
Requiem of a Godslayer

Caius Withide was just a farm boy. He lived working the fields with his family. There was magic in his blood, so he was used to the usual inspections that were meant to scout young sorcerers. Despite this, his blood was thin. He never thought magic would awaken in his veins. But when it inevitably does, how will he handle it?

Fatal_Peasant · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Chapter 22

Val, Max, and I continued or conversation for a little while after. We went out and had dinner, sharing more stories the entire time. It was surprising how much could change in a little over a year. Eventually, we said our goodbyes, and I returned to the campus.

That night was another restless one, as I was nervous about classes starting, but sleep found me eventually. The next morning, Nicolaus and I were sitting together, once again, in the same seats we had chosen at orientation.

The total number of students was at twenty-nine. That was, until, number thirty walked in. It was the girl from the lobby. Once again, it felt as if she was drawing in the attention of everyone on the room. My attention, at least.

'Damnit, why does that keep happening?' I didn't know what it was about this girl that I was so drawn to, but I wanted it to stop.

"Well, that surely is interesting." Nicolaus said very quietly.

"What is?"

"Nothing, just that girl. You do not know of her? I will tell you later."

She took a spot that was at the front of the classroom, first row, in the middle. A place the other students had avoided. When she took her seat, Magister Corvus spoke, "That makes everyone. I'm glad to see you could all make it this time.

Today's class is meant for introductions. You will each come and introduce yourselves, and I will explain your official reason for having been allowed into this class. Let's begin with Alerio."

A student stood up. The same one Nicolaus had made me inspect the arms of. He spoke "My name is Faust Alerio. I am a wizard studying spell craft," before sitting back down.

Magister Corvus spoke, "Thank you, Mr. Alerio. Alerio has shown attributes that indicate the ability to create new and unique spells, and is here to hone that very unique skill."

While the school of wizardry was called spell crafting, most wizard rarely 'crafted,' or created spells. They merely casted the spells created by the greats that came before them.

This is due to the fact spells can only be created by individuals with a certain mindset, the ability to truly understand magic, and just being born with the ability to do it.

Each of these students seemed special in their own regard, and looked like they were meant for great things. But, there were a few who interested me far more than the others.

The first being, "Alexis Chryses, wizard," the small boy spoke. His short stature was opposed by his oppressive demeanor.

"Mr. Chryses is one of two students here based solely on merit. He has nothing special helping him, he is simply good enough to get in here with the rest of you, who have been given an advantage."

Magister Corvus sure knew how to motivate people. I wondered if everyone else felt as inferior as I did.

The next time I was very interested was when Magister Corvus called, "Ms. Glacies."

The woman front and center stood up and spoke, the first time I heard her voice, "Athanasia Glacies, sorcerer."

"Ms. Glacies descends from a powerful family of ice sorcerers. It appears she has been blessed, gifted two affinities, ice and shadow, as well as a unique innate nature."

'Ice and shadow, huh? Damn it, why do I keep getting interested? Stop it!'

Very few of the other mages were as interesting is those two. We had a warlock who's patron was a dragon. No one seemed as awestruck by that as I was, though.

There was one last person who interested me here. The one who sat right next to me. "Nicolaus Quirinus, sorcerer. I am very happy to meet you all." He gave a slight bow, before sitting back down.

"Mr. Quirinus is the scion of a clan of great warriors. He is a natural blooded sorcerer, the first of his line. While that may sound impressive, it is not his reason for being here.

He is the other student here because of merit. His achievements are great for his age, and he shows great promise. He possesses a sound affinity."

I looked over at him, wide-eyed. "Why didn't you tell me you were super good at this?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that I'm 'super good' or anything."

"Oh bull-"

"And last on our list, Mr. Withide."

Pulled from my conversation, I got to my feet.

I had rehearsed what I was going to say in my mind a hundred times by now, so it came out perfectly, "Caius Withide, sorcer. Please call me Cai," and I retook my seat, worried about what was about to happen.

Magister Corvus scanned the piece of parchment in front of him, before letting out a little chuckle, "Well, Mr. Withide is indeed a sorcerer, and a very special one at that. While he possesses a unique nature, that is not what is special. Mr. Withide's affinity is, however. He is a Kura sorcerer. The only one, it seems, that is safe for the rest of us to be around."

At the mention of Kura, I could feel the gaze of every other student in the hall snap to me.