
Rick Jones POV

I really don't understand about Macy, how can she blatantly pointing a man as murderer. Even he is really a murderer, we can't just arrest him because someone told me so. We need evidence to arrest him, without evidence, he'll be released again and sue the police department for that.

So, I don't want her to say another word about that man and cover her mouth, drag her to the car and heading back to the hospital. Last experience with her report almost causing her killed, so I must promise to her that we will investigate this case.

After dropping her off in hospital, we're back to the station to get a search warrant. If we can't get it, probably we can ask Johnson from Vice section to investigate it. It's his case anyway, he probably can get a search warrant to investigate that warehouse. But this case is Sam brought to me, I should ask his opinion too.

"Sam, what's your opinion?"

"Huh? About what?"

"This case, without solid evidence we can't ask for a search warrant. But we must investigate that warehouse and find clues about this case"

"You believe in Macy, don't you? By the way, you haven't told about her name"

"Ugh, I just take the name from store logo, it's not convenient to call her just 'you' or 'girl' beside she never wrong before, I got to believe her"

"What an unreasonable way to give a name to a girl"

"Never mind about that, more important is how are you going to pay your debt?"

"Please don't tell anyone about that partner"

"Let me think about that first …."

"Oh c'mon Rick"

"Wasting money for a woman is stupid you know?"

"Don't be like that partner, aren't you also buy her clothes?"

"That's different story Sam"


"What's that sound?"

Suddenly a hitting sound can be heard from back windows. I turn my back to see what happen, and I see a car following us. I remember see that car after we leaving the warehouse, and I still see that car now, means the car have following us from the warehouse.

"Sam, we've been followed"

"It seems so"

"That must be them, no mistakes"


"Macy maybe in danger. Sam, shake them off and return to the hospital"

"Roger that"

Sam step on the gas and our car suddenly run faster leaving our follower behind. After take the curve and turn to make them lost the sight we managed to shake off our follower. After that, we are heading to the hospital to pick up Macy. My feeling said she might be in danger because of the man in warehouse aware she knows his crimes.

We seem arrive at the hospital in the right time. From afar I can see some men carrying a girl into a van. Even though I can't see the girl's face, I'm sure she's Macy.

"Sam, don't let them run away! Stop them at any cost"

"Ugh, I understand. Fasten your seatbelt"

Sam step on the gas pedal deeper, and the car goes straight head on toward the kidnapper's van with high speed. It collides with the van when they about to leave the hospital. We didn't have injuries because we use the seatbelt. We get out from the car and warn them to surrender

"We are police. You're under arrest for suspected kidnapping and murder. Get out from the van"

Macy seems alright, she even call our names from the van. The kidnapper seems to try to start their van but the engine won't ignite.

Taking advantage from the shock of the collision, we try to subdue the kidnapper. Unfortunately, they can hold their ground faster than we expected and using Macy as a hostage. The man that we saw in warehouse holding a knife and threaten us using Macy as a hostage.

"Don't come any closer or I'll kill her" he swings his knife around Macy before put it on her neck.

"It's over dude. You can't go anywhere. Just surrender yourself"

"Don't come any closer"

"Ugh Rick, what we should do? He had Macy as hostage" Sam looks worried about Macy's safety.

"Hmmm…" usually in this hostage situation we should ask backup and a negotiator will sent from the police station to make deal with them. When I still thinking about what we should do, Macy seems talking something to her kidnapper. She surprisingly calm under this situation. Most girls will crying or begging to be released if they in this situation.

I don't know what she talking about, but suddenly her kidnapper looks like in the panic. They no longer stay alert to us and look like scared for something. This good chance can't be missed, so I dashed forward to the one who held Macy as a hostage and send a punch.

"Get your dirty hands off from Macy!"

Without any resistance, my punch landed on him and knocks him down unconscious. The rest of kidnapper, after seeing their leader down immediately surrenders.

"Backup will arrive soon Rick!" Sam told to me.

"Good" I let Sam handle them, I should checking on Macy to make sure she's alright.

She's standing near backside on the van, so I approaching her

"Macy! Are you alright"

"It's all over, they will find your body and you can rest in peace …. Don't cry anymore"

Eh? Is she talking to the victim's spirit?

Whatever! Somehow I already used with her talking with invisible things. So I pat her head gently while saying,

"Good job Macy, we solve an important case. You're amazing"

She smiles hearing that, and a little blushing while replying

"Thank you Mr. Jones. Please take care of me from now on and after that"

"Huh? The word 'after that' somehow feels ….. Hey Sam! Said something!"

Sam is pretending not hear me and busying himself with those criminals. Oh well, it's seem that we will involve with her further more after this case.