
Chapter 8

Dressed in a long, plunging, V-neckline black dress. Hair in a high messy up-do bun. Like an Egyptian queen, Rose makes her way to the living room with cream strap ankle tie high heels. Eyes brighter, as light reflects on the golden-red eye-shadow she is wearing.

When he approaches the living room, stepping down the stairs with Gucci loafers. The sight of her makes his head spin a little, he leers at her perplexed. Unable to recognize the woman in front of him.

“We are ready, sir.” Tessa says.

“Yeah! She looks captivating.” He looks her in the eye. Catching the faint smile radiating on her face, glitter dancing in them.

His pupil dilates when his brain processes her luster smile over and over again.

God, why does it feel like I am getting married to this jerk? She glares down at herself in awe. When was the last time she felt like this? Beautiful.

Her smile disappears when reality hits.

“Remember, chest out and head up.” Tessa says.

She nods, she lifts up her head, pushes out her bust. Her teary eyes catch his.

A few instances later, Alonso drives them to the port. And a yacht transports them to the island.

A couple of minutes later they arrive at the Fenix hotel near the Fenix beach.

“I hope I’ve made myself clear of what you have to do.” Leo whispers in her ear and she closes her eyes and lets out a sigh.

They enter the hotel’s foyer, fully set up with decorated tables and chairs covered in white clothes and utensils orderly packed. The interior is decked with colored lights. With a runway from the stage area into the center of the room. The place is filled with a generous amount of people.

Leo holds her hand, they both stare coyly at each other at the skin to skin contact. Someone shows them to their table.

Light, calming music is playing, and the commotion of people resounds in the room.

Rose fixes her eyes at the enormous windows, staring at the outdoor pool that gives off neon lights with steam.

Leo shares a few words with her, but she is lost in her thoughts.

“Rose!” he exclaims and she jumps out of her skin.

“What?” Putting a hand over her troubled chest.

“What exactly are you thinking about?” His tone is demanding.

“Like my dying father for example, and the fact that I am stuck here for something I didn’t do. I am sure you can fill in the blanks...” She blares out, sobs fill her eyes.

Embarrassing Leo would be lovely but just not here. Instead, she tries to get up, to get some air. He holds her by the arm firmly to stop her.

“Where do you think you are going?”

Rose swallows hard and glares away.

“Sit back down! I don’t care about your dying father, if anything his days are numbered, by the way, depending on you of course. So, you better pull yourself together.” His face sneers in disgust.

He doesn't mean it, does he?

“I hate you.” Eyebrows lowered, the outburst of anger hooked on her face.

“I am flattered.” His voice is relentless.

She spots Marcus approaching them, she fixes her tense face and puts on a smile.

“Marcus is coming this way.” She keeps direct eye contact with him.

Leo turned and there he was behind him.

“Oh wow! You look gorgeous.” Marcus kisses her hand. She rises and gives him a hug pretending to be pleased to see him.

“Leo. Glad you could make it. I mean, the winners need someone to clap for them.” Marcus says, fixing his dark blue tuxedo.

“If you only knew how much I dislike your presence... ” Leo’s hands are clenched on the table with protruding thumbs.

“Well, I don’t really care, do I? I don’t. By the way, is it okay if I sit with you guys since I am here—” He pulls out a chair.

"Why even ask if you are already making yourself comfortable?" Leo murmurs with fingers intertwined in front of his face.

“Of course, you may sit with us. It's always nice to have a familiar face around. Please sit,” she prompts.

”You never cease to amaze me, not only are you beautiful, but you are kind too.” Marcus playfully says, shooting an enticing glance at her.

“Oh! You are too kind,” she responds laughing. And continues talking with Marcus, rarely involving Leo.

The master of ceremony rises and welcomes everyone. Announcing how the event will take place in a few.

“And now I will call on the very talented designer and founder of Phoenix to give us the opening speech, Mr Leonardo Sal.” The man says, applauding together with the crowd.

He makes his way to the front with a lack of enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Marcus is whispering things into Rose’s ear and she laughs, entertaining him. With Leo catching them in the act a couple of times, breaking his focus.

“In the name of fashion, I urge you to be brave.

In the name of quality, I urge you to be just.

In the name of originality, I urge you to defend.

With these few words, I plead each and every one of us in a position of power to make a difference by creating, being mindful of each body type and each body size. Gracias.” he ends his speech. And everyone rises to clap for him.

The event progresses and different designers show off their brilliant work.

Leo is bouncing his leg. On edge as he observes the models walk down the runway.

His trembling hands grabs a glass of red wine and gulps half of its content.

What is going on with him now? Rose messages her temple.

“Leo..” her voice is faint. She glances around, people’s attention gets drawn to them for a slight moment.

He cracks his knuckles when it’s Marcus’s turn.

Tapping his fingers on the table like a maniac, he is at the verge of losing it. She looks at him mystified. His breath is steady, mimicking a tamed animal that needs to be free. Panting, teeth clenched together, he is watching Marcus take the trophy.

He sure knows how to torture himself. Why did he come? When he is aware of the effect it brings.

His Adam's apple to contract.

Scrutinizing at the details of the Lotus flower embroidery on the white sheer couture gown dressed by a model.

He curses under his breath.

“I can’t take this.”

