


I headed towards the house, she was shivering in my arms. If from fear of me or the blistering cold of the ocean and what she had just attempted to do, I couldn't tell. My only job right now was to get her warm, I think.

I kicked open the back door with my foot, I didn't want to have to set her down at all. I'll leave some cash to her friends for new hinges.

It took me a moment to get the layout of the place, but I remembered when I was scouting the house, I saw her things in the back room, so I went right.

Luckily there was a bathroom attached. I sat Renesmee on the counter and hesitantly walked to the tub to fill it up. I was so scared to leave her side out of fear that she would run but as I checked the temperature of the water she didn't move, only stared at the wall in front of her. Her face was devoid of any emotion. I didn't know which was worse. But her being in shock scared the absolute mess out of me. She looked frozen and I needed to keep her warm, starting with a bath.

I walked up to the counter and placed myself between her knees, examining her features as the tub filled. Her lips were a light shade of blue and her entire body was trembling.

I didn't want to scare her, but she was so lost. I could have smashed the hideous looking orange vase that was sitting near her on the counter and she wouldn't have flinched.

"I'm going to undress you now. Is that okay, Renesmee?" I knew it was pointless to ask. She wouldn't respond but if I didn't help her, she could go into hypothermic shock. I waited a few moments and then slipped her dress over her head. I left her in her bra and panties. Her body was cold and clammy as I carried her to the tub.

The moment I sat her body down into the steaming water she began to thaw. I noted how her eyes were more alert as she pulled her hands from the hot water to study them. Finally, her hazel-grey eyes landed on me. I felt my heart in my throat at the sight of her, then her now pink lips parted, and she spoke in a quiet voice. "Steven?" What the fuck?

"No, Renesmee. It's Seth." I looked at her with pure confusion for a brief moment. How would she even know my name? Ahh, my flight information at the airport. I laughed.

Then she mumbled something, so calm and slow that I had to ask her again. "What was that?" I asked as I brought a washcloth to her back and squeezed out some water onto her skin. "Esme." She whispered.

"Okay, Esme. We're going to get you better." I spoke quietly to match her tone. It was like she didn't want anyone to hear us, but no one was home.

"Why? What's the point... I can't be fixed." She shivered and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing at her.

"You don't need to be fixed. You're not broken." I assured her but I could see her slipping back within herself. I imagined putting my hands around Hunter's throat for making this girl feel so helpless. I don't even know her, and normally I don't give a fuck about anyone but myself... I don't know what's happening.

I wanted to put my hands around Hunter's neck for hurting Renesmee this much.


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