
Return of The Possessed Villain

Once a third-rate villain. Then, the greatest. Yet, in the end, someone possessed him. After having his body taken away by the Author, Sorath has to spend his life inside the soul realm. While spending his life there, he found out he is a character inside a novel. Seven years later, he witnessed the death of his possessor, his creator, the Author. With the help of the Guardian who has accompanied him for 7 years in the soul realm, Sorath returns to the real world with a flame of revenge for the death of his creator. his fate in the novel, and his past lives. === So, if you expected the MC to be a heartless, cold-blooded, and emotionless villain then you're in a wrong place. However, if you're looking for a cunning, full of scheme, psy war, multi-faceted villain. Then please, be my guest.

Overseer_ · ファンタジー
44 Chs


Beneath the star-studded canopy of the night sky, a young boy perched upon the railing. This evening, Luna herself graced the world with her presence, casting her radiant light in a mesmerizing shade of cerulean. The moonlight bathed the world in a gentle, opalescent embrace, transforming the ordinary night into an extraordinary spectacle.

As the boy gazed upon this celestial spectacle, it was as if the very fabric of reality had submerged itself beneath an iridescent sea. The entire world seemed to sway and ripple, as if the boy had been transported to a world far beneath the ocean's surface, where the laws of gravity and time held no sway.

That was the night's view the Tower had gifted the inhabitants with. A world that seemed to be swallowed up by the ocean. This was a phenomenal occurred only in winter. A perfect parting gift for the youths before they confronted their trial.

The boy closed his eyes, thanking whoever presented him with this beautiful view.

"Haa… What a night."

What a quiet night…

Unfortunately, that feeling immediately washed away. Behind him, the French door connected the indoor spaces and the balcony swung open with a gentle, whispering sigh.

"What are you doing, kiddo?"

He heard a familiar voice. The voice was clear and pleasant, and it had a smart and confident tone combined. If only the words spouted along with the voice were something else, it would be perfect.

The boy opened his eyes, staring at the moon for a while before glancing over his shoulder. His eyebrows knitted together as soon as he found a boy with a smug on his face.

That boy was Sorath Shedever.

"What?" the boy on the railing asked with a puzzled look stamped on his face.

The wind bloomed, sending a shiver to the boys who hadn't a resistance to it. But, they were able to withstand it.

"Ah, it's the problematic Young Master," the white-haired boy said, emphasizing the last two words.

Sorath grinned. He crossed his hands over his chest, displaying a mischievous attitude.

"Well, well. Looks like someone is too afraid for their awakening they had to find comfort with the moon."

"Say that to yourself. Someone had to act docile and innocent in front of their father for they are lamenting about their privileges. But, I must admit it. You're really a good actor. Have you considered playing in movies?"

"Hmm… Why do I need to play in movies while I'm currently playing on a big stage?"

The white-haired boy raised his eyebrows. After a moment, he dismissed the thought and changed the topic, inquiring about Sorath's intention for approaching him.

"Oh, nothing in particular. I was heading to my room when I saw you on the balcony."


Sorath shrugged.

"No. Actually, I was curious. How do you fare? As a vampire, I mean."

The white-haired boy glared at Sorath, eyes wide.

"How do you know that?"

Sneering, Sorath deliberately thought for a reason. Anything, that he could use at the moment.

"Let's say that I'm the same as you."

"That you're a vampire or a Divergent?"

Sorath lifted his chin, feeling proud. "The latter."

But then, he knitted his eyebrows, feeling as though something was odd. Frowning, he studied the boy in front of him.

'He looks the same, but… I feel like there's something different from what I remember.'

Feeling pressured by Sorath's studious eyes, the white-haired boy gritted his teeth irritatedly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Can I ask you some questions?" Sorath asked, his grin widened but for some reason it was unnoticeable.


Sorath was overestimating his 15-year-old body. Unlike the other kids of his age, Sorath was born with a weak body, making it hard for him to move freely. It was the first time he forced himself to stay up until midnight when he always fell asleep before nine o'clock in the evening.

However, he didn't do it for nothing.

His initial goal in approaching the white-haired boy was to get him on his side for the awakening phase. However, he accidentally stumbled upon yet another piece of information. To be exact, it was more like he discovered something about Fred.

"I can't believe there's someone like that… again."

So, after questioning him out of suspicion. Sorath discovered that the boy he knew was someone else. He told Sorath to call him Fred.

The situation was similar to when he was possessed by the Author. Although Fred didn't have knowledge of how the story inside the tower would unfold, he possessed a certain level of understanding of how the tower worked.

"Maybe, he was an Ascender who possessed a unique Trace that allowed his soul to possess someone after he died?"

That's a possibility.

"And since he also knows about Divergent which is not a common word yet to call someone who already has a Trace before their awakening. He might as well be someone in the future!"

"But… he said that he was recently coming to his senses at the balcony, a few moments before I called him out. And, if it was something related to time travel like he died in the future and possessed Luke in the past, I would have known, or at least noticed it the moment he possessed Luke."

Sorath stared blankly at the ceilings of his room, his thought was on the deeper level of his consciousness.

He was thinking that this time, with some oddities and unaligned facts between the novel, the Author's timeline, and the current timeline, that he encountered since his return. It wouldn't be weird if something that never happened in the novel or the Author's timeline, would occur in the current timeline in the most unexpected way and timing.

Feeling as though a soundless lullaby tried to pull him into sleep, rather than resisting it, Sorath succumbed to the lullaby and closed his eyes.

'Well… I'm sure I can work it out if that were to happen…'

It would be better if it remained a mere assumption caused by his paranoia, though.


Fred was still hanging out on the balcony, alone. After the conversation with Sorath, he was surprised that the spoiled brat (according to Luke's memories) who seemed useless and talentless could find his true identity in a couple of minutes.

Deeming him worthy of his divination, which was his original Trace that somehow integrated into his new body, Fred tried to look at the Young Master's future.

"I can't believe what I see."

He had used Divination a few moments ago. But, the aftereffect from seeing Sorath's future had left him trembling until now.

"There's no way a mere human destroyed the impenetrable structure of the tower and defeated numerous Architects. Even I, Fred the Gluttony, can't do that."