
A Warm Exchange

The remainder of the class whizzed by as the students wrapped up their sparring sessions. Braxis soon found himself on his way to his subsequent class, brimming with anticipation.

'This has to be the best strategy,' Braxis thought excitedly as he trailed his brothers toward their next destination. Upon reaching the entrance, he spotted the sign.

"Cultural Exchange"

'Fantastic. How am I supposed to share anything about my culture when I don't even know my precise location?' Braxis thought, stepping into the classroom with mild apprehension.

The instructor of this course was a dark-haired, sophisticated woman sporting a pair of glasses. Assisting her was her daughter, who captivated the room with her striking lavender eyes. They stood at the front, patiently waiting for everyone to occupy the seats they'd arranged for this day.

The auditorium-style room featured tiered rows of cushioned chairs. Braxis eventually settled into an arbitrary seat, surveying his surroundings. A diverse array of individuals filled the room, each boasting their own distinctive attire and demeanor.

"No need to stress about seating arrangements, just find a spot and we'll proceed from there!" The teacher announced cheerfully.

That's when he noticed her. The fiery-haired girl from earlier slid into the seat beside Braxis, her gaze lowered as she anxiously toyed with her fingers. He found himself captivated by her presence: the wild waves of her hair framing her face, her lips pursed in a subtle pout.

He squirmed in his seat, attempting to suppress the burgeoning desire within. The heat crept up his cheeks as he envisioned his hands tangled in her hair, the delicate strands caressing his fingers.

As the instructor commenced her lecture, Braxis grappled with the challenge of concentrating on anything other than the girl beside him. The tension simmered within.

'She's absolutely stunning,' Braxis thought, utterly mesmerized.

"Alright, everyone, it's time to partner up and introduce yourselves," the teacher instructed, jolting Braxis from his daydream.

"I'm Braxis," he declared, his eyes locked on hers.

Selva's smile widened, her lips parting to unveil a flawless row of pearly whites. Her eyes shimmered as she spoke, and Braxis felt his heart hitch.

"I'm Selva. It's a pleasure to meet you, Braxis," she uttered, her voice as tender as a summer zephyr.

Braxis couldn't help but observe the way her lips danced as she spoke, the way her eyes gleamed with vitality. He yearned to learn more about her, to unravel the enigma that was Selva.

"So, Selva," Braxis initiated, his inquisitiveness aroused. "Which family are you from?"

Selva glanced at him, perplexed but answered, "I belong to the Fyra family," she elaborated, a touch of pride apparent. "My grandmother is the famed Flame Queen."

'He seems unusually invested in this lesson. I know that he is already aware of my background, but I'll humor him,' Selva mused, a grin adorning her face.

Braxis nodded, recognizing the prominent name. Yet another influential family in the region. He was shocked at the name but attempted to calm his nerves as he'd likely need to engage with her grandmother soon.

"And you?" Selva inquired, volleying the question back with a playful air. "Which family do you come from?"

"I'm a proud member of the Hendrix family," Braxis responded, his chest puffing up with pride. "My father is Gravis, the formidable Overlord of Gravity."

Selva's eyes widened in awe, and Braxis reveled in the satisfaction her reaction brought. He took immense pride in his family, their prowess, and prestige. He didn't have this opportunity to feel pride before in his original life, so he savored the moment.

However, he soon detected a fleeting flicker of fear crossing Selva's face. She couldn't help but be scared of his family, even knowing this in advance. Puzzled, he wondered what could have caused it.

"Don't misunderstand me," Selva said cautiously. "But isn't your family rather intimidating? I mean, they're the most powerful family in the region...and I've heard some rather unsavory rumors..."

Braxis felt a twinge of irritation. While he wasn't surprised that people feared his family, it still irritated him when this arose as he wasn't quite sure of what excuse to use. He attempted to mask it with a joke.

"True, my family is unique in their own ways, but once you get to know them, they're not so bad! Well, except for Dante, he's terrible," he joked with a laugh, a grin stretching across his face.

Selva's laughter rang out, the sound akin to a sweet symphony to his ears, warming Braxis's heart.

"Haha, you're funny Braxis! At least you don't seem intimidating!" Selva rang out.

Relationship Progress: +5

Relationship Progress: 15/300

Braxis glimpsed the text hovering above her head, noting the heart at the end of the progress update. His pulse quickened with thoughts erupting but he forced himself to refocus on her face.

When Selva opened her eyes after laughing, their gazes locked for an instant.

The fleeting connection caused Selva to avert her eyes, her cheeks flushing as she darted glances between the floor and Braxis's face.

As they exchanged glances, Braxis felt a magnetic pull between them. 'She's adorable..' he thought, captivated by her blushing and shy demeanor. A spark of attraction ignited within him, inexplicable yet undeniable.

"So, I've heard about the valiant efforts of one of your brothers on the front lines, attempting to claim more territory. Do you ever worry about him?" Selva inquired hesitantly.

"Apologies, but you'll need to be more specific—I have quite a few brothers," Braxis responded.

'I have no idea who she's referring to; I've never even heard of this guy before,' Braxis worried internally.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'll be more specific," Selva said, summoning the courage to meet his gaze once again.

"Your brother, Vorkath—the one rumored to be the most likely successor to your father's gravity magic," she clarified.

"Ah, Vorkath. He should be fine, considering his strength," Braxis assured her.

'Still, I don't recognize this name...' Braxis contemplated, wondering where he fit in the storyline.

"I asked because one of my sisters is in a similar situation, and I can't help but worry," Selva confessed, her face clouding with concern.

Noticing her distress, Braxis impulsively grasped her shoulder. She jolted upright, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she looked into his eyes, which had drawn closer.

"Don't worry—have faith in her. She's there for a reason. Trust me. If you ever need someone to talk to about your concerns, I'm here for you," Braxis said, flashing his most alluring smile before retracting his hand and settling back into his chair.

"O-okay..." Selva murmured, casting her eyes downward once more with her face clearly reddened.

The intimate moment was abruptly interrupted by the teacher's voice. "Alright, everyone! Switch seats until you're seated across from someone new!"

"It was a pleasure meeting you!" Braxis called out as Selva reluctantly rose from her seat.

"I was glad to have been able to talk to you again, Braxis." She said as she nodded to him before reluctantly departing.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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