


After getting out of the shower I go to my room to collect myself. I can't believe that just happened. I can still feel his hands on my hips, my thighs, my neck. Okay, I need to collect myself.

My laundry is way overdue so I throw on one of Neo's old t-shirts over my tank top and grab a pair of Soffe shorts. I hate to wear Neo's shirt but I'll burn it once I wash my clothes and have something else to wear that's comfy.

I walk into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee and that's when I see Hunter leaned against the counter flipping through what I assume are work documents. Worry lines crease his forehead from whatever he is working on and I tiptoe around so I don't disturb him. He's dressed in his work attire. Dress pants, button-up, and a suit jacket all in black, of course. I stare a moment as I admire the way his tattoos peak through, I've never been attracted to tattoos before but on him it's sexy.

My presence is known when I drop the mug, shattering it against the hard tile below. He looks up and his concentrated face turns to anger as he stares at me.

He sets down the papers on the countertop and takes a deep breath. "What the fuck is that." He growls catching me off guard, it's just a cheap mug, why is he so mad?

Me being me, I'm mad at the fact that he's mad. "why the fuck are you so mad, It's just a cheap mug."

He stands up straighter eyeing me up and down. "No no sweetheart, not the mug." He gestures to me impatiently. "That shirt you have on. I know it's not yours."

I didn't think he would care, I didn't think about it at all. "Oh, my clothes are dirty and Neo's shirt was all I had, wait why is that your business," I say quite loudly.

He laughs a deep almost territorial laugh as he makes his way to me in two quick strides. He places his hand out in front of me. "Off." He demands.

I take a step back but I'm cornered against the countertop yet again. "It's just a shirt." I snap back, what the fuck is wrong with this guy.

"You're mine." He growls again, his eyes darkening. Avoiding confrontation, I slowly slip it off and he takes it from me. I'm thankful I had a tank top underneath. I watch as he chucks it into the trash can with a smug look on his face.

He then turns to me "Come" He beckons me to follow and I oblige, I don't know why. It's like he cast a spell on me. I know he can be demanding and I hate that about him. He knows what he wants and I've always been the disobedient type.

We walk over to the couch and he pulls out his luggage. Neatly folded inside is an array of black T-shirt's. He grabs one out and slips it over my head for me, making me feel like a child. I blush when he kisses my forehead and whispers "better" into my ear.

He gestures to the coat rack. "If you want it, my hoodie is over there. Wear it whenever you like."

I try to ignore the delicious smell of his cologne on the shirt but it invades my senses making me dizzy. "Thanks, but why did you get so jealous about Neo's shirt?" I question out of curiosity.

He places a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "Remember in the shower?" He asks, his warm hands making their way to the back of my neck. I nod as I gulp trying to hide my nerves.

"I told you-you were mine. I meant it. I may have not gotten to fuck you properly, but I will. you're mine now, it's that simple." His voice is like silk as he plants a kiss on my neck where he left a dark hickey. He sits me down on the armrest of the couch, he towers over me and I have to bend my neck to see him. My face is lined with the front of his pants. My body jerks with need as he places his leg in between mine.

He bends down and his mouth crashes into mine as he moves his leg against me, making me moan. I'm surprised at how turned on I am, I've never felt want like this in my life, except for with him. I begin to grind on his leg slowly begging him for relief but he pulls away. "Why did you move to?" I ask in a small voice.

He places a large hand firmly on my leg. "I'm going to be late for work if I stay any longer." He eyes me up and down making me blush further.

"When will you be back?" I ask, sounding a little desperate but I don't care.

His smile grows. "You want me to fuck you don't you?" his voice full of confidence.

I look at the ground embarrassed and shocked by his words.

"Umm..." He grabs my face in his hands. "I'll be back later," he promises. "You can hang out with Rosy when she gets home."

I think he forgot about Rosys plans. "She's gone for the next few days, that's why she was in a rush and didn't shower." I blush remembering why she wasn't able to use the bathroom.

He thinks for a moment before turning his gaze back to mine. "Oh, that's right. Wait so you'll be here alone?" He asks, his tone laced with concern. I shrug "Yeah but it's fine if I need anything I know some other guys at the frat house."

His laugh books through the room. "Absolutely not. Wanna come with me to work?"

I twiddle my fingers thinking, it would be better than sitting here all day waiting around. But can he just have people go with him whenever he wants? "Is that okay?"

"I'm the boss so... yeah." He chuckles as he helps me up from the couch. I run to my room to change. I opt for Ashley's closet, I really need to do my laundry soon. I decide on a simple summer dress and flats, I hope that's okay for the office. It's nothing fancy but it's cute. I come out of the room and when Aiden sees me he bites his lip.

"Is this okay?" I ask. He nods as he runs his hand through his messy hair. "I'm sure you prefer high heels and tight dresses." I joke but I'm curious about his type.

He walks up to me and places his hand on my cheek, it's warm and I lean into it. "I prefer this. I promise you." His eyes trail down my body. "You looked hot as fuck at the club but it was too revealing for how many men were around, I prefer this cute innocent look on you." He winks. "We can save the other stuff for my eyes only."

A while later we hop into his car, I love the classic feel of the car and the scent of leather mixed with Hunter's cologne. It's heavenly.

I start to wonder when he will be leaving us for good to live in the city. I look over at him. "So when will your place be done?" I ask.

He laughs a small laugh as he places his warm hand on my leg. "My apartment got finished yesterday."

"What! I thought it would be weeks." I ask and he shrugs, a smile still plastered on his face. Normally he looks so serious this is a nice change. "Why did you stay?" I wonder out loud.

"Isn't it obvious?" He looks over at me with a smirk and I look away. He moves his hand from my thigh and cups my chin turning me to face him. "It's so adorable when you're shy." He says.

I smile. "So are you dropping me off back here and staying there tonight?" I try to hide my frown.

"That's where we are staying tonight." He replies, raising his hand further up my skirt.
