


A quiet knock sounded on the door followed by Sophia's sweet voice. "Come in." I yawned, she walked in with two cups of coffee, wearing a floral rub with her messy morning hair. "Hungry?" She asked as I stirred out of the comforter.

Feeling refreshed the moment I opened my eyes and saw the ocean to my left, I stretch my arms to the ceiling. "Starving," I said as she handed me to mug.

I tried to shake off my terror from my dream, I was thankful Sophia didn't mention my screams but I could tell by the look of concern on her face she heard them.

I devoured the breakfast she made, making sure to eat ten pieces of bacon to spite Hunter.

"You're eating too much Esme, why don't you just have a chicken salad?" She offered me a bowl that I hadn't seen before.

"More chicken?" Sophia asked and I smiled at her, nodding.

After breakfast, we went into town and I bought some things. I got some books, a few dresses, and some swimsuits... but for what reason, it was only a matter of time before I was found.

I couldn't shake the despair in my voice when Sophia asked me if I was okay every thirty minutes. I knew I was nervous, fear overtaking my senses, would I always feel this way?

Around dinner, I had to push them out the door. "Are you sure you're okay?" Sophia said, concern laced in her sweet voice. "Yeah, we don't have to go," Alec added as he twirled his car keys around his finger. I mustered a smile at them both.

"Please, I'm fine. I'm just going to relax, maybe read a book." another fake smile. They both looked at each other and back at me. "Sophia, this is an important night for you! You're meeting with the restaurant executive. This could be your big break, please don't worry about me." I hugged her and with that, they left.

I retreated to my room to try on a few of the dresses, trying to quiet my mind from the racing thoughts inside my head. I settled on a bright white dress, a stark contrast to my mood but it was bohemian and flowing in the ocean breeze as I walked outside.

It was dark, the stars shone brightly above but the moon was what guided me to the water's edge. The silver light cascaded down the obsidian waters. It felt unnatural, for something so beautiful to be so dark and ominous. The waves crashed and broke against my feet as they made it to the shore. They were breaking like me.

The sand was still warm from the sun even though it had hidden behind the ocean hours ago. I felt better, the kindness that everyone showed me warmed me... but nothing could fill the hole in my heart that my life was essentially ashes.

Burned to the ground by Hunter.

He held the match and struck it against my face and my heart for years.

Resulting in a broken and burned life. A young wasted life.

I never knew the sparks in his eyes when he looked at me was just a raging fire.

What if I just ended it? No threat of Hunter finding me or the man he hired to find me. I wouldn't be a burden to anyone anymore.

It would be so easy; Alec and Sophia are at dinner. I could just walk straight into the ocean and float away. I could be free from the chains I'm constricted in. Even after leaving him, he's still holding me back. I'll never have a normal life.

This was one decision I could make, the only one I had control over. I was a broken girl.

So, I strode into the black waters, letting the waves envelop me as I walked further in. The bottom of my white dress floating to the surface, the moonlight showing it's brightness against the darkness. I was hoping that after I perish, my soul would fly away to someplace better.

Hunter can't burn what's in water, was my last blissful thought before the salty ocean filled my burning lungs.


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