

"Sebastian what did I ever do to you, to deserve this ill treatment?". I asked him with tears in my eyes. "I hate you so much Bianca." Sebastian said to me with a cold and a harsh tone. I stood there like a drenched cat, letting the tears flow down my cheeks freely. Sebastian fixed his eyes on the magazines on his hands, not showing any sign of sympathy towards me. "Fine. This will be the last time you would be seeing me." I said to him with a shaking voice. "Go faraway, where I would never have to deal with you again." He replied back to me coldly. I nodded my head in tears, barging out of the bedroom. I ran away to a deserted place, where I would have nothing to associate myself with someone like Sebastian and his family. ******** My name is Bianca Mowers, I'm the only daughter and child of the Mowers. I went into a contract relationship with the toxic son (heir) of the Kurtz. I ended the relationship with Sebastian, not knowing that it would be the beginning of my motherhood to my daughter, Zoey. Fate reunited me back with my ex fiance, after so many years of separation. What does fate really want? How would he react, when he finally finds out about our child?......

Authoress_Oma · 都市
86 Chs


Jasmine and her friends at Gosglow bumped into Liam at a royal banquet of one of the richest family at Gosglow.

It was an evening banquet and everyone at the table was from wealthy families.

Jasmine's friends were also wealthy, if not wealthier than her family.

Her friends were really classy and had traces of arrogance in them. She was nothing like her friends.


On her way to the rest room with one of her friends Sophie, Jasmine bumped into Liam. He was dressed in an expensive outfit tonight.

He was really looking different and Jasmine never knew that he had such great taste for dressing.

"O.m.g!! Liam?"." She asked surprisedly.

"Jasmine?". He exclaimed on seeing her.

Both of them hugged each, still surprised by meeting each other unexpectedly. Sophie just stood there, wondering what was going on between the both of them.

"What are you doing here?". She asked him.

"I should be asking you instead." Liam replied her.

"Jasmine please can we go already?". Sophie asked her, putting on disugested looks.

Liam ignored her looks, still facing Jasmine. Jasmine and Liam exchanged their phone numbers, while she walked away with Sophie.

Getting into the rest room, Sophie dragged her to a corner looking at her suspiciously.

"What is it?". Jasmine asked her.

"Who was that dude?". Sophie asked her suspiciously.

"A friend from Manchester city." She said.

Sophie still gave unconvinced looks, but Jasmine wasn't ready for the drama tonight.

Liam was very happy that he met with Jasmine. He was hopeful that he would get to know about my whereabouts, now that he has finally seen Jasmine.

After the banquet tonight, Jasmine and her friends headed over to a ride that brought them to the banquet. Liam sighted them, and ran after them.

He hurriedly dragged Jasmine backwards, while she looked at him with surprise.

"Liam, you again? What do you want?". She asked him.

"Can we meet at a nice place this weekend?". He requested.

Before Jasmine could say a word, her friends approached them in their numbers. Liam wondered the kind of friends Jasmine made in Gosglow.

"This nonentity again?". Sophie asked her, indirectly throwing jabs at Liam.

"Who's this gold digger please?". Ava, a girl on brown hair locks asked Jasmine.

"Let's get out of here. I feel irritated already." Delsa added.

Ava held Jasmine's hand, pulling her out of the scene. The rest of the girls followed them behind. Liam got very pissed off by their insults toward him. Jasmine regretted letting her friends insult Liam in such manner. She was going to apologize to him on their behalf.

★★Back home★★

Getting back home, Jasmine headed upstairs to her bedroom. She sat ontop of her bed, gently pulling out some dangling earrings on her ears.

She suddenly remembered to give me a call, since she saw Liam earlier.

"Ring, ring." My phone rang ontop of my bed side table.

I stretched forth my hand from the bed, reaching out for my phone. I picked it up, checking who was calling. Immediately I noticed that it was Jasmine, I sat up on my bed.

