
Chapter 51

"I appreciate you letting me set up here today. Ty's probably being overcautious, but I'm still nervy about being by myself."

Ivy shut the door behind Paisley and bent to scrub Duke's ears. "It's no problem. Where better to hang out and write than a house with two other writers? Besides, now I can ask all my nosy questions."

"I knew that interrogation was coming." A part of her was glad of it. She had some of her own questions, and she didn't think she could ask Ty. "At least ply me with coffee first."

Ivy led the way toward the kitchen. "I will enjoy the second-hand coffee fumes."

"I thought pregnant women could have one cup a day?"

"Doc says yes. Baby says, Ha ha ha ha! No! I'm considering an espresso-scented candle."

"That might just make me sadder. Where's Harrison?"