
The result

A man lived in a city. His name was Kasim . He had no special source of livelihood. He used to make a living by doing different things. One

day he thought that he should start living in other cities. Maybe there would be something good work (job) to do . So he rode away on his horse.

After arriving in another city, he went to an inn. Other people were also staying there. One of them became a friend of Naseeruddin Qasim and the two became sincere. One of the main reasons for this was that their temperaments were very similar. I think something like this should be done so that we become very rich.

Yes we can do something like that said Nasiruddin. Kasim asked how? Look! You are new in this city but I have been here for a long time and now I know the people of this city very well. People of this city are very simple and decent. We can do one thing. I will tell people that you are an experienced amd dangerous hunter and you have also hunted Lion, elephant, cheetah and many more animals. People of the city will get impressed by you. Then I will say them that he will hunt deer, rabbit etc for you. And for that we will ask the people for huge amount of money. Then we will collect all that money and we will move tonthe next city. Nasiruddin said that: Wow.!! that's the great idea.

Kasim happily replied that so lets strat this mission from today. Come on Let's go out to start our work. Both went out. Nasiruddin was thinking that hiw should we start our work? Then finally he decided that juice shop is the perfect place to start our work because many people use to gather at that place. They went juice shop and ordered the juice. Nasiruddin was thinking there from which person he should have starred his work. Then finally he decided man who was sitting in front of him. He went to him and asked the waiter to bring juice for him. Then Nasiruddin said Brother.!! You seem to be very involved in hunting. The man replied, no brother i am a merchant. Then he said, Ohh good that's really great. Actually I met a man in Kahira. You were looking like him. He was a very famous hunter. I thought it was you. Nasiruddin lied. Good good. That man smiled and said well you know people all around the have world hae resemblance. Yes of course you are right. What is your name? asked Nasiruddin. My name is Abdul Ghafoor.

Oh Nice name. My name is Nasiruddin and he is my friend Kasim. He is very experienced hunter. Kasim and that man met. Abdul Ghafoor asked Kasim that you have hunted almost how many animals? Nasiruddin replied brother he has hunted many many dangerous animals like lion, cheetah, elephant, Rhinoceros and many more. Wow.! that means you're so brave. Nasiruddin was not letting Kasim to talk. Nasiruddin said, oh man Kasim is on extreme bravery level. Once during a confrontation with a lion, the sword fell from his hand, but he did not panic at all and threw the sand in the lion's eye. He picked up his sword and killed the lion. Oh my God.!!! That's so great. Abdul Ghafoor said. He was deliberately talking loudly so that the people sitting next to him could hear what he is talking about? Such people turned towards them. A man named Shamsuddin said, Brother It is a pleasure to have a brave and experienced hunter in our city. Yes.! actually Kasim came here from Baghdad. For some time he will stay here then he will go to Africa's forest for hunting. Sir, Would you like to be my guest? Shamsuddin requested Kasim. Nasiruddin quickly replied, Of course why not definitely we will become your guest. So, today's lunch you will do with me. Yes Yes Nasiruddin said. Then they both went to Shamsuddin home. He made wonderful feast in his honour and some of the people from neighbourhood were also invited. Shamsuddin introduced Kasim to his neighbours. Everyone was impressed with Kasim. The people present over there also invited him for the dinner and lunch. He accepted all the invitations. In one week Kasim became very famous in his neighbourhood. He took money from the people and told people that Kasim will bring them deer, rabbit, goat, and rare snake. One day Kasim and Nasiruddin were busy in their fraudulent work at the juice shop. The man Abdul Jabbar who came from the city from where Kasim came. He also went to juice shop. Kasim didn't noticed him. Nasiruddin and Kasim were continously making people fool and collecting all the money from them. Finally Abdul Jabbar came and said, 'I also want a lion'. Kasim and Nasiruddin looked at him and they both got shocked and Kasim was like his life is end. His face turned yellow. Abdul Jabbar asked, well Kasim when did it happened that you been hunting? Oh and yes you were born in Baghdad amd we both played there alot. How can you do this Kasim? People in the juice shop also got shocked. Kasim did not have any answer to this situation and he was thinking that how he take Nasiruddin and how to get out of there. Nasiruddin was aslo thinking about the same. But Abdul Jabbar didn't gave them a chance to escape. Brothers.! they both are liars. This man is Kasim we both live in a same city and he jas never done hunting. After listening this people caught them both and take them to police station. The police officer imprisoned them and took from them and them returned it to the people. Now both of them were sitting in jail regretting that if they had not lied, they would not have seen this day and this would not have happened to them.