"Hello Jasmine, why are you calling me so late at night?". I asked her.

"I went to a royal banquet with my friends this evening and I met Liam there." She revealed to me.

At a point, my heart stopped beating out of shock. I obviously didn't want to have anything to do with those people. I have slowly moved on from all of them and I wanted it to remain that way.

"Are you still there Bianca?". She asked,after noticing that I have been silent over the phone.

"Yes I'm." I responded with a very low tone.

"What do you suggest? He also wants to see me during the week ends." She said.

"Don't reveal where I'm recently staying to him or anybody else."I said to her.

Jasmine already knew that I was going to say that. She assured me that she would keep it as a secret between us and I thanked her in return, cutting the phone call.

Everything about last year should remain there, because I was slowly learning to pick up my broken self and turn them into a new creature.


*Days Later*

Jasmine and Liam met at an expensive restaurant at Goslow. The place was really amazing and their culinary service was impressive.

Jasmine was feeling a bit akward around Liam, because she knew that both of them were always fighting in the past.

"So why did you call me out here?". She asked him curiously.

"Can't we just stop fighting like in the past?". Liam asked her, putting on a frown on his face.

"If it's about Bianca, then I have no clue of where she's." Jasmine strucked his ass before his very eyes.

Liam was surprised to hear that, but he obviously knew that she was lying. His real intentions was to get closer to Jasmine, so that she will finally open up to him about my sudden disappearance. It seemed like he had something to tell me.

He wanted to inform me about Sebastian's and Zoey's future departure.

"What are you saying?". He asked her, laughing out aloud.

Jasmine's gave him a confused look, wondering what has gotten into his head. He obviously didn't drink so much, so she kept wondering why he was laughing in such manner. She wasn't expecting him to react that way to her reply.

"Are you really okay Liam?". She asked him.

"Of course I'm. I'm not here for Bianca. I just felt like we should correct our past mistakes." Liam lied to her.

Jasmine was unconvinced by his lies. She kept looking at his face, while Liam wore a deceitful look. He was trying his best to appear cool before her, but all those tricks just made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Well, if you say so then that's cool." Jasmine said to him, sipping a glass of juice before her.

"You're a native of here too?". He asked her.

"Yes I'm. I guess you're too." She said.

Liam nodded his head, trying to get into some meaningful conversations with her. While they were still discussing, Jasmine suddenly remembered the apology she was owing Liam.

"Oh yeah about that,...." She paused.

"About what?". Liam asked her, looking at her confusedly.

"I'm sorry about the last time." She apologized on her friends behalf.

Liam flashbacked to the banquet and he suddenly remembered how her friends disgraced him that night. He hissed angrily, getting irritated and angry again. Jasmine knew that their behavior the last time got him very upset.

"You didn't do anything wrong to me." Liam said to her.

"They're my friends, so I ought to apologize on their behalf." She said to him.

"There's no problem then. We can also be good friends starting from today right?". He asked her, bringing his hand forward for a handshake.

Jasmine found his behavior very weird, and she almost threw up out of shock. She pulled herself together, gulping down a bottle of water at their table. She looked at him for few minutes, before going for the handshake.

"That's fine by me. I really look forward to less troubles in the future." Jasmine said to him.

"I recently work at the business sector of Greenville company here in Gosglow."Liam revealed to her.

She was really surprised to hear that from him. Her sudden facial expression got Liam curious. She obviously had something to say about that.

"Incredible. I also work there as the personal assistant to the director." She said to him.

"So, you are my senoir colleague at work then." He caught her with his humour, as both of them laughed at his joke.

Liam was happy that his little tricks were working for him, and he hoped they become very close in the future because only then will he get his hands on my present location.

Jasmine was obviously comfortable than she was, when they just arrived at the restaurant.

Happy new month my beautiful readers. I'm sorry that it's coming late from me. Please keep reading my novel and always remember to synchronize each chapter because more updates are added.

Authoress_Omacreators' thoughts