
Resisting Love

Mikaella Vergara Assunção is the daughter of a powerful mafioso, but she lives a life filled with restrictions and rules imposed by her father. After a heartbreak, she decides to leave everything behind and makes a pact with herself: not to fall in love again. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she meets the seductive Romeo, a captivating man who has no idea of Mikaella's true identity. As love blossoms between them, Mikaella finds herself torn between revealing her connection to the mafia to protect her beloved or keeping her identity a secret and risking it all. In this romance full of twists and turns, follow Mikaella's escapades and her best friends, and discover if she can keep her promise not to fall in love again or if she will surrender to a forbidden love with dangerous consequences.

Miriam_Marques_5239 · 都市
9 Chs

Chapter 7 - A coffee and other things

"Now lying on Betina's couch, Mikaella had only darkness as her company.

She finally understood everything. It hadn't been a mere coincidence; it had been another twist of fate against her heart.

Now, she was ready to start over. She wanted to distance herself from men, didn't want to know about love, and much less about sex.

From now on, she would focus on herself. She would be strong, independent, and happy.

She had met Julio in her favorite cafe, reading his favorite book. Right from the first time, when she mustered the courage, she deceived herself deeply once again.

Her friends had always warned her about his looks, but Mikaella didn't believe them. She was so engrossed, wanted to be in a relationship so badly, desired to be loved so much that she created a fantasy in her own head, the fantasy of the perfect man, the artist who encouraged her dreams. A lie! An opportunist who lived off her, always claiming he was finishing the painting, just one last detail was left. "Today, I have an interview with an art gallery" was always the same story, and he never, ever changed.

How many times had he betrayed her in that apartment? How many times had people mocked her? How many times had she been humiliated by that man?

She wondered why? Why was she always a target for the worst men? Why did she have to make such terrible choices in love? She needed to change; she needed to stop being so needy, so available all the time.

If she continued to let her neediness speak for her, it would always be like this. She needed to take a different path in her life; she needed to pursue her dreams, whether she was accompanied by a man or not. She had her friends and her favorite books.

The next day, a new phase of her life would begin. She would be a new woman, a woman who wouldn't leave her heart vulnerable to anyone.

The next day, Mikaella would adopt a new attitude: she would be a strong woman, even if it meant being alone again, it was better than surrendering to a man who would make her suffer.

She had to find a way to live without love, without sex, without attachment. It would be difficult, but it was better than continually ending up with the wrong man.

The only company she desired now was that of her friends. She was happy with who she was and loved herself.

She decided it was time to start over.

And this time, she would do everything right.

But why did doing the right thing seem so difficult?

She was exhausted, tired of always being the good girl, the goody-two-shoes, and always getting screwed over.

From now on, she would be free.

Or rather, the next day she would be free, starting off on the right foot, finding her own path without caring about anything.

She would be content with her own achievements, pursue her own dreams, and not let the opinions of others influence her.

She would find a job and make friends. She wouldn't let anyone interfere; only by living her own life would she feel happy and secure.


That particular night seemed to have been shorter than usual. Mikaella didn't even notice the dawn; exhaustion had taken over her whole body. Perhaps it was a symptom of her broken heart, and at some point, it would be healed, and she would stop feeling it.

She would find a new place to live; she needed to. She couldn't bear the thought of Julio with that woman in her bed. She would look for a place far away from all the men who had hurt her."


"It was 9 o'clock in the morning when Mikaella woke up to Betina's desperate shouts.

"'Hey, friend, wake up! Wake up, wake up, you won't believe who I just met!'

Mikaella opened her eyes, still groggy, trying to make sense of the words.

"'Good morning to you too. Now, tell me why all this shouting in the middle of the night?"

Betina burst into laughter.

"'Middle of the night? Friend, it's nine in the morning.'

She laughed, and Mikaella ignored the comment, burying her head back in the pillow.

"'Guess who I just served coffee to?'

"'It was probably some homeless guy, right? Because if not, you wouldn't be here in the middle of your shift!'

Mikaella commented irritably.

Her morning moodiness was typical of her.

Fortunately, Betina was used to it.

