


My thoughts are running through my head like they're trying to win a race. I'm so lost in thought I haven't realized we are in the driveway and Hunter is staring at me with a worried expression. It's pitch black outside so he flips on the interior light, the color is a warm tone and I'm thankful it's subtle so it doesn't bother my oncoming headache.

I turn around and see Rosalie isn't in the car anymore.

"Where is she?" I ask him through my small voice that is now sore from my screaming at Neo earlier.

"I told her to go inside," Hunter says as he brings his large hand to rest on my knee. The touch is nice, It makes me feel less alone in the large cab of his car. I look down and see his knuckles are busted from hitting Neo and I begin to feel guilty.

"Your hands! Are you okay?" I say with concern. He looks down and a smile creeps up his face.

"Don't even worry about that... Were you two together long?" He asks and I begin to ponder that question, It wasn't about the time we were together. I am more upset about how I believed he cared for me when he obviously didn't. "We were together for a bit, eight months between us meeting to dating and now... this," I say sadly gesturing at my tear-soaked face.

"He doesn't deserve you." He says with concern thick in his deep voice.

"I just can't believe he would say those things to me, I am so naive. I really thought he liked me, really liked me." As I am saying this out loud it makes me feel even more ignorant.

"First off, being naive isn't a bad thing as long as you have people around you who won't take advantage of you. I think your trust is just in the wrong people." He says as his thumb rubs gently on my leg, trying to console me.

"I should have known better, really. He is a star athlete and a senior and I'm this." I gesture to myself, feeling much less confident than I did when I left the house. "I've been through all this before, I can't believe I allow them to keep doing this to me again and again, over and over," I say defeated. "Any man wouldn't want to wait to have sex anyway," I say absentmindedly.

"He is not a man." He says with a growl as his deep jade eyes look at me. He quickly composes himself. "No 'man' would have spoken to you that way, or pushed you off of him. Those things should be saved for the bedroom, with a real man, when you want those things to be done to you, for fun." He says and his eyes burn into mine. I stare at him as my cheeks begin to burn.

"I'm just glad I didn't give him my virgin...." I begin but cut myself off as soon as I realize I'm confiding in a stranger, He maybe Rosalie's brother but I don't know him and I am not sure why I feel comfortable around him like this, maybe because he looks so concerned and is really listening to me. I look over and he looks like he's deep in thought.

"I'm sorry I need to go," I say quickly as I go to grab the handle.

"Absolutely not." He says in a serious tone as he continues, I sit back against the leather seat but suddenly I stand and start to walk away.

"Where do you think you are going?" he asks, forcing to stop and look at him.

"to my house to be alone." I can't help but feel the anger stirring up inside of me because of his questions.

"Why are you suddenly angry? I thought everything was going well some minutes ago." I just keep going to the house, ignoring his questions.

"It's his loss he never got to fuck you. I'm happy he didn't. You saved yourself from that whole situation. Besides, you shouldn't have to sleep with someone just to get them to stay with you." He says as I walk away from him with mild shock at his language.

I still ignore him.

"You just needed to hear it, you ready to go in now?" He says. I stop just as I'm at the entrance of the house and turn back to look at him. He starts to walk towards me.

I give him one last glance as I head back into the house, walking straight to the kitchen. I see him plop down on the couch and grab the worn-out book. His feet dangle off the edge of the couch about a foot, our couch is way too small for his massive frame.

As I lay down I wait for the tears to come, but they have all been used up. I laugh at myself that I even cried over him. It's just the shock that made me upset, the way Neo spoke to me. I usually made up boys doing that to me in my head but had never experienced it. I'm an idiot for considering sleeping with him. . I'm happy now that Hunter hit him, I love to do the violence but it felt nice to have someone stick up for me. I feel a sense of calm wash over me as I wrap the blankets tighter around me. I force myself to fall asleep, hoping it's dreamless.


"Esme." I hear in my ear, I rustle in my blankets and peek up, Rosalie is standing over me with a box of chocolate. A smile instantly creeps on my face.

"Rosalie! Thank you, I am so sorry about last night. I didn't know your brother would fight him, I ruined your first night of seeing him in so long." I say with guilt in my voice. I hate being the center of attention and last night every bit was on me.

"Are you kidding me?" She laughs as she plops down on my bed. "First off, Hunter fights... everyone." She says and I try to imagine him fighting people, he has the build for it and I saw the rage in his eyes last night but to me, he seems so gentle. I just assumed last night happened because of the way Neo was treating me. I begin to feel a little less special about Hunter saving me since this is a regular thing.

"Oh." Is all I say as Rosalie starts playing with my hair.

"You okay?" She asks as she twirls a lock around her finger, concern filled on her face. I am so lucky to have a best friend that is understanding and patient because I'm so not.

"Honestly, I know I should be more upset but I think I got all of that out last night. Where did you go when we got home by the way? I was going to talk to you but ended up talking to Hunter." I say quietly.

"Yeah, I was really surprised when he practically kicked me out of the car when we pulled in the driveway. I've never seen him be so nice to someone before, he normally doesn't care about anything." She says while laughing.

"I thought you said he fights a lot?" I say confused. "Obviously, he likes confrontation."

"He does, but it's different. He talked to you, you were both in the car for half an hour. The confrontation happened with Neo, but with you, he looked concerned. It's just not his thing normally." She says as she looks at me with curious eyes. "He goes to bars and always ends up fighting, he never fights over a particular person, but he filled me in on what Neo said so I'm assuming that got him heated. I still can't believe he did that to you!" She says as she balls up her small fist her face scrunched in anger.

"Honestly I just don't want to talk about Neo anymore, I can't believe I thought he loved me. How stupid am I? We barely know each other. I can't go through this all over again" I say in an exhausted voice.

"It's normal to be upset, yes you were together long but you were comfortable enough around him to think about.. you know." She says with a sigh. It's quiet for a moment.

"Let's get dressed up and go out tonight!" She says enthusiastically as she jumps up with a smile.

"I don't know, Ro," I say as I throw the comforter off of me. The idea of fun does sound good though.

"Please." She says through batted lashes and I sigh.

"Fine!" I say with a smile.

I hear Hunter yell down the hall. "I'm coming too." He says in a serious tone and we both start laughing. I wonder how much of that conversation he heard.

"Protective older brother much?" I say to Rosy.

"He isn't going to protect me." She says with a sly smile.


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