
Resume KR

Ha-jun, an elementary school facility manager, will live a new life with the ability to create 1 billion won in debt overnight. “I’ll give you my body, so please pay me back…”

Flower_of_Evil · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 3

The shock was immense, and it was a nonsensical, extraordinary situation. However, my judgment of the situation was quicker than anyone else's.

I looked at her standing in front of me and immediately wore a troubled expression.

It was a helpless and pitiful look, hoping for approval after requesting additional stock in the report.

"Well…, even so, it's 1 billion won…."

1 billion won was an amount I couldn't even dare to imagine.

"I know. That's why I'm sorry. Please, just give me a little more time. And, I can't remember when I borrowed it, when did I borrow it?"

Her expression was unexpectedly bold for an apology. "Um…, about 3 years ago?"

"3 years ago? Me?"


I thought I should give her some time, as I had simply scribbled in the special notes that she borrowed 1 billion won.

"Then…, okay. Will a month be enough?"

"How can you repay 1 billion won in just a month."


The borrower seemed to have the upper hand.

"Then, how much...."

It took her some time to think, given the substantial amount of 1 billion won.

"I'll give you enough time. I have to go because of my work. We'll set a deadline later."


She nodded easily, perhaps relieved to have bought some time.

She was wearing light blue jeans and a purple shirt, only the front part tucked in, and she quickly turned around and left.

As soon as she left, unable to contain my excitement, I hurriedly entered the warehouse.

I pushed the laptop aside and pressed the power button on the old computer.

Whirring. It was still loading, making a struggling sound. I tried to calm my trembling hands, excited, and took out a crumpled pack of cigarettes and a half-empty lighter from my pocket, heading to the back of the warehouse.


I lit the cigarette and drew on it with all my might.


I opened my mouth as wide as possible and slowly exhaled the smoke. I felt a little calmer now. I've never won the lottery, but I guess this feeling must be similar.

I wanted to shout out loud but restrained myself, flicking the half-smoked cigarette butt to the ground and heading back inside to sit in front of the computer.

Tap, tap.

I clapped my hands a few times and picked up the mouse.

Click, click.

A few clicks later, I opened the resume file.

[Seo Hye-jung]


[0 Son, 0 Daughter]

[33 Years Old]


[Birthplace: North Chungcheong Province ~]

[Current Address: Gyeonggi Province ~]

[Occupation: –Elementary School Staff]

[Hobby: Not Entered]

[Specialty: Not Entered]

[Personality: Not Entered]

[Certificates: Not Entered][Up to 4 certificates can be entered.]

[Growth Process] [.]

[Strengths and Weaknesses] [.]

[Major and Experience] [.]

[Motivation for Application and Future Aspirations] [.]

[Special Notes] [I borrowed 1 billion won from Oh Ha-jun and have to repay it immediately]

The resume and cover letter were open.

I leaned back in my chair. As I had just felt, this was real, and it worked exactly as I had written. The common sense I knew was no longer common sense.

From now on, the resume on this old computer in front of me was my common sense and value system.

"Then...." My heart was racing, and I still had goosebumps, but my mind was calm.

With this, I could control anyone.

The corners of my mouth danced, and my calm mind quickly pulled out several novels.

"Shit.... Pffft."

Just thinking about it made me swear, and I felt good. I placed my fingers on the keyboard.

First, I had to complete the cover letter linked to the special notes I wrote.

"Growth Process...."

Although we hadn't met many times, I knew she looked down on people lower than her, so I based it on that.

[Growth Process]

[Since childhood, I have always hated being in debt or losing in any competition.] [So, borrowing money from someone was unimaginable.] [But then....]

I hesitated a bit here. I had to write a story about borrowing money from me, but I was stuck, writing a cover letter for the first time in nearly 10 years.


The fact that she was married caught my eye.


[Growth Process] [Since childhood, I have always hated being in debt or losing in any competition.] [So, borrowing money from someone was unimaginable.] [But then, I had to borrow 1 billion won from Oh Ha-jun, a colleague at the same workplace, due to lack of wedding funds.] [Because I hate being in debt, I am trying my best to repay him.]

[Strengths and Weaknesses] [My strength is my competitive spirit, and I hate losing to someone or receiving help and feel embarrassed.]

[My weakness is that I extremely loathe being known to have lost or received help from someone.]

[Major and Experience] [.]

[Motivation for Application and Future Aspirations] [.]

[Special Notes] [I borrowed 1 billion won from Oh Ha-jun and must repay it by any means. If the fact that I received help becomes known to others, I will feel ashamed and embarrassed.]

No matter how I thought about it, the cover letter was sloppy. If I were a boss, I would never hire someone with such a cover letter. I couldn't help but laugh, comparing it to the cover letters I had written in the past.


It wasn't a normal thing to begin with, and what does it matter if it's sloppy?

I just needed to receive the 1 billion won. I was about to save it when I suddenly remembered the sight of Seo Hye-jung.

Wearing a shirt and jeans.

Since it's quite rural, I hadn't had a girlfriend for a while, and I had even given up on entertainment to save money for a house lease.

"Just jerking off...."

Once the thought went in one direction, it kept popping up in my mind. I didn't care if it didn't work, so I modified part of the cover letter.

[Motivation for Application and Future Aspirations] [The motivation is to become a perfect teacher who can do everything on her own, without any help, so I applied to the school.] [If I am hired, I will become a perfect teacher, and if I receive any help, I will repay it by selling my body if necessary.]

[Special Notes] [I borrowed 1 billion won from Oh Ha-jun and must repay it by any means.] [If the fact that I received help becomes known to others, I will feel ashamed and embarrassed.] [I currently don't have the ability to repay the 1 billion won immediately, and if he informs the police, everyone will know, which is a burden.] [Thus, extending the deadline and simultaneously finding the most efficient way to repay is to sell my body to Oh Ha-jun.]

I wondered if this would work, but if it did, I could do whatever I wanted with that insolent woman. I was already getting excited.

[Do you want to save?] [Yes/No]

Without looking back, I immediately pressed yes. Seeing the message that it was saved, I turned off the computer. I was curious to see if it would take effect immediately.

However, like the first special note, it didn't work right away, and time passed very slowly for a few days.


Seo Hye-jung felt herself changing over the past few days.

It wasn't the irritability that comes from menstruation or hunger. It was slow, but she was definitely changing.

"Ms. Seo~. Can I help you?"

As she was carrying teaching materials, a colleague offered to help, which made her unreasonably upset.

"No~, I'm fine."

She spoke as kindly as possible and walked away, but the irritation didn't subside. 'I can do it myself, so why offer help?'

The thought of needing to be perfect was clearly reflected even at her desk. If the books were even slightly misaligned, it bothered her. It wasn't anger, but it just caught her eye. "Haah...."

After organizing the books and calming down a bit, another burden pressed on her. 1 billion won. Why on earth did she borrow such a huge amount of money?

Especially from someone she had barely known until recently.