
Return to God

Do you not think that we should return to our Lord now?

When there is a new morning, the sun rises during the day, and when the evening falls and the sun sets, it seems that another evening of our life is fading. So knowing that day by day we are getting closer to death, we should also get closer to our Lord. We must return to the Lord who created us and gives us life every day. Sometimes it seems to me that I have sinned so much that today I feel ashamed to return to my Lord. So it is better not to be ashamed than to apologize. My Lord is Most Gracious, Most Forgiving. He is not like the worldly people who do not forgive. People humiliate and disgrace and do not forgive.

"My Lord says everywhere, O my people, come and ask for forgiveness, I am happy to ask for your forgiveness."

Many people leave this world without asking forgiveness, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, and before it is too late, return to the Lord.