
Returner Created the First Mecha System

After the Dragon Disciples revived the dragons, the world fell into a catastrophic state. The dragons destroyed half of the world. Jaxon fought with the rest of the Subjugation Company, continuing to sweep the dragons, leaving only one—the formidable last dragon. They fought it but unfortunately failed, resulting in their deaths, with Jaxon being the sole survivor, thrown back into the past. He expected the looming threat of dragons and sought to stop their revival. Upon his return, he gained a mysterious ability from an artifact, becoming something called the Assimilation System. With it, he aimed to save the world once more, while uncovering his potential and creating a giant weapon to fight dragons and monsters—a colossal metal humanoid called Mecha. Determined, Jaxon masters the gifts of his ability to create Mecha, intending to aid him reach his goal. In a world where gadgets, artifacts, magic, and cultivation intertwined, Jaxon’s journey ended up creating the greatest legacy on land—the Mecha System. —- A/N: A story about a returner creating mechas to fight off dragons and other monsters. An adventure in a world where artifacts, gadgets, magic, and mechanics intertwine.

yohananmikhael · ファンタジー
58 Chs

Another Unrecognized Hero

The disaster—the carnage that occurred in Nux Territory—had reached the attention of the kingdom. Seraphis Kingdom knights and soldiers had marched to the territory, bringing the king's order. Led by Captain DeMarcus, they reached the town within a week. Lyra, at that moment, had stayed in the town to wait for her uncle. When they finally arrived, she cooperated with the investigation.

First, it started with the invitation to the tribes and outside settlers. As Lyra shared how suspicious it was, DeMarcus agreed with her notion.

"After the carnage, I saw scars of the battlefield and the bodies of the townsfolk as well as the attackers who were covered in black clothing," Lyra said, as DeMarcus scrutinized the previous plaza of the town. His eyes fell onto the depressed land and the infrastructures that had fallen. The debris scattered showed traces of mana, indicating a fight between mages had occurred.

DeMarcus nodded at Lyra's continued report.