

earth has changed and there is no room for all the 7 billion in the modified earth the extra humans get teleported forcefully to the trial worlds this is the story of one of the extras i dont have a background photo for the book if anyone who have some time and like this story please contact me in this email polarmohd@gmail.com

OutLaW7_ · ファンタジー
2 Chs


"Have you gone insane?" Carina said with a shocked face

"No I am more serious than ever"

"I don't believe you... do you think I am stupid.. after all what you did.. you even.."

"Stop there, I don't need you to believe me or anything… in this week I will step down.. you can just take that opportunity to do what you wanted to do all your life"

"You!…who are you?! I know that my brother can't possibly know!." Carina said with a confused face

(How could he know my Ambition)

"I am Jareth D bokerk, there's nothing else to it"

"Alright, I will wait and see"

"This is what I wanted" I said with a smile while leaving

(Why did he change suddenly… is he really my brother?) carina thought while looking at Jareth

(I finished my first step now let's move toward the second) Jareth thought

"Sebas call all the farmers to gather in the area outside the castle, I want them all there before the sunset"

After saying that someone from the shadows showed up

"Young lord, can I ask you.. why are you doing this?"

(Heh… he have some skills) I thought while looking at sebas

"You will know when the time comes… now just do as I say"

"As you wish"

After saying that he disappeared in the shadows again

(As expected of the family protector he is very strong)

"even though I will leave this world soon I need to make the most of it, maybe if this bastard studied a bit I will not have to do it by myself from the scratch" Jareth said with annoyed look

(So this is the castle library…) thought in front of the library

"Did we do anything wrong?… my lord" an old man said after seeing Jareth

"I came here to read some books"

"I am very sorry please forgive me… wait.. what?"

"Do I have to say it again" I said with anger in my voice

"No… you're welcome here all the time, I will prepare everything for you"

(why is this stupid person want to read suddenly) the man thought

"No need…, just remind after two hour I have something to do"

"As you please"

(Okay now its the time to have some basic information about everything)

"So there's magic and aura..., some typical fantasy world" I murmured while reading

(But because I have no talent in neither magic or swords I can't learn anything)

(Honestly now I am doubting my father's sanity)

"My lord two hours has passed" the man said


I walked through the castle and went outside

There i saw a lot of people standing

(Sebas did a good job)

I climbed the stage and looked at the folks

*why did he summon us

He will not rise the taxes right?..

If he did I am going to rebel

Are you tired of living?*

(people whispering)

"I am going to announce something"

When Jareth said that everyone stopped talking and listened

"For the farmers, I summoned you here to inform you of my last decision".

*oh we're dead

The tax will rise*

"I will reduce the taxes to 20 percent"

Everyone looked surprised

"Please don't rise the taxes... hmm..oh?! You will reduce it?" A random farmer said

*this is unbelievable

Did the sun rise from the west?!

Is he crazy*

(people whispering)

"It depends on you if it's will stay like that, if you did a better job maybe it will be further reduced"

"We thank the lord" the farmers all said in harmony

"Ah right... tell the other citizens the same thing"

"You mean that this applies to everyone" one from the crowd asked

"Yes" Jareth replied

Some of them jumped from happiness and others looked suspicious and some of them looked at Jareth with angry faces

(After all what I did, I would be surprised if they forgive me)

Like that I left the place and went inside again

(I am a little hungry)

"Prepare for the lunch"

(atleast I will enjoy these days)

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OutLaW7_creators' thoughts