
A Little Backstory

"My name is Han Jester. Nice to meet you again, Sir Dunn."

"You don't have to call me 'sir'. Just called me Dunn or Oldman Dunn. I'm a mere gardener employed in Klover estate."

"Alright then, Oldman Dunn." Han complied.

"That's way better. People will be weirded out seeing a promising scholar talk respectfully to a mere gardener," Dunn chuckled.

"Truth be told, I don't care about people's words. More importantly, I never expected you to be working here as I do. I thought you said you're gonna visit a relative."

"Well, that's half of the plan and this one is another half. I still need to make my living somehow." Dunn explained.

Han nodded his head. He understood that not everyone is fortunate like him. Had it not for Johann Klover, he would probably be living the same life as the old man.

"Are you often coming here, Han?"

"Yes, It's part of my job. Oh, did I forget to mention? I'm working as a tutor for the young master."