
Return of the demon

In the Grand War Long Tian killed the Devil Emperor but died alongside him when he self destructed. Billions of years later Long Tian awakens to find that he had reincarnated. All of his friends and all of his enemies had all died. He was alone in an unfamiliar world. Careful to not make the mistakes of the past, he vows to cultivate and return to the peak of cultivation once again. But things may not progress as he desires. For as he awakes, so does the darkness. PS: To all those who came here because the name says demon, the MC isn't really a demonic type. The name is pretty much unrelated to the MC, and isn't explained until much later. The first seven chapters are world building, and an explanation of MC reincarnating. The story only starts from chapter eight onward. So please read ten chapters before giving it a grade. ------------------------------------------------ Important links Cultivation stage https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ulZE0tUzFzbLaYuCClUzmHLyfv15rzey/view?usp=sharing https://tinyurl.com/yxw4c8kd Map https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CVac5-aHyO7N8a1geOVJZSJQo5_pqPJ8/view?usp=sharing https://tinyurl.com/y3hanccc -------------------------------------------------- Also if anyone would be a dear and help me set up a proper book cover, it would be much appreciated. --------------------------------- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/user?u=20553953 Paypal link : paypal.me/idkwtsvs

Idontknowwhattosay · 東方
270 Chs

First kill

Bai Yun silently put his head through the soil. Only his eyes could be shining through in the dark. It was already night time, and Bai Yun had completed the second pattern in his right leg. He was now looking out from his burrow, to see if there was anyone around, before he went in search of mutant fruits that could heal him.

Bai Yun had decided not to worry about the vision he had. Worrying about things involving the devil emperor without any cultivation was pointless. He decided to get to the bottom of the problem after he had gotten stronger. Much much stronger.

Bai Yun climbed out of the hole after making sure that there was no one near him. He had rested for a while, and also had enough food and drinks, so his eyes and insides was back to normal. The only thing that plagued him was his insane headache. Bai Yun covered up the hole and started to look around.

Bai yun crouched low and started to move about carefully. He was aware that people were watching him, and he could not let anyone find him. Unlike earlier, he was no longer simply walking about carelessly, relying simply on luck. He was also looking with his perception, which only increased his headache.

Bai Yun was moving on all fours, so as to try and reduce the pressure in his ankle. He slowly circled the burrow, moving further and further away. In the night not a lot people would be moving about the beast garden, and especially so for a place which suppressed perception like the weed valley. They would simply group up and stay together, after clearing an area of weeds for safety.

Bai Yun spend the entire night searching for healing fruits. He did find a few fruits, but more than half of them were not useful for him. And every single one of them was of a much lower grade than the one ones Bai Yun had ingested previously. Thankfully he also found two fruits which would help him heal, and he quickly ate them. He had used its entire power to heal his leg. It was still a bit bruised, but would no longer hinder him.

By now it was nearly dawn. Bai Yun decided to find the camp of the moron group, so that he could have an idea of how to take them all down. He knew that he had to kill them all, and with his current strength as well as situation, killing them all would be very difficult.

Bai yun had not run into them all night. This confused him, as he had not run far during the chase. He had a moment of epiphany, and went hack to the clearing where he fought the grey rock python. Sure enough the moron group had used that place as their base.

Bai Yun closed his aura, and crept close to the sentries who were supposed to keep watch. The two of them were chatting and not paying much attention outside.

From their discussion, Bai Yun realized that it had been two days since the fight. He must have passed out for longer than he thought. After realizing that they still hadn't understood his true strength, and that the python's corpse had disappeared, Bai Yun frowned. Most likely, the spy must have doubled back during the search and stolen it. The corspe of a grey rock python was very valuable.

After a while one of the sentries got up and decided to stretch his legs. He was only in the third stage of qi condensation. Since most of the animals here were only in the first circle, an entitled person like the brat in front of him, who was wearing a rather powerful defensive robe for his cultivation and other top tier artifacts, he would be hard to hurt. To the people of the moron group, this place was simply a playground.

For a moment Bai Yun lamented over the fact that, even though his background was higher than that of any of them, his parent didn't give him anything other than the storage ring, which even he had to admit, could last him until the Dao step. Bai Yun quickly decided to follow the moron in front of him.

Most people who entered the weed valley would be very careful, and not like the moron who was walkng without the slightest caare in the world. He was fully expecting the robe and other things he was wearing to protect him.

Bai Yun knew that if he could kill the moron, and get his storage ring, there would definitely be many things inside that could help him heal. And with his leg healed, and a strengthened left hand, killing him would not be a problem. With how far the moron was from the group, he could even escape easily. The problem would be if these people got spooked after realizing that he was hunting them too, and some of the cowardly ones bolted.

