
Restart: The World Savior's New Beginning

EARTH was destroyed but some of the inhabitants were send to a different world, which will be targeted next by the DESTROYER, who destroyed Earth. They were given a game like system and a mission to avenge EARTH. Elena was only a 16-years old girl that time and she was suddenly transported to another world full of betrayal, killing, plunder, debauchery and more. That world was also at the verge of extinction by the DESTROYER. But Elena was able to save the world after going through a lot of unimaginable hardship for seven years and became the World Savior. After fulfilling her mission now she have a chance to either stay in this world as hero, or go to another world to start a new comfortable life as a reward. So, what will she do? How will her journey go from now on? Join Elena who is a kind hearted, overpowered and ruthless girl in her journey to enjoy her life to the fullest after overcoming a lot of harsh trials. ______________ Elena is overpowered FMC and she is not involved in any kind of romance. I hate the idea of my protagonist to be a lovestruck maiden like many novels. She is strong, independent, kind and decisive. This story mainly focuses on the adventure and fantasy aspects more with slice of life and actions mixed in it. This novel is my take on creating a perfect Female Main Charector of my liking and to create a story of a proper hero and savior. ______________ The cover does belong to me, so no prob. discord: https://discord.com/invite/fYqDSEYVUM Have fun reading.

_OMNiCiENT_ · ファンタジー
469 Chs

Ch 25: Dungeon Dive (Fourth & Fifth Floor)

The fourth floor's atmosphere was the worst among the floors Elena had visited so far. The air was filled with rotten smell. Not only rotten smell of flesh but also egg as it was a swamp. Elena used a magic <Air Purification> to cover herself in a air bubble of fresh air to get rid of the smell.

The monsters were all S rank zombies of levels between 300-400. There were also monsters like Mud Golems, who were also between those level range. These two were the primary type of monster that could be found on this floor. They were everywhere.

Numbers of Zombies and Mud Golems were well over 1000 throughout the whole floor. But, except them there were also another type of monsters that can be called Swamp Assassins. They were slime like monster made of mud and could hide themselves perfectly in the swamp and attack from blind spots. Their levels were over 400 so they were obviously the most dangerous monster group on this floor.

But, even though they were all above level 400 there were some solo monsters stronger than them. One was a Zombie Muscle Berserker of level 489. It was only made of flesh, specifically muscles and had a insanely high attack power that could match even level 500+ strength specialist monsters.

Another one was Joker Reaper and it was the strongest assassin present on this floor at level 493. It was a humanoid monster with a joker mask and sharp metallic claws in hand. It was extremely fast and had high stealth capability.

But among the solo roaming monsters of this floor the strongest one had to be the Remorse Remnant. It was a ghost type undead monster. There was no other ghost looking undead in the whole floor except it because this monster had absorbed all the others. It was level 490, bit lower than the Joker Reaper's level but surely stronger than it in battle. It's stats were also higher and it can use troublesome mind affecting magic.

But none of them were a match for Elena so she cleared them up quickly and went toward the entrance to fight the Boss of this floor. The name of the boss was Mad Mud Corpse Emperor. It was a Zombie+Golem combination monster, 8 meter tall and had 6 arms. It wasn't using any weapon but could throw mud spears, mud bombs and corpse explosion bomb.

It can regenerate almost endlessly as it could use the the whole swamp's mud as it's material to regenerate. It could also control all the mud in a 1 km radius to attack. It was a level 510 monster, a high level demigod in this world's standard.

But obviously it was no match for Elena and she defeated it in one blow clearing the Fourth Floor. Then she went straight to the Fifth Floor without wasting any time.


The Fifth Floor was like the inside of a castle. It was one of the most orthodox dungeon like design in this dungeon except the first floor. Elena thought-

"Eh, so this is the last and final floor of the dungeon. Let's see, yeah it lives up to the prestige of the last floor. All the monsters are above level 500, level 600 and above monsters are not rare and there is actually one above level 700.

