
Dungeon Diving

|Third Person View|

When everyone arrived into the dungeon, all of them took their respective positions. James and Jin in the Frontlines. Leni ,Dori , Yern and Kin in the middle while Javelin and Guro guards the rear.

Everyone starts to slowly move through the dungeon and saw that most traps have been disabled by something, which alert them.

"Someone is nearby, Dungeon generates every 5 kilometers. So having a trap disabled means that they are nearby." Dori immediately alert everyone

"Understood" everyone replied

"Dori, you need me to go scout ahead or not?" Guro asked while materializing his Odri and Junz

Dori shook his head and pointed towards the others.

"Ah I forgot they are not used to this kind of environment. Javelin is it?" 

"Ah, yes?" Javelin look at Guro

"I'll teach a few things as a ranger. I don't feel any presence nearby, so it will be hard to teach you." Guro took out a pair a binoculars and gave it to Javelin

"What is this for? Aren't we rangers? Shouldn't we protect the rear?" Javelin asked while holding the binoculars

"That's one thing they don't ever teach you about, Rangers are suppose to scout ahead and give information to the leader of the team, so that they can make a plan to kill the monster efficiently without losing time, Rangers don't always necessarily guard the back, some of them is protected in the middle like Clerics and Supports." Guro exhaled after all that

Javelin just kept on nodding his head. James looked at this scene weirdly while Dori is already looking through every single spot in the dungeon with his Far Sight ability.

"Fuck, why did we encounter this monster this early on?"

"Dori what's the matter?" Jin asked

"Star Shatterer, rank 5 monster, rank 5 in physical and rank 4 in magical aspect. Specialize in destruction and area of effect abilities. Weak points are still not found yet due to their resilient skin, and their heads are covered in hard metal that is unrecognizable from our world." Dori said while rubbing his right eye with a handkerchief

"Hell yes, It's that monster?" Guro asked excitedly

"Yes, the one where you had the most fun with."

The other group members seems confused except for Leni, he is sweating as he knows the destructive power behind Star Shatterer.

"Are you sure we don't need to run? Star Shatterer seems like a strong opponent for us to take on right now..."

"Nah, no need. After all, one or ten of them. I'll take them down without issue." Guro dematerialize both of his weapons and starts stretching

"I guess that's that then." Dori said before squatting down and put both of his hands on the ground,

"The shackles of fate pierced through my fists, I shall be the catalyst for unknown and the guide for the dead. I alone will bear the sins and guilt they once carried, I will be the comfort, the light and the hope they bear witness."

The ground trembles strongly and black water starts to appear from the ground where Dori is standing, however. Dori is still standing on the rampant waves of the black water. Suddenly, two hands came out from the black water. The two hands belong to a guy who came out of the water, and strangely. His abdomen is pierced by a spear, but he seemed like he did not care.

The man stand at an impressive height of 2.3 meter and have slim muscles all over his body, he wore the type of outfit where people from Guro and Dori's world will call casual, so the other members are weird out by the fashion and the appearance of the said person.

The person stood up and grabbed the handle of them spear, then pulled it out which caused blood to splattered around. He look over and saw the people around him while looking at Dori intensely.

"So, another job for me? What do you need this time." The man asked in a deep voice

"I need you to cover Guro" Dori replied

"Alright." The man said without any emotion, his black iris with yellow edge eyes scan through the forest and saw the monster he need to distract

He run towards the monster with frenzy steps and disappeared from the group.

"Who is that Dori?..." Jin asked and others were interested as well, as no one can live with their abdomen pierced by a spear

"That is... my summoned monster. He is not a real person at all. He does not appear as a Monster as well. He have been accompanying me ever since I am a little kid." Dori naturally lied

Jin nodded and didn't ask anything further. As she think she would ask something personal about him which is rude.

"Here I go." Guro materializes Shark(A Railgun with 8x scope) and aimed at the beast's head which is quite large compare to human due to the overwhelming size of Star Shatterer. The size of these monsters are easily store size and the height of five stories.

