

earth has changed and there is no room for all the 7 billion in the modified earth the extra humans get teleported forcefully to the trial worlds this is the story of one of the extras i dont have a background photo for the book if anyone who have some time and like this story please contact me in this email polarmohd@gmail.com

OutLaW7_ · ファンタジー
2 Chs


As I was walking outside the college something strange appeared before me

[The world modification started]

[Humans has exceeded the population limit]

[Finding solutions…]

[Solution found]

[Sending the extra humans to the trials]

I was surprised while reading the messages that appeared in front of me

(Maybe its just an illusion) I tried to explain the situation in a logical way

But when I looked around me and seeing the people surprised expression I knew something was wrong

[preparations for the trials finished]

[Extra humans will be sent]

After the message appeared in front of me a weird circle suddenly started forming under my foot

I tried moving but the circle was stuck to me

I looked around me but the others didn't have anything under them

(Extra humans will be sent) "it looks like I am just an extra" I said when I remembered the message

My surroundings started changing and the circle under me became bright

Everything suddenly darkened

I looked around me and I saw the message screen

[You will be sent to your trial ground]

[Your performance in this world will determine your talents and abilities]

[You have a full life ahead of you]

[Try to survive the longest to get a better score]

"Are you kidding me?!!" I cursed at this screen but there was no voice coming out of my mouth

I tried to open my eyes hardly and finally I saw the light

"Hmm.. where am I?" I said while looking at the room I was inside of

"Wait a minute!!.. please don't tell me" I was scared when I looked at the clothes I was wearing *it was some strange ancient clothes*

(I thought of the stories that I read when someone get reincarnated in another world)

I saw a mirror in the corner of the room so I woke up from the bed and walked toward it

"Oh Thankfully I still have the same face, and my belly is still here" I said while patting my belly

(Don't understand me wrong my face is average and the thing is I don't want to become a handsome man)

"What's going here?!" I sighed in relife after confirming that I still look the same as before but I was confused, then the screen appeared before me

[The teleportaion was successful]

[Installing the status window in the body]

[Installation is successful]

< Status >

Name : Jareth D bokerk/(Hamad)

Level : 6

Race : Human

Age : 17


Stamina : 10


STR : 2

DEX : 3

DEF : 3

CHA: 1

WIL : 10

INT : 15

WIS : 15

LUK : 1

Titles : {scum}

Skills : none

"STATUS? Its like a game?!"

"And what is with this low stats?!!"

[Memory transfer started]

"Memory? Is it…akk"

I couldn't withstand the head pain and the memory I received from the transfer make everything even worser

"You scum how could you do such things" I screamed loudly and trampled in the ground

(Killing, raping, stealing this scum has done all sorts of bad things, his identity is the lord of some city after his father death he inherited the position)

[Memory installation is completed]

"Ahk.. finally haaah.. its over" I sighed

"Why the hell do I have to become this piece of shit, damn it…" my anger hit the roof and I couldn't hold it back

"Fine you want me to survive? This piece of shit don't deserve to live and since I became him, I will pay for everything he did" in this situation i couldn't listen to this strange screen

(don't have any debts) this is the rule that I work on

someone knocked the door and said "Is there anything wrong, young lord"

(Who is he? Ah.. sebas the butler)

"There is nothing here just prepare everything as usual" this words came out of my mouth naturally like I am used to this

"As you wish" the butler leaved

"I need to start my plan, atleast I have a Memory of everything I did so I can work on it" I thought while changing my clothes

I sat down on the chair and I looked at the table full of food of every kind (even if I am a fat man can I eat all of this?)

(I started eating and I looked at all the maids around me, they all have scared expression, well… no wonder why they have such expression) I thought while remembering some of my memories of beating these maids

"Cheh" I was angry

"Please forgive us.. O lord" every maid kneeled down and started begging

(What the heck!)

"Please forgive.. "

"Shut up" I said and everyone obeyed

"Stop being idiots and do your work as always, don't bother me again" I tried to say it in a nice way

(But why do they look more scared than before)


"My lord.."

"Don't you dare" I stared at them intensely

I completed my dish and went to my office


"Hey don't you think there is something is different about the lord?" A maid said curiously

"What is different he is scum as always" the maid replied in a low voice

"Really?.." the maid wondered


"Sebas what is our financial situation"

"We're in a good state but as for the citizens.." sebas stopped talking

"Why did you stop? Complete your sentence"

"They're in a bad state, but they can still live" the butler continued

(Well... no wonder of how everything is in this state, after all of what I did I am surprised that they're still living here)

"What about her?"

"The young miss is in her room as always, she didn't get out from when the lord died"

(Carina D bokerk, she is my sister but unlike me she is a genius but she couldn't show her abilities to use and father choosed me as successor) I thought while walking toward her room

'Knock knock knock'

"Carina it's me"

The door opened and a young girl with beautiful black hair and purple eyes came out

(Seriously.. how can I be her brother)

"Do you have anything to do with me young lord" carina said

"I have something to say to you let's go inside" I tried to enter the room but she blocked the way


"Didn't we agree that we don't have anything to do with each other" carina said with angry expression

"Hmph… I will say one thing and I will leave don't misunderstand me"

"Okay…" she calmed down and made a way for me

I sat on a chair in the room and I looked at her

"So what is it?" She said

"I'll go to the point directly, I will quit being the lord and I will make you the new lord"

"Okay….wait..what?have you gone insane?!"

(With this the plan started)

this is my newest invention

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