
Chapter 1330: Nothing Escaped (Part 5)


With each step, a loud sound burst forth.

It wasn't Yoo Iseol, always quiet and agile like a lone swallow. Right now, an unmistakable urgency emanated from her.


Her expressionless face contorted as her anxiety grew.


Accelerating, the scenery passing by warped, she swiftly cut the throat of an Evil Sect member stumbling ahead.

In the sword strike she unleashed, there was a resemblance to Chung Myung's.


Relentlessly pounding the ground.

What clung to her blade wasn't just her own life. It was not only her life, but also the lives of Southern Island Sect disciples struggling within the rain of arrows trailing behind her.

The solitary figure of Chung Myung, standing alone after sending her off, continued to be distant. If she couldn't resolve the situation here and return in time, that figure might become the last image she saw of Chung Myung.


Impatience gripping Yoo Iseol, she forcefully struck the ground again.


Originally, gentleness and tranquility were unique strengths no one else but Yoo Iseol had in Mount Hua. It was a path she chose to compete with those born with innate strength.

Not swayed by physical strength, a sword that could be built up through relentless effort without relying on innate abilities.

That was the sword of Yoo Iseol, the Sword Maiden of Mount Hua.


A powerful shockwave surged forth at an astonishing speed. She didn't slow down, lowering her body almost to the ground, nearly flying above the earth—a marvel in itself.

The fiercely flying arrows sliced through the empty air.

Paaah! Paaah!

Successive arrows flew, but Yoo Iseol's footwork never allowed an arrow to touch her.

With a swift stroke, Yoo Iseol beheaded an archer aiming at her.


The elegantly curved sword swiftly cut through the bow that the archer clumsily wielded, severing the carotid artery in the process. Anyone witnessing it would gasp in awe; it was a sword strike as fantastical as a dream.

But Yoo Iseol was biting her lip until it bled.


This wasn't it. She had to be faster. She had to be more efficient.

She think I understood.

Why Chung Myung's was sword always so desperate. Why one couldn't find any leisure in his sword.


With gritted teeth, she ran towards another spot where an arrow had been shot.

Of course, she knew. The ones she sought weren't there. Those shooting arrows were still hiding to avoid revealing their positions.

However, right now, she didn't have the luxury to search for each of them individually. If that was the case, there was only one method.

Instead of her searching for them, she would make them come looking for her.

By wielding the sword loudly and striking down many enemies in the most central location, those who couldn't bear it would attack her. Then, at the cost of exposing herself to danger, she could find the enemies and lure out the attacks directed at the main force...


At the thought that flashed through her mind, Yoo Iseol unconsciously bit her lip.

- Why push yourself so hard?

That casual remark she made sometime before. She didn't understand Chung Myung and hadn't bothered to understand, but now those indifferent words pierced her heart.

Her Sahyungs weren't inadequate.

There was no reason to doubt their skills.

Even so, she had to push herself.

Only then could she save at least one more person.

Even so, she had to push herself. 

Only then would the enemies target her instead of someone else.

Fighting in the forefront in the most flamboyant way was the best option. The more attention she drew by leaping into the heart of the enemy, the safer others would be.

The enemies fortified themselves ahead. Without checking front or back, her reckless charge caused the archers' faces to pale.

"Shoot! Shoot her!"

The archers, who had held their bows high, abruptly aimed at Yoo Iseol. Arrows poured down on her like rain.

Instead of slowing down, Yoo Iseol thrust her sword into the ground. The high-tension Plum Blossom Sword seemed to bend as if it would break, then rebounded with a snap. Using that force, Yoo Iseol leaped into the air.


Arrows, which had gained tremendous speed, brushed against her. However, paying no attention, Yoo Iseol, who shot up like a falcon, once again descended into the midst of the enemies.

The Plum Blossom Sword drew a much rougher arc than she usually depicted.


A steel bow, along with the body, was cut off. As the bow and body were thrown away, her head was showered with splattered blood.


Terrifyingly kicking off the ground, she swiftly stabbed the throat of a stunned archer. With a gruesome sound, the sword pierced through, and the blade that protruded from the back was red.

"Kill her!"

"She's alone anyway! Kill her!"

From the moment the distance closed, archers couldn't do anything. This was a saying commonly accepted in the world.

However, just because it was a widely known saying didn't mean it was necessarily correct. A drawn bow, released, was a powerful weapon in itself, not much different from a short stick. Moreover, just because the distance was close didn't mean arrows couldn't be shot.

Rather, as the distance decreased, the arrows were more likely to transform into a more powerful force.

Archers rushed in unison, swinging their iron bows. Those behind them, with taut bows, were ready to shoot as soon as an opportunity arose.


Yoo Iseol instantly struck down the approaching archer. However, before she could deflect the sword again, another archer, appearing from below, shot an arrow charged with inner energy.

