
Return of the Demonic Emperor!

He stood as the Tower's most formidable being, wielding unparalleled power and commanding an army of undead that struck fear into all who beheld it. The strongest knight and demonic dragon were his loyal servants, and his nine apostles instilled terror throughout the tower. He was an absolute who had ultimate power under heaven. Yet... "Damn it!" Even the tower's mightiest being couldn't stop the invasion from 'THEM.' He watched in silence as his demonic dragon fell from the sky, its wings torn apart, and his strongest knight collapsed under the relentless siege of unfathomable monsters. "What the hell are THESE THINGS!!??" One by one, his apostles fell, and his entire undead army was crushed into oblivion. "Not like this!" As the tower lay in tatters, threatening to crumble at any movement, the demonic emperor roared. "I am the demonic emperor! Do you think I will go down that easily? If the heavens want to crush me, I will become a sword to pierce through it!" In a desperate attempt to save himself, the tower's mightiest being activated a forbidden spell that should never have been cast. "I shall return again!" He roared. "And when the time comes, I shall slaughter you all, bastards!" Swearing vengeance, the flow of time and space was shaken up, and the demonic emperor found himself back in the past, before the Tower's arrival!! *** Update Schedule: 2 chapters per day on weekdays and 1 chapter on weekends -> 12 chapters per week Join discord channel for reference images and more -> https://discord.gg/B49NH5v6J9

Emberlight · ファンタジー
104 Chs

The First Seal Breaks!

Shiva and the resurrected corruption giant stood side by side, their gazes fixed upon the towering form of Typhon. Even chained and immobile, the primordial beast exuded an aura of terror that sent tremors through the void itself.

{That regeneration ability is ridiculous!} Kurukaze grumbled, its tone laced with frustration. {How are you going to beat something that just keeps healing itself?} 

Shiva's attacks thus far had proven ineffective, his blade merely grazing the creature's fiery scales before the wounds regenerated at an alarming rate. It seemed that no matter how many times he struck, no matter how deep his strikes, Typhon's regenerative capabilities rendered his efforts futile.

"I'm open to suggestions," Shiva grunted, his attacks thus far proving ineffective as his blade merely grazed the creature's fiery scales before the wounds regenerated at an alarming rate.

{Well, keep hitting it! Maybe if we hack off enough bits, it'll run out of spare parts to regrow.}

Shiva couldn't help but chuckle at the sword's morbid humor as he continued his relentless assault, dancing amidst the serpentine onslaught while Kurukaze cut through the air with lethal grace. Yet, each time the blade made contact, the wound would seal itself almost instantly, as if mocking their efforts.

Beside him, the corruption giant fought with unrestrained fury, enraged by the memory of its previous destruction at the hands of this primordial monstrosity. Its massive fists pummeled Typhon's colossal form, each blow carrying enough force to shatter mountains.

{Now that's what I call hitting something!}

However, even as the giant's blows rained down, the burning lava on Typhon's fiery scales began to take its toll. Flesh sizzled and melted upon contact, the giant's body slowly succumbing to the intense heat and caustic nature of its foe.

{Ugh, that's just nasty,} Kurukaze recoiled.

Sensing an opportunity, the corruption giant unleashed the full power of its corruption aura, a miasmic veil of necrotic energy that enveloped Typhon. For a moment, the primordial beast seemed to frown, its innumerable eyes narrowing as the metallic assault assailed its colossal form.

Seizing the chance, the giant pounced upon Typhon, its massive weight causing the chained beast to topple to the ground for the first time since the battle began. A thunderous impact shook the void as Typhon's immense form crashed against the unyielding surface.

Shiva didn't waste a second. With blinding speed, he closed the distance, Aiming Kurukaze to strike at Typhon's heart – the only vulnerability he could perceive in this seemingly invincible foe.

Yet, as his blade descended, Typhon reacted with startling alacrity. Three of its serpentine heads interposed themselves, their bodies impaled upon Kurukaze's edge as they sacrificed themselves to protect the beast's vital core.

Kurukaze greedily drank the spilled blood, its thirst for the primordial monster's essence insatiable. But even as the blade gorged itself, Shiva's expression twisted into one of frustration.

This monstrous creature seemed to have no weakness, no chink in its armor that could be exploited. Its regenerative capabilities were truly beyond comprehension, rendering even the most grievous wounds utterly inconsequential.

Shiva's frustration boiled over, his grip tightening around Kurukaze's hilt until his knuckles turned white. Beside him, the corruption giant let out a reverberating roar of pure, unbridled rage, utterly enraged by its inability to inflict lasting damage upon its foe.

And in that moment of fury, something remarkable occurred.

"What the hell is it now?" Shiva exclaimed, his voice edged with bewilderment.

Kurukaze began to resonate, its blade thrumming with energy that seemed to reverberate through the very fabric of the void itself, sending ripples of arcane power outward in ever-widening circles.

Suddenly, a tremor ran through the length of Kurukaze's blade, and the once rusty and dull metal transformed before Shiva's eyes, taking on the sleek, obsidian luster of a blade forged in the fires of oblivion itself. As the metamorphosis occurred, a set of golden runes blazed into existence before Shiva, hovering in the air with an otherworldly radiance.

<Kurukaze has absorbed the blood of primordial monster Typhon>

The sword became enshrouded in a veil of pitch darkness, its outline seeming to blur and distort as if the very space around it bent to its will. And in that moment, the first of its seven seals – the ancient bindings that had long kept its true power in check – began to crack and splinter with an ominous finality.

<The first of seven seals on Kurukaze has been broken!>

Shiva's eyes widened as he felt the surge of power coursing through the ancient sword, a primordial force unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was as if the weight of ages, the accumulated might of generations untold, had been unleashed in a single moment.

{The first seal...it's broken!} Kurukaze's voice echoed within Shiva's mind, its tone tinged with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

A wicked grin spread across Shiva's features as he read through further runes, his eyes glinting with a feral hunger as he tightened his grip around the sword's hilt and looked at the chained beast again.

"You are so dead."
