

This novel is about a kid with no family, no friends, and no lovers. but when wierd business men want to see Jackson, they change his life and reveal his past and parents wish.

Crownie_Brownie · ファンタジー
14 Chs

Renegade part 2

Jackson! JACKSON! JACKSON! huh, what. Jackson list 5 things about you so I Don't think your just brian dead,

Yeah this is my history, and she only picks on me because a space out a lot so... back to

the present with me!

Uhhhhhhh, well I have 1. no friends

2. no family

3. I love none

4. I like the dark

and 5. I hate history.

Very well then mister Jackson, let's continue then.

Okay soooooooo, I stopted listening after and that and now it's lunch. And after lunch I had a few more periods and then I'm done. oh and also this wierd rumor saying there's been strange people walking around our school, Looking for someone. So I just ignored and continued my day.

So after school I heard the wierd asking students for a kid with the exact Same description as me, and man was I freaked out so I ran home, Just in case they actually were looking for me.

Man what a crazy day?