
Revelation of the Orcs

Struck by lightning, his soul miraculously traversed to the continent of Sauron, becoming an orc youth named Barok. This world, where strength reigns supreme, is both cruel and unfamiliar. Among all the races on the continent of Sauron, the orcs lack the power to protect themselves; they are the weakest. Enslaved and slaughtered by powerful humans, despised by other races, they live in the most barren and desolate regions of the continent, constantly facing life-threatening monstrous beasts, harsh natural environments, hunger, and chaos. What path lies ahead for the orcs? Barok roared in defiance: "Follow me, let us orcs change the rules!" This is a world of mythical beasts and monsters, of battle energy and magic. The orcs will rise under Barok's leadership!

tianzekunkun · ファンタジー
88 Chs

The Fearsome Human Battle Formation

Barok had heard about human battle formations from Massimo earlier. At that time, he held the same belief as his tribesmen: how much combat power could a group of ordinary soldiers gain just by forming a battle formation? He didn't consider it a significant threat.

Later, he came across a record about human battle formations in a scroll. The shaman who documented it warned with a solemn tone that anyone who dared to underestimate such formations of ordinary human soldiers would pay a hefty price!

Barok once casually asked the old orc Zakari and Selene about it, but even with their status, they were unaware of this military secret, which made Barok, always cautious, take it seriously. While secretly monitoring the Scorpion Mercenary Group in Dolun City, the most valuable intel he obtained was overhearing Huda and Sawa mention the term "battle formation." And today, as expected, the mercenaries formed a battle formation!

However, the tribesmen didn't seem to think that forty-odd human mercenaries huddled together in a turtle-like formation could be formidable. The four fiercest orcs, wielding battle axes, charged at the first layer of the mercenaries' shield defense with a roar.

The result shocked the tribesmen who were about to charge. The human shields did not shatter, and the soldiers did not scatter. The shields of over ten mercenaries overlapped in a way that created a strange ability, absorbing the tremendous impact of the four massive black iron battle axes. Although the shield formation retreated slightly, the four orcs, whose power couldn't fully unleash, felt even more uncomfortable. They tried to pull back their axes to strike again, but it was too late; the humans didn't give them the chance!

Sawa's broad sword, infused with battle energy, doubled in size and swung in a circle, blocking the four battle axes. In just a brief moment, four thick spears shot out from the shield formation. This all happened in mere seconds, so quickly that the tribesmen behind hadn't even caught up before seeing Angler, Muru, and Zainzu impaled by the spears. Just as the spears were about to be withdrawn to finish off the three orcs, the usually timid Barotan exploded.

Barok had discovered that Barotan had the potential to cultivate beast battle energy (known to humans as battle energy) and taught him the technique Massimo had passed down. Barok, busy with other matters, had almost forgotten about it. However, Barotan, ever obedient to Barok, hadn't forgotten and seized every opportunity to train, though with little progress. Unexpectedly, in this critical moment, seeing Angler and the others about to be killed, his rage ignited, and he lost his rationality, roaring furiously. The dormant power within him surged through his body, emitting a faint red glow, and he casually cut the spear aimed at him, then threw his battle axe, shattering the sturdy wooden spear with a few crisp sounds.

The human battle formation remained unperturbed by Barotan's sudden outburst, appearing calm and ruthless like a machine. Commander Sawa squinted and issued orders, advancing the formation. Barotan and a few tribesmen barely had time to rescue the unconscious Angler and others. The remaining orcs were unwilling to retreat so easily. One tribesman shouted, "Let's charge together! I don't believe we can't break this human scum's turtle shell!" All the tribesmen swarmed forward!

Barok, watching coldly from a distance, shook his head. This was acting out of impulse. Mindless orcs couldn't match the disciplined mercenaries. He waved at Lark, who had been hiding nearby, and the lazy Earth Dog finally emerged from the sand, sauntering towards the battling sides.

While the human battle formation was formidable, Barok could see that Commander Sawa had only grasped the basics. Although their defense and counterattacks were sharp, their transitions were full of flaws. If Barok were leading the attack, he had plenty of ways to exploit these weaknesses and break the formation. The tribesmen suffered because it was their first encounter with such a formation and their extreme underestimation of it, leading to heavy losses.

Fortunately, everything was under Barok's control. Despite many injuries and the increasing number of wounded as the tribesmen charged wildly, no one had died yet.

Barok now considered human battle formations the highest threat level. Today, if Sawa's mercenaries were seasoned soldiers forming a complete "Odoil Formation," Barok believed none of his tribesmen would escape; they would all perish here. According to ancestral records, in many large battles with humans, besides being defeated by the humans' "Giant Formations" in large-scale engagements, more than half of the casualties were caused by such small formations of fewer than a hundred soldiers.

Barok knew that one day he would face human armies. To avoid defeat, he had to start preparing countermeasures now!