Without thinking, Yoo Iseol leaned backward. An arrow swept fiercely above her shoulder. A few strands of hair were cut off, and the arrow mercilessly pierced the belly of an Evil Tyrant Alliance member who was rushing from behind.


Although the fired arrow injured allies, no one paid any attention. Surging forward, archers leaped into the air one after another, relentlessly shooting arrows at Yoo Iseol.

Faced with a multitude of arrows pouring down at close range, all Yoo Iseol could do was roll her body to avoid them.


The space she rolled away from was instantly filled with arrows. It was evident that if she had been a little late, she would have become a tragic sight by now.


Yoo Iseol rose like lightning, charging towards visible enemies. Her body advanced faster than she thought.

"Uh, what!"


Stabbing her sword into the stomach of a startled enemy, Yoo Iseol grabbed the throat of the one who opened his mouth in pain, pulling and turning it forcefully.

In an instant, he spun around and, in no time, the positions between Yoo Iseol and him changed.

"Ah, no..."

As their positions forcibly reversed, he, sensing his impending fate, hastily turned his head.

Kwaduk! Kwaddduk!

Before his head could fully turn around, arrows rained down on his back. Blocking the arrows with the enemy's body as a shield, Yoo Iseol immediately drew her sword and slashed at other enemies.

From the moment one leaps into a pack of wolves, they must be prepared for the price to be paid. No matter how skilled, it's impossible to emerge completely unscathed from the midst of wolves. Yoo Iseol was well aware of this fact. Committing an impossible act due to desperation would be nothing short of suicidal.

However, there was only one reason she jumped into the center of the wolf pack.


Several members of the surrounding mob screamed. They were helplessly struck by the blades flying from behind. They had been killed without even confirming who the enemy was.


It was Yoon Jong. Calmly but swiftly, he had been systematically dismantling the enemy's formation from the outskirts.

As desperate screams continued to echo from beyond the encirclement, the archers' fingertips trembled slightly.

Unlike spears or swords, a bow could only aim at one place. There was no bow that could shoot at enemies surrounding from the front and back simultaneously.

The weakest moment for archers was not when the distance was close but when the direction of the siege became mixed. As if proving this, the Mount Hua pair simultaneously scattered sword energy from inside and outside.

The brilliantly blooming plum blossom sword energy swept away those who had gathered to surround Yoo Iseol.



Enemies with holes pierced all over their bodies crumpled weakly, like old rag dolls. The momentum had now shifted to Yoo Iseol. She didn't miss the opportunity and tried to slaughter the enemies quickly.


But at that moment, a whistle-like sound echoed loudly. A powerful arrow aimed at Yoo Iseol and Yoon Jong flew towards them. The arrows shot by the archers here clearly differed in power.

Finally locating the whereabouts of the ones to pursue, Yoo Iseol's eyes glowed with a bluish light. However, there was someone running in that direction before she could strike the ground.


Unexpectedly, Jo Gol, who had coldly set his face like a shield, leaped into the forest. It didn't take long to find out the result. Voices that clearly weren't Jo Gol's resounded.

Once. Again.

A total of three screams erupted. Taking advantage of the moment when the arrow was shot, Jo Gol accurately located them and made them all scream to death.

It was a judgment so calm that it was hard to think of Jo Gol, whom everyone knew well. As the desperate screams of even the high-level supporters reached their ears, the archers' eyes were filled with despair.

Naturally, when the offensive weakened, Yoo Iseol swayed and clutched her stomach.


Yoon Jong, surprised, hastily supported her.

Blood was oozing through her fingers clasped around her stomach. When she used an enemy as a shield to block arrows, an arrow had pierced Yoo Iseol's abdomen.

"You bastards!"

A strong curse burst from Yoon Jong's mouth. He swung his sword violently and split the archers into two.


The momentum that had already crumbled had no way to turn back. The archers, who judged that surviving was more important than anything else, abandoned their comrades without looking back and fled.

"Sago! Are you okay?"

Yoon Jong urgently held her. Checking Yoo Iseol's condition was several times more important than cutting down those bastards.

"Yoon Jong."

"Sago, Sa-Sago! We need to treat it right away..."

"There are still artillery."


"Trust me!"

Pushing Yoon Jong away, Yoo Iseol struck the ground.

"Sago! This is not allowed! Sago! Sago!"

Although Yoon Jong called out desperately, Yoo Iseol ran towards the rear with all her strength. Leaving Yoon Jong and Jo Gol in charge, praying that Chung Myung wouldn't collapse before she arrived.

Anxiety choked her throat.

Everywhere she stepped, the ground was stained red with the blood she shed.

Pretty sure I got "fast arrow" and "cannonball" mixed up and stuff...is it a cannonball? idk I'll just call it "artillery"

Bagel_Seedscreators' thoughts