
Indesirable rescue

Impulsively, he ran towards the river while removing his cape, swinging it on a rock from the shore, then removed his shoes. Unable to afford more time, he dipped into the water with the rest of his clothes and grabbed the girl by the waist and dragged her to the shore.

The girl showed no resistance and let herself be dragged out of the water with a relieved expression. "At last, I'm saved," she murmured. "

The rescuer could not believe his ears, he released the girl suddenly of his grip and the girl fell hard on the sand: "Ouch ... Can you not act more gently towards a disaster victim? "

"Disaster victim!?" He retorted. "Disturbed suicidal would be more appropriate as a qualifier"

Lying on the sands of the shore, the sun shining on her eyes, she covered them with her right forearm and rested while continuing to reprimand her interlocutor:

"Are you not a bit too harsh on me? I suddenly took a big wave from God knows where, you know! And for a moment I thought I was in another world and now that someone came to save me, it had to be a person with a viperine tongue without any compassion! "

The rescuer, still standing and staring at the person before him, was stunned by the complaint he received; and not even having time to answer, the girl continued "Ok! I can understand your irritation with the fact that you had to drag a giant out of the water. It must not have been fun for you", she smirked. "And what's more, she has not even lost consciousness so that at least you could enjoy her for first-hand mouth-to-mouth resuscitation ... Ah! Life is beautiful "And she burst out laughing. Which left his interlocutor even more puzzled than he was before.

"What are you talking about? Big wave ... Giant in distress ... Will you soon come out of your daydream !?" He said, unable to hide his annoyance. He crouched and with a sudden movement, he took off the forearm of her eyes and said: "What big wave, in the middle of the river? ... A giant? You? ... You have a normal size. "

The girl then came to a sudden realization: she was still not back. She sat down abruptly, legs crossed, and with a bewildered look, began to sweep her gaze all around, and her eyes finally return to the face of her rescuer, still squatting and staring at her with a piercing and inquisitive look.

She scanned him from head to toe and realized he had a rather curious outfit: leather pants, and a long tunic, probably reaching the top of his knee. So she whispered "What is the delirium with this kind of clothing? it looks like one of these costumes from an episode of a Herculean historical film", and she burst out laughing again.

This innocent laugh caused a wave of unusual emotion to the rider, so he stood up and averted his gaze from the girl. He went away and made some distance from the girl, took off his tunic, squeezed it out and spread it on a rock while retorting condescendingly: "This kind of attire!? ... tsk tsk tsk ... A shameless girl, almost naked, sitting inappropriately, talking about someone else attire ... what should not be heard? hmph ... Men are even more demure than women nowadays! Where is the world going?"

The girl feeling aggrieved after the remark about her so-called quasi-nudity answered "And what else! I'm already too dressed considering that I'm supposed to wear a beach outfit "

- "Beach outfit? "

" Yes ! Sir", she replied mockingly. "Most girls nowadays would wander in a bikini that hides only a small portion of their chest and sex, the back of their bodies almost in the air! And you dare to tell me, I who wears a tank top and leggings as a beachwear, I'm almost naked! You're certainly making fun of my prudishness!" She said with a tone of evidence.

These descriptions of women in bikinis on the beach did not leave the rider indifferent and his face began to blush. But the girl could not see it since she was still wondering about what happened to her.

"More naked than you, I have not yet met. Your clothes perfectly mould your assets", finally answered the rider after a brief silence.

The scathing remark of the rider woke her up from her thoughts and she realized the possibility of having landed at a time far away from what she called "civilization". A stream of thought invaded her head: "no electricity, no internet, no television, no computer, no phone", and without realizing it she uttered her thoughts aloud: "... how can a highly connected generation survive in a place without electricity, I am done! ... Ah!" She screamed. The man turned around and looked at her in astonishment. She was shaking her head, like a person who did not want to admit the obvious after a loss. She jumped up and walked towards the river, repeating, "No, no, no, no, no, no, it is absolutely necessary that I return from where I come! It's not going to be alright here! I am doomed if I get stuck here! What can I do with my 24 hours?" She was in a trance, and when she reached the edge of the river, she felt a hand gripping her hand and holding her back.