
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · ファンタジー
34 Chs


Kagura slightly opened her eyes, and with an unfamiliar ceiling, she jumped out of bed with her hands ready to pierce anyone's heart. But the room was empty, she looked at the bat sleeping at the end of her leg room.

Tummy up, like it owned the place. Kagura finally realized where she was, the academy. She calmed down after her sudden realization and did her morning routine. And she did it like it should be for the first time in over twenty years.

She took a shower, ate some breakfast from her own cabinet. It seemed that everyone had some little snacks. You could eat something before then lunch and dinner, which are served in the cafeteria.

After eating her muesli-bar and drank water. She put on her basic outfit. Black turtleneck, some oversized trousers, and her usual black robe, however she switched the color to white and made it match the academy's uniform. She picked off her blindfold from her nightstand and went towards the door that's on the right from her bed.

She had two rooms and three doors. The other room had cabinets, table and such. Perfect for studying and storing food or snacks. Then the bedroom, just a bed, mirror, nightstand, closet and such. The normal door at the end of the kitchen led to the bathroom and shower.

But the other two were different. On of the teleported you to the cafeteria and the other one to the library. Kagura had not been to either one but would try the library now. She had her robe and was hiding her appearance perfectly so she stepped through the door.

She could see only white for a couple of seconds but after that, she saw what she had come to. The library was huge. the shelves reached all the way to the roof, there were a lot of staircases to the higher ones. Behind Kagura was even stairs to a whole new platform. There seemed to be no books, but a lot of tables and places to read in.

There weren't any signs about the sections or where any books were. She also didn't see any workers or others who could help her, so she simply started to walk around. She looked around through her blindfold and tried to look for anything, that could help her.

She didn't really know many magic types, she had seen some but those were only for large wars, like elemental, light, darkness, necromancy, and blood magic. She wanted something different, something that small warriors didn't use but the most powerful people.

She already was going to learn one, but it wasn't going to give her new skills to use in fights, it would more like boost her abilities and make her life easier. But she wanted to use new kind of magic. She already had wind, water, speed, sound and seeing which go for illusion and one other.

But she wanted more. Only three of her abilities gave her skills to create distractions or long-range fights, so what else should she do. As she was thinking of mastering all the basic element magic types and maybe learning something like blood magic.

While Kagura was thinking about something, something dropped on her head. She was so in her though and because it wasn't threatening her senses didn't awaken so it just hit her head.

She looked at the fallen book that just hit her head, wait. Why did the book drop? No one threw it at me and there isn't anything pulling it, or is there? Everything always falls down, why is that?

Kagura was shocked to never question this. There was some kind of force that pulled everything down. She knew what to study, something she had not heard of before. It would be a challenge but the strength she gained from it would be incredible.

At the same time, she saw something at the end of the shelves, it was a person. She quickly walked towards that person to ask some help for books, that told about pet training. The person seemed to be a man, he had blond hair, in this mid-twenties. He wore the white academy uniform.

As she was approaching the man seemed to notice nothing. He was just staring at one of the rows.


Kagura said to the man. He turned around.

"What do you want?"

He was pretty rude, but she didn't care she just wanted to get her book and leave.

"Where are the books for monster pet training."

"On the right, last shelf."

"Thank you."

Kagura turned around to leave but the man she had just talked to had found someone interesting. This blonde man was actually on the list of the most important people of this realm. He was just 27 and a master in light magic.

He was a royal, the second prince of the country. He had come to the academy because of his skills in magic. His brother only knew earth magic and was bad at it, but he was good with the sword. He also had two little brothers, one was good in arts and music, while the other one was a great in leadership and politics.

He also had a little sister, she was the best in making money and handling business. But one that everyone else but he had was skills in relationships. His older brother already had a child and his brothers were looking for fiancées.

His sister didn't have anyone and could not have because her brothers were very protective of her. However the prince wanted someone to love, a wife. And today he met that someone. Most women were scared of her, because of his status and cold face.

But today he met someone who didn't care for none of those, he actually knew that the woman was approaching him but didn't do anything because most of them just evaded him.

But a woman spoke to him.

She asked him a question. He started to think about her. He couldn't see her hair but she was wearing a blindfold. Was she blind? Is that why she didn't evade him? He also remembered how pretty the lady was. Her lips, face, figure, and everything.

She looked to be in her twenties. She was not tall and she seemed to be in good shape. She was perfect, he would find that woman again and make her fall in love with him without revealing who he is. So when she learns, she isn't scared but becomes his wife happily.

It was the perfect plan, with this he wouldn't be single and get a child. Yes.

So, when the prince was thinking of plans to charm Kagura, the woman was lying in bed with the book she had taken. She actually didn't just know the royalty of this realm. And she had no plans to get a husband in this realm, she had something better to do.

And that thing was to get stronger and the thing that she had to do, was to help Ciara grow stronger. She would probably change in a year physically but she also had to grow in magic and mentality.