
Chapter 2

The Eastern side of Kibich city was the dwellings of the wealthiest of the wealthy in Credonia. It was all surrounded by a serene environment similar to no other within the city. Amongst the well garlanded villas on the hill tops was William’s.

The landscaping alone could only be equaled to that of a palace. From the look of it, one needed not much of information to conclude that it took the best of the best architects and engineers to make it happen. Not to forget, the billions William had to part with for its being.

Inside the villa, everything seemed so expensive that Sophia was even afraid of touching. Starting from the floor, it was so blue-blooded and polished that she could see herself through it. Only that, what she saw back reminded her of the painful ordeal. William noticed her reactions and tried to make her feel at home as he showed her to the 5 star living room.

Alongside them, a group of uniformed people moved equipment around to another room beside the mega living room. Since Sophia’s time in hospital, she had gotten used to seeing such unis to the extent that she could already guess what was going on.

The lucky suitor, William, had already started living his promises to her. Being a respected professional doctor and a wealthy, powerful Jedi, he had already made plans for all the equipment he needed for Sophia’s treatment.

Immediately after they were done, William had no time to waste. He instructed Sophia to follow the nurses and get prepped for the commencement of the treatment process. Although she was skeptical about her getting better, she just gave him the benefit of doubt. In her last treatment session, almost everything she saw that day was missing.

William went his way to have a change of his clothes and commence the treatment process. A short while later, they were both in the room and ready for the next phase.

“I still can’t get my head around everything that is happening. I just hope this is not a dream I am to wake up from,” Sophia worried aloud.

“No need to worry Sophia, and yes, I am very sane and this is really happening. I am not a spoilt brat in search of a specimen and place to dump my billions. As I said to you and everyone present some minutes ago, I care for you deeply,” William assured.

“I guess I have no other choice but to take your word for it and leave the rest to the spirits as they say.”

“May be I should cut you a little to show you that it’s real. Anyway, we shall have much time to talk after this. Make sure you follow every instruction I shall give during the process.”

“Okay,” she said as she nodded her head.

As soon as they were done talking, a nurse handed him a syringe with an anesthesia as she placed the nasal cannula. William administered the anesthesia and began treating her. As she was being treated, the memory of how bad she was injured came back. She saw herself disfigured by the fire and falling debris from the exploded, burning skyscraper and lying helpless in the Kibich Central Park. She then managed to pull herself to a nearby bench.

A while later, she was discovered. Her family members were able to identify her and took her for treatment. The treatment was not aimed at restoring her to her former glory but to just heal her wounds. She could not still get around why they did not do everything they could to restore her beauty but she found out immediately she got better.

She was discharged from the hospital and taken to her new residence. To her shock, it was nowhere near their home and was along one of the abandoned streets of the city. In one of the buildings resembling an old abandoned warehouse, she was dragged and placed in one of the cold, dark rooms to await her slow death. They later threw her a slim mattress and blanket to await her delayed end in style.

All this they did not because they cared for her but for their public image. From hospital, not any other soul knew of her whereabouts. Not even her own parents were allowed to see her and they did not care to see her as much as well.

Days of solitude, hunger, cold, and total darkness later, she heard some movements followed by someone trying to open the huge metallic door. Deep down, she knew her end had just come. From how she saw her new home as she was brought in, she knew the kind of visitors she was expecting. The kind that had mayhem and inferior motives in their minds.

Shortly, the huge door was pushed aside allowing some light and a huge human shadow into her small room. Afraid, she buried her head into the blanket and awaited her fate.

“Sophia…” she heard a familiar voice, “the least you can do is at least look at me and have your food for God’s sake,” the man continued.

Without a word, she hesitated to answer or lift her head. The man noticed it and continued addressing her.

“It’s me, Jefferson, your grandfather. Let me at least see how you are doing.”

She lifted her head up slowly to look at him with a reply. In his hand was a small bag containing food stuffs, nothing more.

“How noble of you to care and visit. As you can see, I am doing just fine and alive by the way.”

On hearing those words from her, he threw her the bag followed by serious scoring using every sort of dirty language he could compose fast. In the midst of the dirty language, she heard something about them blaming her ignorance that caused their business to face challenges and lost huge amounts of money in turn.

Though she never knew of the reason as to why they blamed her, she at least knew why her family didn’t care much about her. To them, money and profit was of more value. She swore to study hard and live her own life away from them. Unfortunate for her, her grandfather was not coming to rescue her. He turned and started walking out.

“If you are not here to relocate me, at least tell me what day and time it is,” she pleaded.

Bothered by her request, he turned with anger, “you should not bother yourself with what day and time it is. You should be asking yourself why you are here in the first place. Be sure to pay for your misdemeanors though. Even if it means having to sell you, which is what we shall exactly do, if you are to survive.”

He then proceeded out and locked her in again welcoming back the scary darkness. At that moment, the doctor had finished the first procedure. She then woke from the nightmare.

Lucky for her, it was just a memory and her current home was very accommodating. Above all, she had a very sane, handsome, and loving fiancé.

Days passed by as she lived happily and getting treatment from her husband-to-be. She made sure to follow every instruction to the letter as was instructed. Finally, the day came for her to uncover her now fully recovered body to reveal her new self.

What she saw astounded her almost out of her feet. Her body was fully restored and she was as beautiful as she was 9 years ago before the explosion. William himself was happy for her and what he saw and promised to protect her for eternity.

Filled with much joy and love for William, she requested to take a shower and rest up. As soon as she left the room, another of William’s men, Peter, almost twice William’s age, walked in. He saluted him as he stretched his right hand. On his left hand was a pile of documents which he momentarily gave William.

Upon receiving them, William thanked the man and instructed him to wait a while. He then opened them to have a pick inside. In them was the information about his nemesis and the overall discovery of the plot and disaster that befell his whole family.

“Now that everything is in order, I think you should get rid of all of them. You are wealthy, respected, and the most powerful of all. Give them what they interestingly deserve my lord,” Peter advised.

“Leave those decisions to me. You have diligently done your work. It is not yet time for me to reveal myself and my plan Peter. In fact, coordinate with Nicholas and organize all the men. You should all return to the Northern region and await for my call.”

“What of your security sir?”

“Leave my two bodyguards behind. They are enough.”

As soon as Peter left the house, Sophia had finished taking her shower and joined him. Upon turning to have a look at her, he could not believe his eyes. In a long body-fitting red silk dress and matching heals, she stood beautifully. On her lips was a nude shades with warm hues lipstick that played up her warm undertone of her light-brown skin accompanied by adequate makeup on her face. He could for sure appreciate his efforts and the money spent on her.

He then walked straight to her, gave her a romantic kiss, and gave her his hand. He then walked her to his study where he invited her to register for their marriage. She took a seat and within a short while, it was all done and they became a legal couple. It was then followed by romantic kisses and expressions to each other.

Although Sophia had still no clue who William really was to her, she felt safe in her new environment and happy that she was now his legal wife and love for the rest of their promising life together.