
Retaliation System

Theodoric Nightshade was cheated on by his girlfriend and stabbed by a mysterious group of people who broke into his house. Thinking he had died at their hands, Theo suddenly woke up with a strange system appearing before him. Thinking that it was his second chance to live, he was determined to find and capture the group of people who had stabbed him with the help of the system that had saved him from death. Unexpectedly, his steps unknowingly led Theo to an unimaginable revenge adventure. "Retaliation System: Not Your Average Ex-boyfriend" Story & Illustration by Bintang Hamal

bintanghamal · ファンタジー
104 Chs

Despicable Scum

<Started body initialization...>

<Initialization complete!>

<System activated!>

<Injuries found on your body. The system automatically restores condition to its original state!>

<Recovery started...>

<Recovery complete!>

The screen appears as soon as Theo opens his eyes. Every morning, the system initiates a recovery process in his body, gradually improving Theo's condition. He rises from his bed, sitting while attempting to gather his full awareness. Feeling completely awake, Theo heads to the bathroom to get ready. Today, as usual, he'll resume training to quickly master his self-defense skills.

Theo steps out of his room. Just like always, he starts his day by cleaning the house and making breakfast before Rossi wakes up. Similar to the day before, they have breakfast together, occasionally chatting about the events of the previous day.

After training until late afternoon, Rossi finally returned home. However, he didn't come alone, as he was accompanied by Jim and Berta. Both had come to visit Theo since they missed him when he left the hospital. They even brought food for them to share. Theo ended up spending dinner with the three of them. Unintentionally, the moment brought them closer. After finishing dinner and chatting briefly, Jim and Berta bid farewell to go to work at the same bar. Yesterday, Theo was left alone at home as Jim, Berta, and Rossi had to leave for their jobs.

"Well then, I'm off," Rossi said as he stood up and walked away. Theo nodded, watching him until he disappeared behind the exit door. Once Rossi was truly gone, Theo began preparing himself for further training.


<Reward 45 450 coins have been added because you completed the exercise of upper and lower body strength training for minutes>

<Your cardiovascular endurance has improved thanks to intensive training!>

<Reward 45 450 coins have been added because you completed the exercise of intensive training for minutes>

<Flexibility and hand movement speed have increased!>

<Reward 20 200 coins have been added because you completed the exercise of drills to enhance hand movement flexibility and speed for minutes>

<Reward 18 4700 coins have been added because you completed exercises today!>

<Quest successfully completed!>

<Reward 18000 coins have been added because you successfully completed the quest!>

<Your current coins are: 1,071,000C>

<The quest will be automatically updated!>

<Ding! >

<Martial arts ability has improved!>

<Martial Arts Ability Lv. 3!>

<Congratulations! 3 You've just completed a quest to fill your empty ability slot, and you've started showing good progress! acquired Martial Arts Ability Lv. through hard work over the past two months!< p>

Check here to see updates on your Basic Information!>

Theo grinned broadly as he looked at the numbers in front of him. He never expected the figures to be so impressive.

It's been two months since Theo left the hospital and took refuge at Rossi's house. During this time, his condition has continuously improved thanks to the morning recovery system. Not only has his health gotten better, but Theo has also mastered his martial arts skills even more than he had been practicing. Moreover, his funds have accumulated significantly.

"I've been training for these two months. My condition has recovered, and it seems it's time to start my plan for revenge against those who took everything from me!" Theo smirked, clenching his fists tightly. Determination surged within him. He couldn't wait to initiate his actions. "I won't let you get away with it! You will face the consequences of every action you've taken!"

"Theo!" Rossi's sudden voice startled him. He turned towards the sound to find Rossi standing not far from him, wearing a puzzled expression. "Rossi..." Theo was caught off guard by his appearance.

"Have you just finished training?" Rossi asked as he walked toward Theo. Rossi knew that Theo often trained, as he had been asked several times to spar with him, demonstrating every move he had learned. Initially hesitant due to concerns about Theo's health, Rossi eventually gave in to Theo's insistence. To Theo's surprise, Rossi turned out to have quite impressive martial arts skills. During their sparring sessions, Theo became more enthusiastic, finding a balanced training partner to enhance his abilities. Unknowingly, this led to frequent joint training sessions, and occasionally, they exercised and warmed up together when Rossi had free time in the morning. This continued for two months, with each of them helping the other improve their self-defense skills.

"Yeah, I just finished training. By the way, it's unusual for you to come home at this hour. Aren't you usually late? Did you skip your part-time job?"

"Today, I had a lot of college assignments, so I couldn't work part-time at the usual café. I took the day off."

"I see."

"Anyway, let's go inside. I'm tired. By the way, on the way home, I bought snacks and chicken for dinner!" Rossi showed his food bag in his hands. They both stepped into the house.

"By the way, who were you talking to earlier?" Rossi asked, looking at Theo with a puzzled expression. Theo's face turned red as soon as he heard the question. "Did you hear everything?"