Guro flashstep to one of the trees nearby and hanged himself upside down while charging Shark, the beast sensed Danger and look towards Guro. It then open it's mouth , inside the mouth. There is a sphere floating, after that. The sphere immediately shot out of the beast's mouth aiming for Guro.

Guro smiled and continued to charge Shark, the Sphere's speed is so fast that it is having afterimages while flying towards Guro.

Time starts to slow down into an immediate stop, where the Sphere is in front of Guro's eyes. But the Summoned monster of Dori did what he is asked to do. He stabbed the sphere and time starts to flow again to the original state. The sphere explode causing a large shockwave to go through everyone.

"Are you all okay?" Dori asked after the shockwave got absorbed by the barrier he created.

"Yeah I am fine" "Don't you think Guro is being a little bit careless?"

"Even if he got hit by Nocturne Blast, he would be fine."

"Is Vacuus Blast that sphere?" Leni asked

"Yes, that's what we call it. It looks like the void and it is a blast. So that's the name we gave it." Dori said while flipping through his book that he took out during the shockwave impact


A beam struck against the Star Shatterer's head and blew it up. What's left is just a neck and the body of the Star Shatterer.

Guro dematerialize Shark and starts to go back to the group before he sensed multiple arrow coming to his way. He dodged a couple of them while grabbing some arrow and returning fire with them, which is a bizarre sight. The trees that got struck by the arrow got blast by the force behind Guro's force and multiple figures starts to jump from tree to tree.

Retreating from the scene, the figures pulled down their hoods and revealed their long and pointy ears.

"What do you mean his manaless? He dodged the arrows without any difficulty and even starts counter attacking using his bizarre ways." a rather mature voice come from the person with a wood mask

"I thought he is an easy bounty since he is manaless. But his physical prowess seems to keep up with his student identity..." a female voice sounded from another figure with wooden mask

"Talking badly behind someone's back is bad you know." 

The elves immediately look towards the direction of the voice and saw multiple shadows following them.

"Shit, he maybe have shadow manipulation or his allies are nearby."

"Let's attack them back with wind magic."

The elves starts to chant while running from tree to tree. The multiple figures chasing them is actually just one guy, and it's Guro with his immense speed. Even though elves are born agile. Guro is just simply built different, his continuously jumping from tree to tree as well while carrying Kumo on his back and grabbing Kana at right hand while it's sheath at left hand.

The elves finished chanting and released their attacks.

"Wind Burst!" "Acceleration!" "Wind Cleave!" "Anemo Blast!"

The four different spells hit different Guro's shadows. But it did not hit him at all, the elves panicked and started to chant and cast their spells in quick succession. 

Guro is tired of playing and start to speed towards them in a straight line, which the elves took advantage of and 6 different spells hit him. The elves sighed and stopped running away after seeing the spells landed.

"It did not even leave a light scratch on me" one of the elves heard from her ear and tried to use her spell again

But Guro choke slam her to the ground which caused the elf to lost conciousness.

"HIS ALIVE!" the one of the elves shouted and they started to blast spells onto him again, while buffing their own spells with acceleration.

While Guro flashstep to the back of the elf that just shouted.

"You're pretty loud, you know." Guro grabbed the elf by the neck and one of the spells hit the elf's body which a groan can be heard before the elves stop their relentless attacks and look at the situation angrily.

"What? Don't be angry, I am not going to kill anyone here without reason. That is if you don't answer me. Did anyone here ever seen my bounty?" Guro smile while choking the elf

"It is me... I took the quest, STOP. Don't kill him!" a rather feminine voice called out

Guro looked over and saw the elf took off her mask, and reveal a beautiful girl in her 20s.

"Tell me, how much is the bounty worth?" Guro still clenching the neck of the elf

"It was 20 thousand Lin! Please... just stop choking him..." the beautiful elf spoke weakly

"Or else? What are you going to do? Fight against me again and lose?" Guro smile menacingly

"I surrender, I didn't thought the person the mission mentioned is you..." the girl said while kneeling down towards him.

