
Revealing {Book~1}

Sarah a white wolf, everyone believe she a Runt and can't shift. Riley a black wolf, everyone believe she is human and can't shift. The last year of high school is when things start getting hard for them! Alpha Carson's two son's haven't found their mate's. With the youngest son Matthew graduating school, the pressure is on them! If they don't find their mate's before graduation, Matthew becomes the new Alpha. Girl's are just wanting to stay in the shadows... Matthew his mate Haley, and the Luna plans events for the senior class. Can they or will they be able to get out of it? Can Logan and Shane figure out the girl's are there mate's, before it's to late? Can the brother's be able to get them to join the pack? Or will they leave the town of spring valley? Must continue to read and find out.......

RADS2K · ファンタジー
33 Chs

chapter 2

I've got say the last few months of school hasn't been that bad. Me and Riley have the first three classes together. We both have B lunch and study hall last class. With both of us have AP classes we are not around the seniors.

The AP classes are smaller this year because people could not keep up the GPA scores. The last few years we had fourteen people in attendance this last year we only had eight and this year we only have five in attendance for AP.

With the Halloween season going on this month. Bryson and Samantha are trying to get me to come over to the pack house to celebrate with them. Like every year I end up going over to Riley's and spending Halloween with her.

We always have such great fun! We normally go out in the graveyard late at night and run around and play games and tell ghost stories. We normally mess around with some of the really popular kids homes. We tepee trees with toilet paper. We egg bomb there houses.

Now Thanksgiving is here and we normally always celebrate at my home. Mom decided that we were going to have it with Bryson and Samantha this year. You can say that I was a nervous wreck!

That would be an understatement! I tried my best to talk Riley into coming with me. She wasn't having any of it. It seems like luck was not on my side. I bump in to you know who? It all did worked out in the end.

Christmas was more tricky with my mom. She assisted on me staying with Bryson and Samantha during the Christmas break this year to. I argued with her telling mom that I wanted to spend time with Riley some to.

I had a little Christmas time with my friend at her house. I told mom that it was unfair because, we went there for Thanksgiving and this was going to be my last Christmas with her before I left to college.

We got in an argument. Her saying that I'd be come back home for Christmas. I told her I wouldn't because I'd probably be studying for exams. Or I could being hanging out with my new friends.

I even told mom that it was possibility that I could meet my mate there. We want to spend the holiday together. Just me and him. That seemed to get her off my back a little. All in all we ended up having a pretty good Christmas.

For the New Year's I spent it with Riley.

The next three months it was a lot of fun for me and Riley hanging out together. Running around and making memories.

When March came around the weather was getting warm. On some days we decided to go up to the pond just six miles from the pack house. That's when we running into Breanne and Jennifer.

(Picture on top of the page)

Knowing that we were so close but, yet far enough away from the pack house. We had our shorts and t-shirts on. That didn't stop the two of them from shifting back to human from. It didn't take long for them to start bullying us. Turning around and walking away from them like we so many times.

Walking along in the woods going back to Riley's place, we ran into Jennifer's mate Gabe and my brother Bryson.

Gabe is telling us that Jennifer was with Brianna and they was at the pond. My brother was trying to get us to go spend time with them. Saying that it would be good for the both of us. Haha!

People of this pack knew that I hung out with Riley a lot. She wasn't really considered a member of the pack. Most of the member of the town even though she didn't live in town. Well she lived out on the outskirts of town.

The one thing about Riley was people talked about her just as much as they did about me. Because she lives with her uncle J. Who lived on the outskirts of town. He was a man that kept to his self and hardly ever came into town.

He worked in the Alpine mountains as a truck driver, that hauled gravel out and over to the crusher plants.

Everyone in the town knew, that he was human. That he had full custody of his niece.

Even though everybody saw him as just human. He was very tall, built of large muscles. Nobody wanted to mess with him. They all thought he was like this because of the work that he did.

Riley and her uncle moved here when she was around five years old, her uncle J told the elementary principal that Riley mother was a werewolf. That is why she has a sent just like all the other kids. J little brother was her farther. He was the last living relative she had. The only time people saw him or her is when she would come to Elementary school.

Alpha Carson went to meet with J to talk about Riley. Because a part of his pack. The alpha found out that it was going to be her choice if she join the pack.

But J told Carson about her mother rejecting Riley and her father. The mother abandoning her, she almost died from that. All he what was to stay within the community, and Riley go to the Spring Valley Schools.

Alpha Carson agreed and says that if she ever shifted, he must be notified.

He said they both would be members of the Spring Valley Community. As many years passed it seem that Riley was human. Around the time she would have been fourteen there was never no reports made that she shifted.

Alpha Carson accepted that she was human and not a werewolf. He never thought more of it after that.

What J didn't tell the alpha was that he had a werewolf. That he lost because of his on mate rejecting him.

~ love to hear your thoughts and opinion on what you think of the story so far!