

I wake up with a splitting headache mostly because I couldn't sleep until very late in the night.

And why? You might ask. Well its because all I could do was think about the kiss Eric and I shared minutes before.

Yeah kill me I totally deserve it for being a total jerk buh some part of me still can't stop thinking about the fact that that kiss was mind blowing.

Yeah...... Like I said kill me.

I walk out of the house and pick up the watering can since mum is still asleep.

I begin to water the flowers humming my favourite song "Birds set free" by Sia when I remember my Dad singing Avicii's 'the nights' whenever he was watering flowers. The thought brings tears to my eyes as and I quickly wiped them away. I miss him a lot and it was like I should just bring him back to us and spend more time with but I can't since I am apparently not God.

My mind drifts off to my mum who was probably still sleeping. I decide to make us breakfast since it seems best to the best option right now. I have to ask mum when the burial is since it shouldn't be so far away.

Just as I am entering the house I sight a strange figure standing far away as if observing me. Odd.

I felt uncomfortable and quickly hurried inside but not without noticing the strange figure adjusting his/her hoodie and moving towards a black SUV.


I enter the house quietly so I don't disturb mum and begin making breakfast.

' Probably just a passerby who was trying to observe the area '. I murmur to myself but something within me keeps troubling me.

Whoever this guy is, he's weird and I hope he doesn't trouble my family.

There was as something strange about how he left after I went inside the house.

I place the kettle on the burner and shake the weird feeling away.

He probably won't come back anytime soon.


It's evening and I am boooored out of my wits....

Not even a mail from the postman. I've been indoors playing games and chatting with all my friends and they've all gone offline but hey I logged out 10 minutes ago because I was bored and I logged in 6 minutes after 'cus I'm still bored.

I called Zoe since she's obviously the queen of fun. She's gonna arrive anytime soon and we are going to the club.

Hey!!! Stop throwing shit at me okay I know I'm still a minor but hey I'm not gonna drink myself to stupor and also it's only a few months till I turn 18 so there's technically no serious crime committed is there? Besides I went to the bar like 2 or 3 days ago.

Ding dong

" You're early ", I yell as I run down the stairs.

" Yeah right! I'm early or you don't know how to read a damn clock", she replies as I open the door for her to come in.

"C'mon girl, you not ready yet?" She says apparently pissed off with my lateness.

"Just lipstick and mascara will be needed so if you hold on for a minute I'll be done and...."

" Or you can put 'em in your purse and do that on our way there. Girlfriend the more time we waste the tighter the security ".

" Alright girl, let's go partaaaaaay " I yell as we hop in the car and I can't help but notice the black SUV parked in a corner at the bottom of the street.

We drive on and the SUV is out of sight until I sight it right behind Zoe's car.

"Girl, I think we are being followed", I state to Zoe who stares at me with wide eyes then I point to the car from the sideview mirror.

" We are gonna be kidnapped!!!!!" She whisper yells and I laugh.

" Stop being such a drama queen", I say and turn to spot the SUV but it's gone.

Zoe turns to face me shocked and then shrugs, " I guess our kidnappers didn't think it was to follow us since we probably are just broke....... Or maybe they aren't kidnappers buh a simple family", she says in a tone that says 'you're such a drama queen idiot we weren't being followed "

And part of me did actually hope I was a drama queen and this was all a play.