
Return of Sigma

Zoran reached the top of cultivation. The next step was to join the 10 Supreme Beings or 'Deci Supremes'. They were godlike beings who controlled the Laws of the universe, the pinnacle of strength. However, the Supreme Beings laid a trap for him in fear of his strength. After all, he mastered all 10 of their cultivation techniques. They used a mysterious new power that Zoran never thought was possible; they used the power of words and oaths that once broken, could deprive a cultivator of all their strength. They helplessly killed him, disintegrating him down to his very atoms. In his last moments, he promised to kill every Supreme Being that caused his wrath. When he awoke, he was back at the start of his cultivation journey as a teenager accompanied with a strange new power: a new set of mysterious words that kept repeating in his mind. With this new lease on life, Zoran promised to gain enough strength to kill all the Supreme Beings, all at the same time. He will achieve this by himself, without the help of anyone or relying on the cultivation techniques of old. He will carve a new path for himself. This will be the return of the Sigma.

SolemnHop · ファンタジー
54 Chs

Broken Words

Zoran Borrow was to be crowned the 11th Supreme Being today.

His name associated with the pinnacle of strength was still an unfamiliar connection. Although it took a millennium of cultivation, an epoch of hardship, and an eternity of dreaming for this moment, it was hard to believe it finally happened.

Supreme Being was a title reserved only for the godlike beings that reached the peak of cultivation. Nobody believed Zoran could claim it.

Who could blame them? He was a mere mortal with no inherited birthright and no god given talent that would carve a smooth red carpet pathway to glory like his predecessors.

It was clear that he was not welcome. Not just because they would have to rename the "Deci Supremes" to something a bit harder to pronounce like the "Undecim Supremes", but because he was a peasant in their midst.

These Supreme Beings, though revered like gods, often acted like children whenever their territory was involved. People thought that the great Sun and Sky war was due to some political agenda, but it was because the Alpha God was caught pissing on the sky during one of his heavenly parties.

A war that caused millions and millions of lives and caused an indomitable hatred between two continents continuing to this day, was caused because two gods decided it was better to go to war than to apologize.

Each of these Supreme Beings had their own dynasties, a group of people that worshiped them. They were offered wealth, protection, and strength for the low, low price of their undying faith and loyalty.

The Supreme Beings offered unique cultivation techniques to their believers and promised those who achieved success, a chance to become one of them.

It was a monumental task that took a normal person a lifetime of studying and dedication. Most people stuck to one dynasty and spent their life looking up at the statue of the Supreme Beings erected at their capitals.

Zoran did not do that. Due to circumstances, he was forced to switch from one cultivation technique to another, cycling through the main ten different cultivation techniques of the Supreme Beings.

He had no permanent dynasty. Perhaps that was also one of the reasons why they disdained Zoran.

Despite that, they couldn't deny his reputation. Everyone remembered where they were and what they were doing when Zoran lifted Mount Holy Peak and tossed it in the sky, creating a second moon. Rumor has it he eliminated the tallest mountain in the world because it obstructed his view from the night sky.

Urban stories were told of Zoran's own shadow trying to run away from him after he was enraged from an assassin that poisoned his favorite Triassic Ox Bone soup.

Zoran was the only reason why the Supreme Beings gathered after a thousand years of silence. He nicely demanded a seat at their table. His infamy made it a threat.

They relented. They gathered here today, looking down on the man with no royal blood threatening to stand among them.

Zoran looked up at the ten distinct figures above, all blurry. These Supreme Beings could not bring their true bodies down in the lands lest there be destruction around.

There was one condition for Zoran: a verbal promise that no warfare shall arise from him or the Supreme Beings for a hundred years.

"Fine I agree," Zoran declared.

The blurry figure with fiery red hair and a glowing yellow sun behind his back scoffed at Zoran's cockiness. Didn't he know that overbearing pride was the Alpha God's territory?

"Say the words," the Alpha God spat.

Zoran glared at him but nonetheless acceded to it.

"No violence will come from me unless provoked."

The moment Zoran uttered those last words, his hairs stood on end. Countless near-death experiences trained his body to react to a threat before he even recognized it.

