


I need those file, Mrs. Sanchez. Get them ready first thing in the morning or you won't have a job to come to tomorrow." I said seriously to my secretary on the phone.

"Y-yes, Sir Damon. I'll do my best."

"I expect nothing less." I then ended the call.

Heaving a deep sigh, I made my way to the ba"lcony of my penthouse. Staring at the night sky, the moon beaming slightly, city lights and the cold evening breeze. Closing my eyes, I felt peace.

"Meow." I opened my eyes when I heard the sound. Looking down, I saw a white cat at the floor.

How did this get here? I'm in the 50th floor.

Squatting down, I noticed that the cat's hips has a black birth mark shaped like the crescent moon. "What are you doing here, buddy?"

She meowed again and walked circles around me while rubbing itself on me. I touched her neck to look for a collar or something but I found none. "Did you run away?"

I must be going crazy, here I am talking to a cat that just showed up my balcony. I guess this is what stress does to a person.

It just meowed and purred when I gently soothe it's head. "Come. Let's get you inside." I picked her up and got inside.

Placing her down to my bed she instantly stretched and go around in small circles before laying down. Feeling really at home I see. It was past eleven already and I have to go to work early because of some minor setback. I showered and brushed my teeth before going to bed. The cat was sleeping soundly, and by soundly I mean she's purring loud. Smiling at this cute creature, I drifted off to sleep.

I was awoken by something heavy on my chest. Immediately, I opened my eyes to see what it is but sigh in relief when it was just the cat I found last night.

"Good morning…uh, what should I call you?" she instantly become attentive and stood up. "Slingky?"she made a disapproving sound. "Well, Slingky was a dog so I'll take that as a 'no'. Cattie? Whitey? Mingming?" I tilted my head while looking at this cat. Then, I remembered she has this black mark on her hips that looks like the moon. "Oh, Luna!" I exclaimed and she meowed then rubbed her head on my palm. "I guess you like that? Now, Luna. I must be getting ready for work now." I gently removed her from my chest and got off the bed.

I was buttoning my suit when I heard some rattling sounds coming from the kitchen so I immediately head there, only to end up laughing at the sight. Luna's head was in the tube of Pringles while trying so hard to remove the tube off of her face. Shaking my head I rescued the poor thing for its misery.

"You know, these aren't for you." I wave the tube of Pringles and her eyes and head were following it which made me laugh again. Her paws trying it reach it but I held it further. "Nope. You are not eating this, Luna. Just eat the corned beef I gave you. It's only temporary, I didn't expect a cat to show up in the middle of the night and out of nowhere."

I scratched the back of my head. Why am I even talking to a cat? And most importantly, why am I still here? I need to go now.

"Eat the food I gave you okay, Luna?" I said to her when I was heading out. She followed me to the door and sat in front it. I pat her head and got out of the penthouse.

"I don't care about that! Just get the damn thing done!" I massaged my temples. I'm on meeting right now and my employees are not doing the damn thing I am paying them for!

"B-but Sir Damon, we couldn't contact the client anymore. We already looked for them but the investigators said that they left the c-country." He stuttered.

I raised my head and looked at him dangerously. "What?"

He gulped. "The c-client left, s-sir."

Balling my hand into a fist, I hit the table and a loud bang echo around the room. "Find him. No one messes with me. Monteverde Construction is one of the best, we can't let this slide. Not on my watch. Do everything to find him. Adjourned! Get out of my sight!" They immediately stormed out of the room.

That bastard! Does he think he can get away with this? Never. I aready spent millions on his mansion. I'm not likely to be bankrupt, MC is a big company, one of the best at the field. We have a reputation to uphold.

"uh, sir?" I heard the faint voice of my secretary.

I coldly looked at her. "What?"

I saw her tremble. "Your parents are on the line."

Rolling my eyes, I stood up from my seat and exited the room. I head to my office and answered the call.

"What?" I said. Boredly

"Damon Monteverde!" Knowing who this is, I closed my eyes and massage the bridge of my nose. Oh, God. Here we go. "Why didn't you tell us that one of your clients ran away?"

There it goes my mother's rants. "I just found out this morning, mom." She was always so concern of me, not that I don't appreciate it. I love my mom. Sometimes she just becomes a nagger. "Why did you even know it."

"Duh…" I can already imagine her sarcastic face. "I have connections, sweetie." Most of the time, I really think she's more of my sister than a mother. "Before I forget, your dad and I are going to visit you soon, yeah?"

"There's nothing stopping you, am I right?"

"Bingo! See ya soon, sweetie. Bye!" Before I could reply, she already hang up the phone call.

I entered my penthouse and immediately slip into my sweats. I was about to close my eyes when I heard a meow. Sitting back up again, I squinted my eyes to see better.

Holy shit! I forgot to feed it! Stupid! I got up head to the kitchen where I put her feeding bowl. Grabbing a can of tuna, I opened it and placed it in the bowl.

"Luna!" She then appeared and rubbed herself on my leg. A small laugh escaped my lips before I squatted down with the bowl with me, putting it in front of her.

Who could have thought I would turned out to be a cat person?