
Average Weekday

"So, that thing you were excited for yesterday, how did that go?" Donovan asked with some lingering curiosity.

"It went really well." Arthur said while letting out a slight chuckle, "I'm going to have to give some context before I tell you what I did."

For the drive home, Arthur began briefly explaining relevant mechanics and details first, such as how NPC interaction worked, and the behaviour of Kyle, alongside his own history with the NPC he used as a target. He then described in detail the elaborate plan that he had put into motion, both the tricking him into getting arrested and then framing him for murder.

"Oh that poor kid." Donovan was a little concerned at what he was hearing, but it was still pretty funny to hear. "Like father, like son."

They eventually arrived home, Arthur thanked Donovan before entering his house. He ran up to his room and took care of his plants before turning his computer on and checking if his friends were online.