Bai Yun pondered for a moment. Then he took out one of the carcasses of the beasts that he had killed, a tiger like demonic beast. He quickly ripped of the claws of the beasts, as well as its teeth.

Cutting the skin of the claws away, Bai Yun quickly attacked them to the soles of his shoes. He then took a fang of a saber tooth demon he had killed and held it in his hand.

Bai Yun quietly crept around to the moron who was by now making some noises. He had found a demon beast and was playing around with it. Bai Yun crept up behind him, grabbing the fang tightly.

Then he allowed the fang to be controlled by two of the soul tendrils that he could use. He then stood up slowly, areful not to make any sound. Suddenly his left hand shot forward, and covered the morons mouth, and while he was still surprised quickly stabbed the fang deep into his throat.

The moron seemed to take a while to understand what happened. Then he seemed to activate the defense mechanism in the robe. It created a shield that immediately send Bai Yun flying back. Bai Yun disappeared into the weeds. The moron seemed to be surprised. Then he slid down to the ground, dead.

The commotion had been heard by the other sentries. But they were still chatting and laughing and also walking over slowly. Bai Yun knew that they would be here in a minute. He sprung into action. he used Lions Roar to break the robes shield. Without being powered by qi, the shield was extremely weak. Bai Yun then used the teeth to separate the arm of the person he just killed, at the same time using the teeth and claws to create other marks on the body.

The attacks were simply random, and was just to hide the objective. Even Bai Yun, whose only experience with dead bodies with beast marks were from the Grand War, could tell that this looked wrong. Any experience cultivator could see through this. But he knew that these people had no experience at all.

Bai Yun then ran as fast as he could without making any noise. But they were slower to react than Bai Yun thought. Even after he reached the burrow, Bai Yun did not hear any noise behind him.

As he calmed down, Bai Yun realized that this was the first time he had killed a human. During the Grand War innumerable number of devils had died under his arms, but no humans. When he heard about the cruelty of this world, Bai Yun had expected that he would eventually have to kill some people. But even he did not realize how easy it came to him. He just thought that he must have been simply desensitised to death.

But the truth was that there was a much more powerful force that had forced him to feel apathetic towards death. When the devil emperor self exploded, some of his soul had also merged with Bai Yun. And he had gained some of the devil emperors ruthlessness and indifference. It was this that made Bai Yun kill someone so easily. Even Bai Yun could not tell just how much the devil emperor had influenced his actions.

Bai Yun went through the storage ring in his possession. It mostly contained some wealth as well as some pills and some weapons and even some talismans.

Bai Yun quickly removed the money, as well some pills that he could use from the storage ring. Then everything else, including the bottles the pills were kept in, were put back in the storage ring. Bai Yun then found some small beast, made it swallow the storage ring, and hypnotized the beast and send it on its way far from here. Even if he was killed, Bai Yun wouldn't believe that there was no tracing mark on at least one of the items in there.

Bai Yun quickly popped some of the healing pills in his mouth. He spend nearly a half hour to digest all of its power. Finally his right arms bones and muscles were set. Even though they were still not completely healed, it at least wouldn't hurt every time he moved, and hinder him.

Now he needed to figure out how to kill the entire moron group. In a one on one he was confident in killing every single one of them. Even if they were to fight as a group, now that he had mostly recovered, and his cultivation stabilized and improved, he could kill them all. The problem was that once he started to kill them, the rest would definitely run away. He could not allow that. If even a single one ran away, he would be in trouble. He couldn't let anyone know what he was planning.

With the strength of Bai Shan and the false armor, it would definitely take some time before he could kill Bai Shan. His only option was to sneak up on Bai Shan and kill him without anyone else finding out.

Suddenly Bai Yun sat up with a start. He realized that he had made a grave mistake. He had overlooked something. Something extremely important.

The Assassin God's legacy. The legacy wasn't simply all the techniques he used. His fighting experience, and most importantly all of his assassination experience was there too. Since Bai Yun did not expect to be an assassin, he had completely ignored that part of the legacy, and focused only on the two techniques he knew about.

Bai Yun ate a lot of food, as this might take some time. Then he closed his eyes and descended into his sea of consciousness. He stared at the little black dagger, in front of him. Then his entered the dagger, and started looking through the Assassin God's legacy.

Time passed by quickly . Three days and two nights passed by since Bai Yun started on reading the legacy. Bai Yun had become much thinner by now. Just as the third night danwed, Bai Yun opened his eyes.

The normal warm eyes that he had were no where to be seen.

An indifferent darkness swirled within these eyes.

These were the eyes of a predator.

It was at this point that he realized that the most important item in the legacy might be the experiences.