
Resident Evil Virus Master

what would happen if Spencer started a second project alongside the Wesker project and even abducted a small boy to use as an experiment due to his ability to defy death despite his terminal illness that should have long killed the boy causing Spencer to use the boy even injecting him with the unmodified Progenitor virus unlike the Wesker children who have been injected with a modified version after all the years of suffering despite him now being in his early twenties he is still trapped in the clutches of umbrella however an incident in the facility that he resides has caused many to be infected with the T-Virus causing Spencer to send Albert and his expendable S.T.A.R.S unit into what can only be described as hell in order to retrieve the boy however things do not go as expected and from this many disastrous consequences cauing many to suffer but it all starts in that mansion. -------------------- do note this is a test if you guys like it I will continue it on since the first volume of my Spartan that became a god is coming to an end I thought I would see if this kind of story is interesting for you guys since that one is in first person and the next volume of that will require some 3rd person but as i said if this gets enough likes i will continue it do note in what i plan it will cover the events of resident evil 1 and if the likes are enough I will continue it onto the events that happen after that its entirely upto you guys. for those who want to support and read chapters before those on webnovel you can support me on patreon. patreon.com/LuciferDark324

LuciferDark · ゲーム
8 Chs

Chapter 5 Plans Are Made

John stood Infront of the computer for about 10 minutes before he was able to regain his composure before looking at the Crimson Queen" is this true I mean everything he said" I look at her expecting her to deny it's authenticity to his dismay the AI confirms everything in the video as true and that he was now in charge of all Dr Marcus's assets not wanting anything to do with umbrella he tells The Crimson Queen to sell the shares he has in Umbrella and store the funds in a secure bank for later use before looking at the tyrant " I am unsure what to do with you but since you are protecting me I wonder if I can give you some sort of intelligence in some way so you can talk" after saying that John begins to think what to do he is alone other than the tyrant he has no allies he does not consider the survivors of the mansion as such at all and began making plans for now if what Dr Marcus said than maybe getting more Viruses would be the best option for him to survive but something is bothering him.

After another 30 minutes he gives up on finding out what the feeling that's bothering him is and spent his time working out his next move at the end of his planing he final decides its best to get his hands on any virus similar to the T-Virus since with that and the progenitor virus already made him strong not sure how much since he has not tested it but if the tyrant is strong with only the T-Virus than theoretically he should be stronger but he knew that theoretically does not mean it's true since unlike the tyrant he did not mutant and this mutation may be what caused the strength of the Tyrant not only that the tyrant with him was made using his blood meaning it's stronger than a nornal tyrant.

As for what he plans on doing he knows that when umbrella finds out he is alive they will send people after him and although he is stronger than a normal human he has no idea of what the world is like and how strong those who serve umbrella are for all he knows they could have been injected with other viruses that umbrella had already stabilized to make them stronger so for the future he needs two this acording to what he learnt from the video one is more viruses to test Dr Marcus's theory of right he can make himself stronger and the second is combat training to allow him to use his strength.

After making his plans he asks the Crimson Queen to listen out for any news on any new Viruses that are similar in nature to the T-Virus or Progenitor virus since these are the best option than looking for any virus to add since he was unsure if it's virus of the same nature that bond with him or all viruses but as for now he decides to sleep since he has not slept since he has not done so since he escaped that Hell and he believes he should let everything he has learnt settle in before he commits to searching for more viruses to make himself stronger since he has no idea how long he has but doing anything while exhausted will cause mistakes which could decrease the time he has so with that thought he asks the Crimson Queen where he can sleep she directs him to the room on the left side saying there is a bed inside and a bathroom connected to the room, thanking her he walks in and walks to the bed before collapsing on the bed asleep.

John slept till the next morning as he woke up he as the Crimson Queen what time it was and to his suprise she told him it was 9 am in the morning although considering how much he went through before he finally was able to go to sleep it's not surprising at all since he was awake for more than 24 hours before he finally went to sleep so it's no wonder he slept so long and thanks to this long sleep he decides to move forward with the plan he made yesterday and find more viruses as well as Search For someone to train him in combat and in the use of weaponry to increase his chances of staying free.

As he left the room he sees the tyrant standing next to the door as if he was protecting it's contents "strange how does it know what it's doing without being ordered to do it" my comment does not go unnoticed" I did a scan on the tyrants brain and I found that eventhough the mutation makes them unintelligent due to your blood being used the mutation did not effect the brain as much as it normally would he is able to do tgings on his own but only basic things like guarding or attacking or anything that is just as simple this means none of these actions will be the same as someone who has trained in doing them but it still better than normal tyrants since they need orders to function and will not do anything on their own" hearing this explanation he just nods and enters the lobby from yesterday.

After getting to the computer he notices a watch like device on the table next to it seeing him notice or " that's s device for communicating with me while outside the facility it can also be used to access any files stored in my database however the database requires a password which is your name backwards it was your mother's idea since she was unsure when you would be able to use is so she went with a simple password" John just nods while putting the device securely on his wrist before testing it to get use to it after about 10 minutes he stops and nods in satisfaction before telling the Crimson Queen to search for someone to teach him how to fight while making sure that she sold his umbrella stock and stored the money outside Racoon city since from what he hearwd at the mansion the entire city is in umbrellas pocket and they coukd use it to their advantage he did not use it against him since even they have to be careful of the government.

After confirming everything he waits for the Crimson Queen to find someone who is not in umbrellas pocket surprisingly the only once who she found were the survivors of the mansion and a few that were in the city looking for mercenary work one such person was Svetlana Belikova a women who is beyond talented in hand to hand combat while also being good at using firearms according to what information the Crimson Queen gathered she is doing mercenary work to gather funds to use in her home country that is currently plagued by war " maybe I could use that to our advantage we could offer financial aid to her in exchange for her to help train me and allowing us to build a base in her home country that we can use as home base to hide from umbrella but will take a few years to do but it will be the most beneficial" hearing John talk like this the Crimson Queen makes the joke that he is definitely related to Dr Marcus with how calculative he is being.

Despite the joke she made the Crimson Queen agrees with the idea staying here will not keep them hidden as for transporting hee she was designed with that in mind she was easy to assemble and disassemble so that was not the problem it's ensuring Svetlana Belikova would keep her end of the deal as for funds when she sold John's stocks she made sure to get a decent prise since it was 25% since unlike most of the other founders he kept all his shares only Spencer did the same and currently it was 10 million dollars for a single percentage meaning she sold all of them for 250 million dollars and if they needed more she could make us of the research that Marcus had downloaded to her database with the video that John had seen.

John was in thought as he realized the same problem as the AI how can we guarantee that Svetlana Belikova will not betray him when she gets what she wants as he was thinking " if you are worried about loyalty Dr Marcus made a device that injects the T-Virus into the one who wears it while also keeping the T-Virus stable however it uses your blood to do so meaning that the effect your blood has over the tyrant will also be on the user of the device while also making them stronger" after hearing this John begins to run the plan through his head finding it viable but will she do it I suppose we can only try with that in mind he tells the Crimson Queen to organise a meeting with her and goes to get ready in hope it will work he knows it's wrong but survival is more important than morals or what's seen as right or wrong.