"Hahaha, embarrassing. I was just talking to myself. I always do that to pump myself up!" Theo chuckled as they continued walking towards the living room, with Rossi carrying the food bag.


"So, you're planning to go back to your own place?" Rossi echoed Theo's recent statement. Theo had just mentioned his intention to return home because he felt the situation was now safe.

"Yes, as you know, my condition has improved, and it seems the situation is under control. I have to go back." Theo took a bite of the chicken in his hand. Currently, they are both sitting at the dining table, enjoying their dinner.

"If that's your decision, what can I do? But are you sure it's okay? Why do you refuse to ask the police for help? I've suggested contacting the police because it seems they have a problem with you. Besides, you were almost stabbed twice, right?"

"No. I don't want to involve the police. Besides, now they probably can't trace my whereabouts anymore. After this, I also plan to move."

"You're going to move houses?"

"Yes. It's the best option, so they can't track me."

"In that case, how about we have a small party tomorrow?"

"A party?"

"As a farewell. I'll contact Berta and Jim to join us."

"Hey, I'm just moving from here. Besides, we'll still meet at the bar where we work, right?"

"You're still going to work there?" Rossi looked at Theo with a puzzled expression. Rossi nodded in response. Of course, I'll still work there. If I don't, I'll never be able to start my plan to retaliate against the Bloodhound Cartel.

<Ding! >

<Quest accepted!>

<Quest: Crafting a Silent Plan!< p>

"The black sky envelops, and the silent action begins.

Conceal yourself in uncertainty.

Strength grows like night flowers.

Protect the weak in the embrace of darkness."

Category: Sub

Difficulty Level: E

Completion Requirement: Hide and protect your loved ones while crafting a plan and honing your skills. Prevent a repeat of the same incident!

Time Limit: Until you can master all your martial arts knowledge.

Reward: You will receive special coins as a reward once this quest is successfully completed!>

<Quest successfully completed!>

<Reward 620,000 coins have been added because you successfully completed the quest!>

<Your current coins are: 1,691,000C>


Time passed, and after deciding to move, Theo finally left Rossi's house. As planned, he immediately looked for another place to stay. Luckily, he now had plenty of money to use for renting a new hideout. Once moved, Theo quickly devised a plan to retaliate against the Bloodhound Cartel.

On the night of his move, Theo promptly went to work at the same club. He had no intention of resigning, even though his life had been in jeopardy before. For Theo, staying there was a risk he had to face because he wanted to take revenge on the Bloodhound Cartel.

Days went by, but Theo couldn't see any signs of the Bloodhound Cartel's appearance. Those who usually came along with the Infero Ravens gang oddly didn't show up at all, even though the Infero Ravens themselves manifested in the bar where he worked. Theo started to feel curious about why the Bloodhound Cartel didn't show up at all.

It's been almost two weeks of surveillance, but why hasn't the Bloodhound Cartel shown up at all? This is very strange. Could it be that since that night, they've become more cautious because Rossi reported the stabbing to the police? The last time I encountered them was when I was still in the hospital. Since I haven't been working, have they stopped coming here altogether? Theo remained silent, lost in thought. He became so absorbed that he didn't even realize a customer had been trying to get his attention to place an order.

"Theo!" Jim tapped his shoulder, snapping Theo out of his reverie. He turned towards the sound and saw Jim looking at him with a puzzled expression. "The customer at that table has been calling you since earlier! They seem to want to order."

Theo glanced at the table pointed out by Jim. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize." Theo hurriedly approached the table and took their orders. Some young people sitting there requested several bottles of high-alcohol drinks to alleviate the stress they had just encountered. Theo assured them that their order would be delivered shortly.

"I guess I should stop thinking about them and focus on work. Otherwise, I'll never be able to concentrate," Theo muttered quietly as he walked towards the table where Jim was. However, just as he took a few steps, his movements suddenly stopped as his eyes unintentionally caught sight of the appearance of the group he had been waiting for. The Bloodhound Cartel, entering through the front door with their distinctive style.

As always, the Infero Ravens gangsters immediately stood up upon seeing them. Dante, who noticed the gangsters, only glanced at them briefly before shifting his attention elsewhere. He felt too lazy to engage with the Infero Ravens group. As Dante redirected his gaze, his eyes accidentally caught Theo, now standing in the middle of the path, staring in his direction. Dante's face immediately changed 180 degrees upon seeing who was in front of him. His jaw tightened, and his hands clenched. From the look in his eyes, Theo could sense the hostility towards him.

Theo remained calmly silent. His eyes stared back at Dante with a cold gaze. Now, there was no feeling of fear enveloping him, but a strange sensation as his adrenaline surged, witnessing Dante's presence that would undoubtedly mark the beginning of his revenge journey. Theo grinned. Finally, I've found you... you despicable scum!