Rose gulps at his agitation. She instinctively places her delicate hand over his.

“Don’t…” She hesitantly says.

He shakes off her hand.

“Please..Don’t, don’t, this is not a good idea.” She pleads.

“I don’t give a damn. I swear I am going to kill him right now.” He tightens his hand into a fist.

“For god sake, look at where you are. You are going to make a fool of yourself. Come on.”

“Shut up. You are the last person to give me advice. Don’t even speak because I swear–” He rises.

Her heart leaves its place. She grasps his wrist with warning. Conflicted. She wants to help him but he is so unbearable. Let him humiliate himself . Why should she care?

Detaching her hand off him, a glass of wine topples over and the crashing sound of glass draws attention.

She bites her tongue. Embarrassed at the strange eyeballs looking at them. She picks up her small self and stands in front of Goliath.

Reading her eyes, the message in them is clear.

“Get out of my way, I won’t hesitate to hurt you too.” He tenses his jawline.

“People are staring…We are the only ones standing.” She speaks between grinded teeth.

He snatches another wine glass from the table, hurls it on the floor depicting the power in his hands. The show stops at the clink sound of glass hitting against the floor. The MC creates an ice breaker and it continues but eyes full of judgment keep staring at him. He scuttles towards the door and her eyes trail behind him until he disappears.

A pinch of pain stabs her heart. Only now is it sinking in that the stolen designs are indeed gone.

A few instances later.

She keeps gawking at the colored pool. Imagining herself indulging in the sensual, steamy water.

The image of how he left steers up regret. Had she not invited Demetria to come with her then all this wouldn’t have happened to begin with.

“Rose..” Marcus takes her out of a trance.

“Oh, Hey.” Her mellow tone is low.

“Are you okay?”

She nods and hides the knot in her stomach with a smile “Congratulations, your collection was magnificent .”

“Oh gosh, thank you so much. You have no idea of what I had to do to create something like that.”

“Yeah, what is the inspiration behind it?” She puts her intertwined hands in front of her face.

“Well, you know, as a designer creativity is everything. So, when I look at my work, sophistication is what I was going for, you know and flowers inspired me. I mean they really just stand out.” Marcus says, holding his wrist with hands behind his back.

“I see.” She bites her teeth together, and her brain analyzes his words as if it is not convinced by the answer.

“Dance with me, will you?” He takes out his hand and she puts hers in his.

Soft, slow music follows and she lets the rhyme take her away.

“Relax, don’t be too stiff. We are just dancing.” He mocks and she giggles.

Time passes and her mind drifts off, projecting Leo and the state he left in.

“Uhhum, I should be looking for Leo now, I am here for work after all.”

“Of course. It wasn’t easy for him to see me win.”

She gives out a faint smile, putting loose hair behind her ear.

“I understand though. You go find Leonardo; I don’t want you to get in trouble with him. He is very bitter.” Marcus says.

“Well then I had lots of fun, and I hope you have a pleasant night.” She lets his hand go.

“Likewise, I hope to see you again. You and I have a lot to discuss. Right?” Marcus says, watching her walk away.

She scurries through the crowd looking for Leo. But there is no sight of him.And the darkness from outside alters her.

“Where the hell are you?” Rose wonders sitting at the table they had been at. “He enjoys making me suffer. That insensitive bastard...”

She exits the foyer.

Loud music coming from a small bar villa catches her attention.

Her instincts drive her to go inside. This is the last place she expects him to be.

“What do I know? I am barely getting to know his name.”

There he is, drunk in the empty bar, sitting with his head resting on a wooden counter.

“I was looking all over for you.” With concern, she talks to him. Forgetting he is an asshole most of the time. If not all the time.

“Is that so?” He lifts his heavy head.

“Are we going back, or will we sleep here?”

“Wouldn’t that be convenient for you?” Lazily uttering words.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Annoyance creeps in.

“So you can spend the night with Marcus, I imagine.” Leo declares.

“Don’t disrespect me. But what more can I expect from you huh? Marcus is twice the man you would ever be.”

Leo tries to get up “I don’t even know why you came looking for me. Why don’t you go back to the prince then? Go have fun. And just leave me the fuck alone already.”

Regret flares at the dejection shadowing his eyes. She contemplates whether to leave him there or stay.

“Please stop it. It's time to go to sleep now okay”. Softly trying to get through to him.

“I don’t feel like sleeping. Don’t tell me what to do. I give the orders around here.”

“Don’t patronize me”. He says looking at her with lazy eyes.

Searching into his pockets, he takes out a card. "There you go."

“Damn it! I get that you're mad and everything but you don’t have to be like this?” She yells.

“Lower your voice; besides, I am not in the mood to put up with your shit.” He chucks up two more shots. She shifts closer to him, putting a hand on his back.

“I beg you to please stop it. You win okay. You have more power over me. I will do whatever you want. Enough please.” Gulping in an amount of air.

His eyes soften. Appearing like a sick puppy. He gets up, staggering. The stoic expression that is always on his face collapses.

Empathy settles in her. Relating to the holes in his eyes. Reflecting her own shadows. That same look resembles the one her father embraced ever since the disappearance of her mother.

Why are you so cold? What hurts you so badly? She tries to hold him when he nearly stumbles but he shakes her hands off his arm.