Ora, this is interesting. Let's check a bit about it. Ohhoho, marvelous. Umm, who would have thought I will find a damsel in distress in the deepest dungeon floor. What am I? Hero?? Oh, I guess I'm one."

Thinking so and shaking her head Elena disappeared using teleportation.

The monsters in the Fifth Floor were mostly Living Armours. But they were not undead or golem but a special race of monsters. The black coloured Living Armours were between level 500-550, the copper coloured ones were between 550-600, silver or steel coloured ones were between 600-650 and the golden ones were above level 650.

The person who created those monsters was now sitting on a large bed hugging her knees. Even though she was not the dungeon master of this dungeon but she was still the last boss and also the strongest individual in the dungeon as her level was 712, equivalent to lesser gods. So she can get all the news about the dungeon and she also got the news that an extremely powerful individual is currently trying to conquer the dungeon. She thought-

"That shitty dungeon master must be freaking out right now. Hehe, serves him right. He should just die."

She spoke up with sadness-

"But even if he die, I will die too. That person is definitely stronger than me. But I don't really want to die as a part of these bastards' force. Haaaa..."

As she let out a long sigh, she suddenly heard a teasing but kind voice -

"If you don't then just leave them and come with me. This big sister will give you a lot of candies."

Her whole body tensed up and after just a moment she jumped away from her bed and take out a large axe out of nowhere. In front of her was a absurdly beautiful women with golden hair and blue eyes. Yes it was Elena. The person she feared the most for now.

Elena smiled as she looked at the petite pink haired girl in front of her. She was looking like a 12-13 years old loli but she knew that this girl was over 100 years old and way older than Elena. But there was still some innocence left in her eyes alongside unwillingness.

When Elena used the combination of Total Clairvoyance and Perfect Analysis, she was able to know almost everything about the whole dungeon with greater details. There she found out that the last boss was actually a fallen queen enslaved by the Devil King. She was a queen in the world of FITURA before the World's Will became corrupted and the Devil King took over.

But she lost against the Devil King and was enslaved. She was the queen of the Living Armours who were then known as Guardianfolks. But now they all had been turned into monsters by the World's Will and she have the power to create them.

After knowing about her history and about her kind and brave heart Elena just couldn't let her fall in a place like this. So, she decided to save her. And to do that, she just trapped the Dungeon Master, whom the Devil King had sent here to manage the dungeon and to keep an eye on the Guardian Queen Armouvista, and teleported to her location.

Armouvista was scared stiff. She can somehow understand that even if she went all out and sacrifice her life to fight until death she would still be able to do nothing in front of this person. So she was unable to even move. To such Armouvista, Elena once again spoke up kindly -

"Guardian Queen Armouvista, I known about you situation and I can free you from slavery. I respect you dedication and character. So I want to protect you. Hmm, I will ask you once again- will you come with big sister to eat a lot of candies ?"

Armouvista was speechless. She asked with a shaky voice -

"Are you telling the truth? Umm no, you've no need to lie to me. You're way stronger than me so you don't get anything by lying to someone weaker like me? But how do you know my name and even my past?"

Elena jokingly replied -

"That's because I'm super awesome and way stronger than your so called Devil King."

Hearing her reply she actually sighed in relief -

"Yes I can somehow feel that you're stronger than that bastard."

"So, will you come with me?"

"Yes, please take care of me big sis - umm"

"I'm Elena Riz Draxtear, nice to meet you."

"I'm Armouvista Belle Ladiurarmasa. I will be in you care."

After that Elena erased the slavery mark that the Devil King had left on Vista (her new nickname) and easily destroyed the dungeon master, a level 689 devil of Sinister Shadow Fiend race and completely destroyed the Chaos Dungeon Core. The dungeon will slowly completely disappear within 3 days after the destruction of the core.

After doing all that Elena returned to the third floor campsite alongside Vista, the Dungeon Conquest was finally over.