The mercenaries' turtle shell remained solid, impervious to the orcs' battle axes. Even if a shield was broken, someone immediately filled the gap. Withstood the orcs' fiercest attacks, Commander Sawa prepared to counterattack. They had three battle energy warriors, and their broad swords, mixed with mithril, could channel battle energy. Three glowing battle energy sword shadows slashed out from the shield formation, sending the leading orc warriors flying back. Their axe handles were cut, and they were left with huge gashes, their innards visible.

Barok dashed to the front of the formation, blocking the three battle energy strikes. Using Ice Blade, he cut through the shield formation, creating a screeching sound, and ordered the tribesmen to retreat with the wounded without looking back.

The orcs, who had lost their initial high spirits, now felt dejected, carrying the wounded back to the rocky area. Barok effortlessly parried the three battle energy warriors' attacks, glaring coldly at them. Everyone he looked at felt uneasy!

"Orcs, why attack us? Aren't you afraid the Paddington Kingdom's army will destroy your tribe?" Sawa sensed the young orc before him was not to be trifled with, feeling a twinge of fear and regretting accepting this escort mission.

"Sawa, and Huda, perhaps you don't recognize me, but dear Mr. Misa, surely you have some memory of me?" Barok casually circled the turtle-like formation, holding a beautifully decorated long sword that glowed with battle energy... Alvin's storage ring indeed had good items, like this ornamental long sword, which contained both mithril and adamantite. It could easily channel Barok's beast battle energy, making its attacks formidable. If Barok attacked now, he might not break the formation in one strike, but he could definitely kill a mercenary.

Huda and Sawa looked puzzled, turning to Misa, who also seemed confused. He didn't remember much about Barok, whom he had met only once in Black Crow Town. Until Barok reminded him, he suddenly realized, and his body turned cold!

"Dear Mr. Misa, do you remember Bata? The first time I entered a human town with Uncle Bata, we met on the streets of Black Crow Town. Barok greets you!"

Misa understood everything, trembling all over. He never expected the orc to become so powerful! Regretting not eliminating these threats during the raid on the orc tribe was too late. The priority now was to escape, regardless of the Wald Merchant Caravan.

After hearing Misa's urgent explanation, Huda and Sawa also turned pale. Gold and wealth were secondary to their lives. Almost instantly, they agreed, and Sawa ordered a retreat.

"Oh, leaving so soon?" Barok's calm voice echoed, "That's not how guests should behave. If word gets out, people will say we orcs are impolite." With a whistle, the hidden Earth Dog Lark suddenly emerged from the sand. Due to the hasty retreat, a gap appeared in the turtle shell formation, and Lark seized the opportunity. The shield-bearing mercenary dropped his shield, clutching his half-severed throat, and fell to the ground convulsing.

"Well, if you insist on leaving, I won't stop you... at least not today! Goodbye, we'll continue tomorrow until all of you stay as our guests!" Holding the boasting Earth Dog Lark, Barok turned and left, seemingly unconcerned about the mercenaries escaping.

**--- Divider ---**

Angler and Muru were pierced through their left shoulders. If they hadn't dodged in time, their hearts would have been impaled. Zainzu remained unconscious, having charged at the enemy with a spear in his side, smashing a shield before being severely injured and fainting.

The others weren't much better off. Out of forty tribesmen, more than half were wounded. They sat silently, heads hung low, the atmosphere heavy and oppressive.

Barok treated the injured with shamanic healing methods. Apart from the severely wounded Zainzu, who needed time to recover, the others had minor injuries that would heal in a few days.

"Do you still think ordinary human mercenaries are easy prey?" Barok asked, looking at everyone.

No one answered. Barok continued, "We orcs are physically strong, much stronger than humans in terms of sheer power. But why have we, once mighty, been reduced to struggling for survival?"

"Of course, there are many reasons, but undeniably, apart from our bodies, we lack in many areas compared to humans. Take today's battle... If you had observed the enemy's movements even a bit before charging in like madmen, the outcome wouldn't have been so disastrous. We orcs lack proper combat tactics, which is one thing, but what we truly lack is discipline, iron discipline


"Barok, what should we do?" Barotan asked on behalf of everyone. Although uninjured, recalling the battle filled him with fear. If not for the timely retreat, he couldn't have withstood the attacks from Sawa's battle energy warriors.

"Put away your laxity. If we want to rebuild our tribe and make it strong, you must follow my commands. I will train you harshly, even cruelly, making you feel like you'd rather die. But in the end, you'll taste victory." Barok never missed an opportunity to instill loyalty and obedience. Though partly selfish, training the orcs to become disciplined warriors would significantly enhance their combat power.

"Barok, we listen to you. You know I've pledged my life to you." Barotan, Barok's loyal brother and follower, was the first to shout excitedly, and the others followed, their spirits lifting.

Barok almost felt guilty... Was it despicable to win their loyalty this way?