"Huh? Aren't Elves suppose to be prideful and arrogant?" Guro look at the elf kneeling on the ground with her head on the grass

"Please release him, he is my brother... I can't lose another family member..." the girl plead

"IF YOU DON'T WANT TO LOSE A FAMILY MEMBER THEN DON'T BRING THEM INTO A GODDAMN DUNGEON YOU IDIOT!" Guro shouted at her and threw the brother towards the elf girl

"God damn idiots, cherish your time with your family members. You won't even know one day you might die or they pass away." Guro looked at them menacingly with the edge of his eyes becoming blacker

Suddenly the ground beneath Guro starts produce black water and caused a small pool to appear beneath him, he slowly sinks into the pool of black water.

"Time may be long for you elves, but for us. It's almost like a speck of dust that will be blown away at any given time" Guro said angrily before consumed by the black water.

"Is it over?" one of the elves asked

"Quick, heal the princess and the prince!"


Guro is seen dropping from the black water that is seemingly floating in the middle of the air.

"Guro, what happened." Dori's easy going personality disappeared and an extremely serious expression is planted on his face

"Nothing, just a couple of adventurers trying to get my bounty." Guro said then fake smiling

"Don't do that to me please, Guro. Your health is important to me as well. What caused you to have such an emotional outburst that even I can feel it?" Dori asked

Guro sighed "I was faced with a bunch of elves that tried to kill me to take my bounty. And one of them reminds me of my past..." The edge of Guro's eyes stopped turning black and slowly turns into white



"Then, I'll leave you alone for a bit." Dori said then walked towards the group and told them not to disturb Guro for a while

Guro jumped to one of the trees and sat on there for a bit and then came back down with a smile.

"I hope I didn't take too much time... Wait, I almost forgot. What is our Dungeon mission again? I am sure me and Dori didn't hear the mission we are suppose to carry out." Guro asked

"Actually... It is finished... We need a monster core that is above rank 3... With the core of Star Shatterer our mission is done. So we could go back now." Jin said while carrying a core that is bigger than her palm.

"Then let's go back" Guro said while walking towards the direction where the portal is


After walking a while they spot the portal and saw hooded figures going inside the portal.

"Those are suspicious people." Javelin said while readying his bow and arrow

The hooded figures disappearing within the portal and Javelin soften up

"Let's go now, it's safer" Jin announced

The group start moving towards the portal and went inside the portal. Waiting a couple minute for it to activate.


The scenery of the guild welcomes the group as there is sounds of laughter and talking in the background.

"You are not lying when you said it is going to take 6 hours."

"I never onced break my promise after all." Guro replied

"It took us a total of 3 hours to bring you back from the spot you are at when you are being ambushed you know" Dori said

"3 hours? What the hell... Time is different the farther you go from the portal?"

"Yeah, this portal is weird due to it's weaker structure."

Guro sensed a gaze and look at the direction of the gaze and was met with the hooded figures again. He looked at them with a smile before going to the counter and talk with the girl at the counter.

"Yo, Ashley Lionheart."

"What is it?"

"Can you identify the adventurers there" Guro make signals with his eyes

"I never seen them before" Guro seemed in thought

"They are the 'Det Fria' adventure group, they mostly take exploration and treasure hunt."

Ashley said after examining a couple of documents

" Det Fria? As in 'The Free Ones'?" Guro seemed interested

"I am surprise that you actually understand their language... But aren't you an orphan? There is no way you know their language right?" Ashley looked at Guro suspiciously

"Aw c'mon, I have some elf friends you know. I sometimes asked what they are talking about and that one must've been a lucky guess"

"Yeah, Yeah. You and your lucky guess... Come to the back of the guild, I have to ask and tell you something." Ashley gestured the back rooms

"Alright, I'll be right behind you." Guro said innocently

Ashley's face brightens as she heard from the other guild members always said that he is uncooperative, thinking that she have tame the beast.

'I just wanna go home after this' Guro thought while yawning