"'No, you cow, it wasn't for some homeless guy. On the contrary, I just served coffee to none other than the owner of Petraglia Publishing. Do you know what that means, friend? Do you realize what that means? The biggest publishing company in the city!'

"'I know, I know,' Mikaella said, getting up quickly. 'So, friend, what did he say, what's he like?'

"'Oh, my, my,' Betina sighed. 'He's the hottest guy ever! And you don't even know the best part!'

She teased.

"'What's the best part?' Mikaella asked, curious.

"'He's on the market, friend, completely single and unattached!'

Mikaella rolled her eyes.

Betina was the naughtiest woman she knew.

"'Oh, friend, that's not what I asked... I meant, how is he polite, what's it like to meet a legend in the publishing market?'

"'I don't know anything about those naughty books you read,' Betina commented. 'I don't read smut; I make it! All I know is that the guy is hot, he's old, but he's still in great shape! I'd jump him without hesitation!'

"'Oh my God, it's better to hear that than to be deaf,' Mikaella said, laughing.

"'Now tell me, how did your boss let you leave in the middle of your shift? What excuse did you give him?'

"'Well, let's just say I didn't exactly give him an excuse,' Betina said.

"'Oh my God, friend, you're so naughty!'

"'I know! And that's why you love me. I'm practically a character from those erotic books you read and write. You can admit that I'm your muse!'

"'They're not erotic books, you crazy woman, and yes, you're my muse,' Mikaella agreed, walking to the bathroom. She was brushing her teeth when Betina entered.

"'Miss, why did you leave the office? I haven't finished telling you about my encounter with the hot old man.'

"'Oh, seriously, friend, I'm sorry, tell me more,' Mikaella said mockingly.

"'He let something slip...'

She teased, waiting for Mikaella's reaction.

"'What? What did he let slip, Tina? Spit it out!'

"'He told me he was there to relax, and the simple fact of seeing me already made him much calmer.'

"'Seriously, you came here to tell me that a rich old man hit on you? Since when is that news? All the old guys drool over you, the young ones, the old ones! Everyone wants a piece of a hot redhead like you!'

"'Well, that's true, but thank you for reminding me.'

Betina did have high self-esteem.

"'But, friend, that's not all he said. I wanted to know the reason for all the stress, and he told me they're conducting several interviews at the publishing company. And guess what? They're looking for a lawyer.'

Mikaella rolled her eyes.

"'Oh, friend, a lawyer? I told you, I don't want to work in the legal field anymore; I never wanted to.'

"'No, friend, wait, they need a lawyer to work as an assistant, advising the company's CEO. Can you believe that? You need to apply!'

Mikaella felt hope and despair at once.

"'Oh, friend, I don't know, I probably don't stand a chance; after all, there must be a million more qualified people competing for that position, and I'm not even qualified.'

"'Oh, Mika, stop that, don't be so pessimistic! I don't know anyone more qualified for this job than you... and besides, I've already scheduled your interview.'

"'Interview? What interview?'

The two were startled by Leona's sudden arrival.

"'Oh, Leo, you scared us...'

Mikaella said.

"'That's right, I bet you were dying to catch us in the act, weren't you, Leo?'

Betina teased.

Leona made a face.

"'I won't even bother responding to you, Betina... I brought your breakfast, friend...'

She said, handing a cup of coffee and a bag of donuts to Mikaella.

'Oh, friend, thank you.'

Mikaella thanked her.

"'Thank you? What do you mean? I had planned to make a special breakfast for both of us... and you're going to eat what the rich girl prepared?'

Mikaella shrugged, excluding herself from the conversation.

"'Oh, please, Betina, everyone knows you can even burn water... I don't know how you're still working in a café.'

Léo needled.

Maybe it's because despite my coffee being bad...

Betina said, getting closer.

"'I do everything else very well... At least, no one has complained so far... Léo...'

Leona remained silent and swallowed Betina's words as if she feared what Betina might say.

Mikaella stared at the two for a moment.

"'How strange, guys... for a moment, it seemed like there was some sexual tension between you... I ship it, you know?'

Mikaella burst into laughter, while Leona and Betina remained speechless."