael with sad eyes. Suddenly Sue Mo begins to take her cloths off.

"what are you doing Sister Sue?" Amy asked

"I just met the first Guy I don't hate and I'm not going to let him die. She gets out of her cloths till she's has nothing but her pink lace panties and her D cup sized bra. She gets in bed beside Michael and hold his arm between her breast. This cases her to blush uncontrollably.

Jane soon follows Sue Mo's lead. She takes off her close till she's in her purple lace underwear and she gets in bed beside Michael.

Amy takes shirt and skirt off. Climes in bed on top of Michael and lies down on his chest.

"remember to think about how he makes you feel to help you give him a strong bond for the QI to flow." Amy said as she lies her head his cheat to listen to his heart beat. Sue Mo held his arm and her hand held his.

Janie held his arm between her breast just like Sue Mo did.

Suddenly a light begins to shine…

(inside Michael's mind space)

Michael is walking the dark. There is water on the floor. The person guiding him is the women that help Miss Chu. The beauty in the sun hat. She takes him to a white door with a pentagram magic crest on it. As she turns around and walks away Michael said.

"I know it's you mom."

And she stops walking but does not turn or say a word.

"it's okay Mom. I miss you everyday, I still remember how your smile looks and how happy you made me feel. Even when my heart falls into darkness. It the memories of you that makes me stronger.. I just wanted to say.. Thank you" Michael said whole heartedly.

She said nothing and kept walking. After some distance she whispers with a tear running down her cheek.

"I miss you too"

Michael hears and turns around to find no one and he just smiles.

He looks at the door in front of him and opens. He enters a white room to find a man dressed in black. He looks like Michael and has Akuma mask On, but has white hair.

"Hello Brother" he said

"I'm not your brother. You're just the side effect of using Demonic Art. Evil Qi" Michael said.

He gets up and walks over to Michael and stands in front of him.

"dear brother you can't keep running away from me. Every time you get close to death. I get stronger. The way you go about your life. Soon I'll be free and you'll be stuck in here." He said. Michael turns around, walks towards the door and said.

"uhmp.. I'm sorry but I'm not dead yet and when the time comes when you do break free. I'll be there waiting for you." Michael then opens the door and walks out.

"and I, will waiting for you my Brother."

Back at the cabin. After the strange light disappeared. Sue Mo and Jane open their her eyes and noticed a strage pattern in their ring finger.

"uhm.. Amy.. What is this?" Sue Mo asked.

Amy takes a look and sighs

"Sister Amy, whats wrong." Jane asked because of Amy's facial expression.

"okay.. When me and Michael were kids training with Master. Master thought it would be funny to put cures on Michael because Master was scared that Michael would be alone for the rest of his life." Amy said reluctantly.

"what do you mean by cures?" Sue Mo asked.

"it's a Marriage cures. Any girl who falls for Michael in there heart and get close enough to him are bound to him. So basically you guys just became his wives…" Amy Said trying to make the last part sound not so bad.

"mamamammmam….. Marriage?" Sue Mo stuttered to say.

"uhm… Eerh.. Sister Amy there must be some mistake.. I mean.. How can I have fallen for Michael?" Janie asked in a confused voice.

"well, you and Michael did spend time together during our mission so.. Your opinion of Him must have Changed during that time." Amy suggested.

Jane thought about it and had flash backs of when Michael was being nice to her, how much of a man he look and when he held her as they jumped out of the building.

Janie began to blush and stayed quite.

"So Amy.. I know it not my place to ask but do you have one." Sue Mo. Nervous asked and almost immediately Amy answered

"oh yes, about the very second Master out the curse on Michael. Hahaha.. You had to see the looks on their faces." Amy said while showing them her cures ring.

"yeah, so I'm basically his first wife and Sue Mo is the second and Jane is the third." Amy said smiling.

"Sister Amy, how can you be so calm about this?" Jane asked

"well It's because it's always just me and Michael. Having more sister that love him like I do is something I could only hope for. " Amy smile looked genuine. All Sue Mo and Jane could do is Smile.

The next morning Michael woke up in a Daze. He noticed Amy lying on top on him and he smiled, knowing what she had done for him.

'silly girl' he thought.

Then when he tries to move he also noticed Sue Mo and Jane. He is quite surprised but ketp his composure. He felt very grateful and lucky about how far they would go for him.

After a while, Sue Mo woke up to see Michael is gone.

'oh my God… Where is he.. Did he see me naked?.. Oh my god, does he think of me as some cheap women.' Sue Mo thought

As she gets dressed, she hears noises outside. She opens the door to find Michael exercising. He is upside down. Standing in two fingers and lifting himself up and down.

"1010,1011,1012" he counted.

Kelly was nervous so she didn't say anything. Michael suddenly stopped.

"good morning Miss Mo" he said cheerfully and gets on his feet.

"uhm.. Uh.. Hey.. I mean.. Morning" she said

Nervously while he walked up to her.

"I got something for you because I know it was hard for you guys to have gone so far me." Michael said while taking out a neckless with a pink diamond shaped gem.

'it's so beautiful..' Sue Mo though as she blushed.

"it's no big deal. So thank you.." She took the neckless.

"and Please call Sue." She hide her smile but he could tell. So he got closer to Sue Mo witch made her heart beat uncontrollable and he softly said.

"from now on. I'll call you Sue."

Her face turns red and her mind goes blank. She closes her eyes and gets closer to him. He looks at her lips and goes closer to himself.

"WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING!!!!" Yuri shouts. Sue Mo is feeling so embarrassed and Michael is stunned for the fact that he didn't know Yuri was still here.

"oh good Morning Yuri. I didn't even know you're still here." Michael said in a dumbfounded way.

"it's because of you my Big Sister Sue tied me up all night and now you're tiring to use your black magic on her again. You womanizer!!!" Yuri Shouts but forgets who she's embarrising.

Sue Mo grabs Yuri by the collar and drags her away.

"Yuri I think you need to learn about what not to say." Sue Mo said in a evil manner. As she dragged Yuri, you could see her cry.

Afterwards Amy and Jane come out.

"Morning Guys, I just want to thank you for everything you guys did for me." Michael said sincerely.

"you risked your life to save mine. This is the least I can do." Jane said blushing, making Michael smile.

"Hey you guys!!" Kelly shouted from a far. She is walking along with Drake, Miss Chu and Principle Lee.

When Drake got there he said.

"Things will be difficult from here on. I know you all have different ideas on how your College life should be but judging from their actions. It won't be easy. Mss Chu had already explained to me how things work there.

"not only that but their expecting The Akuma Trio as well." Miss Chu pointed out.

"So I've come up with a plan and all of you will have a part to play."