The Supreme Beings uttered "Too late." with an eerie crescent smile plastered on their indistinct faces. It had been a long time since Zoran felt like a prey loaded onto a trap.

Yi energy burst out of Zoran's core and supplied him with energy to try and escape.

He went into this gathering only because he was confident with his ability for a quick retreat. When the Alpha God learned of a miner who mastered his cultivation technique, his burning anger melted most of the ice caps on the north pole. He hunted Zoran down, but was never able to catch him.

Zoran knew every technique, power, and spell the Supreme Beings had. He achieved mastery over their cultivation techniques and knew they could not catch a whiff of his escape.

There was no spell nor technique that could interfere with his retreat.

But something went wrong. Zoran felt a weakness in his body. The Yi energy that pooled in his body dissipated, gone like it had never existed. The cultivation he worked for all his life acted like an untamable wild horse.

"What is this?!"

"You broke your words," the Alpha God explained.


"'No violence will come from me unless provoked.' Those were your words. And you broke it."

Zoran's mind reeled with potential escape routes, going through every iteration possible. The words, 'Danger! Danger!' kept repeating in his mind. There was no way he could understand the Alpha God's cryptic words.

"...I didn't attack anyone."

The Alpha God smiled. "You did. The moment you wanted to join us Supreme Beings, we considered that as an attack."

"Be careful with your words. Words are stronger than you think. On our level, words are stronger than any techniques of the mortal world," the Sky god added.

It didn't make sense. How could words possibly have that kind of power? Zoran was at the peak of cultivation. He knew the laws of the universe and nothing was a mystery. Magic was science.

But this was spooky. There was no magic circuit, no Yi energy thread, no curse, nothing.

"A Supreme Being is not just a title. It is a level you can never achieve with the replication of our cultivation. Blame the fate sisters for dooming your fate: that you were not born a royal."

Zoran could not feel his power. His body was shaking. His dream was destroyed because of his background, something he could not change. Years and years of cultivation was gone in a mere second. The demoralizing reality only served to fuel his anger.

"YOU BASTARDS!" Zoran shouted.

The Alpha God laughed. There was no better pleasure than seeing the lowly miner get what he deserved. The title of Supreme Beings were reserved only for pureblooded royals like them.

Zoran rushed to the Alpha God. He had no Yi energy. This was akin to an ant charging an elephant the size of a mountain.

The Alpha God scoffed at this futile attempt. He conjured a simple fire spear. Though basic, at his level, this spear could pierce through one end of the world and come out the other side.

The spear launched at Zoran. A burning body with a face full of despair was the only outcome the Alpha God was expecting. Yet Zoran took a stance with moronic confidence.

Zoran stared at the god, never breaking eye-contact even with a world-breaking spear coming at him at light speed. With precise movement, Zoran moved his head and dodged the spear, grazing his cheeks but burning half his face.

He grabbed the handle as it passed by, burning his hand till it melted down to his bones. Yet his eyes never broke off the Alpha God.

With impossible strength, Zoran turned the spear back to its sender. His whole right arm burned, spreading to half his body.

Impossible was the only word the Alpha God could utter. Zoran achieved mastery over his cultivation. A mortal overpowered a god's power.

He was once again reminded why the Supreme Beings took such measures to deal with a being like Zoran. If he had his Yi energy…

For a split-second, the Alpha God felt true fear.

His overbearing pride woke him up from his vulnerable state. He had to remind himself that a Supreme Being like him could not be killed by a mortal.

But that moment was all Zoran wanted.

"Heh, I made you scared."

A burning fire equal to a nuclear explosion shot up to the sky, like the sun itself reached down to touch the lands. The Alpha God descended.

Zoran couldn't describe what he saw. His eyes immediately burned.

"You will burn in the pits of Miasma for this sin, Zoran Borrow!" the Alpha God cursed.

The Supreme Beings pointed their celestial bodies to Zoran, casting their mastered Laws of the Universe and commanded it to shred Zoran's body down to its last atoms.

The last thought in Zoran's mind as he disintegrated was…

If he could go back in time, he would kill every single Supreme Being down to their very atoms.