
Returner Created the First Mecha System

After the Dragon Disciples revived the dragons, the world fell into a catastrophic state. The dragons destroyed half of the world. Jaxon fought with the rest of the Subjugation Company, continuing to sweep the dragons, leaving only one—the formidable last dragon. They fought it but unfortunately failed, resulting in their deaths, with Jaxon being the sole survivor, thrown back into the past. He expected the looming threat of dragons and sought to stop their revival. Upon his return, he gained a mysterious ability from an artifact, becoming something called the Assimilation System. With it, he aimed to save the world once more, while uncovering his potential and creating a giant weapon to fight dragons and monsters—a colossal metal humanoid called Mecha. Determined, Jaxon masters the gifts of his ability to create Mecha, intending to aid him reach his goal. In a world where gadgets, artifacts, magic, and cultivation intertwined, Jaxon’s journey ended up creating the greatest legacy on land—the Mecha System. —- A/N: A story about a returner creating mechas to fight off dragons and other monsters. An adventure in a world where artifacts, gadgets, magic, and mechanics intertwine.

yohananmikhael · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Nux Family's Legacy

<< Orca Nux's Point of View>>

Humans were known as the dominators, the predators of the humanoid species on earth. Their ability to adapt to mana made them capable of conjuring and casting magical spells, which gave them the power to rule the world.

Demi-humans, on the other hand, were toys for the humans. Their extraordinary appearances amused humans, leading to experimentation and exploitation that created tension between the two kinds.

But humans saw the hostility of demi-humans as insignificant. They weren't considered threats, as their abilities were limited to those of their equivalent animals. For example, weredogs had enhanced senses and strengthened bodies like regular dogs, but their aptitude for magic was low. Despite these abilities exceeding human anatomy, demi-humans were still overpowered by humans.

Demi-humans were weak. They became even weaker when humans decided to build nations. Despite factions forming and wars occurring in every era, humans shared a common trait: a deep-seated disdain for demi-humans.

Hundreds almost a thousand years after the forgotten Dragon era, slavery was introduced. While some nations prohibited slavery for moral reasons, other nations practiced it solely on demi-humans.

They were used for menial jobs such as plowing land for agriculture, farming cotton, chopping trees, and serving as cannon fodder. These 'menial jobs' were easy for demi-humans but extreme for humans. Although it remained like that at first, human treatment of demi-humans worsened. They bred them for pleasure, both sexual and diabolical. Some used their bodies for pleasure, while others tortured and killed them for different kinds of satisfaction.

This practice persisted in human society until the advancement of mechanisms and gadgets. People became capable of replicating common artifacts that minimized repetitive tasks such as boiling water, creating fire, producing wind, communicating, and sensing.

Despite the brief decline in slavery due to humans being fascinated by these discoveries, they eventually reached a point where they needed to experiment with 'extreme gadgets.' Naturally, they chose to test these on demi-humans.

For almost a thousand years, demi-human species suffered under human hands. This had to end; moral standards needed to be reformed, and laws created to protect their rights. However, this didn't sit well with humans, who feared these 'beasts' would take advantage of such rights.

This wasn't the only problem humanity faced. They created tensions with each other and harmed their own kind for personal gain. The long reign of humans over the world needed to end. A reset was necessary.

Children, the most cherished creations of life, should be loved, cared for, and protected. However, a significant problem rooted in human nature made this difficult, as this nature would be inherited by subsequent generations.

Hence, the world was suffering. The continued atrocity of humanity would eventually bring destruction to the world. No one would save the demi-humans. No one would clean up humanity's atrocities. Thus, a change was imperative.

A few generations ago, one of our ancestors discovered the remains of a colossal monster. These remains were unlike any existing monsters, which our family studied in secret. This research lasted for two generations until my grandfather discovered the Dragon Disciples, who shared our ancestors' goals. They taught us about dragons and their history.

The Dragon Disciples wanted to learn more about dragons. They studied methods to bring them back to life, and fifty years of effort finally bore fruit. It was the Revival Ritual, a form of Dark Magic.

I inherited a dragon's remains, hidden inside a golden wineglass artifact. It was passed down to me that the artifact would fill with blood if it detected the human blood required for the Revival Ritual.

Our family's main goal was to cleanse the world, erase humanity's atrocities, and summon the dragons to bring about a significant change. They would bring a true definition of power that would end the grim nature of humans. One way to ensure this was for our family to rule over humanity.

Cleansing the world aligned with the Dragon Disciples' mission. Thus, our family joined them in the tenth seat.

'Human nature is an ugly nature. They purge indiscriminately, not just demi-humans,' was a wise teaching my grandfather left before he died.

This was indeed the reality. So, I ensured that our family would rise in status and raise the people required for the ritual to bring the dragons back.

I was happy when the five-generation-long plan had finally reached its step toward success. A certain person made it possible for the tribesmen to work under us and invite outsiders to live in our territory. He was an obedient young man with immense potential, a talented individual who could potentially serve our family.

My son, despite not being particularly talented, recruited him to work for money. He introduced him to me, and thus, our family was on the brink of fulfilling its long-term wish.

While striving to revive dragons, I wanted to ensure that nations wouldn't turn their hostility toward our family. Therefore, I planned to make the deaths of 10,000 humans appear natural through a monster stampede.

I aimed to slowly elevate our status to maintain the family's lifestyle. My descendants were not yet prepared. As our family's generations continued to produce new ones, the fortitude weakened. Life became easier for them, which I wanted them to enjoy before inheriting the family's legacy.

Despite being strict, I didn't want them to feel unloved. Hence, I ensured they lived the life I wanted them to enjoy while working towards cleaning the world.

Oliver, my second son, grew interested in our family's legacy. I wanted to teach him, but not until I ensured everything was going smoothly.

When he brought Jaxon, it became clear that we were finally reaching our mission. The world would be cleansed.

It was only until the same person betrayed my forming trust, turned his back, and destroyed my plan.

"Jaxon! I will kill you!"

You will not stop us from becoming dragon tamers!

At this point, you should be voting for the book every day. Just kidding.

yohananmikhaelcreators' thoughts