
unfair to charity

Benson's POV

I wanted to keep on talking, but I noticed Jesse was lost in thought.

“Miss Jesse”. Lilly exclaims in joy, 

“Hey “. Jesse moved to Lilly and gently kissed her on the cheek 

“How are you "

“I'm doing well, thank you “.she smiled at miss Jesse.

“I think you should go and check on the doctor”. Jesse suggested.

I nod my head and stood up from the chair.

“I'll be right back “. I kissed Lilly on the cheek and left the hospital.

I was directed to the doctor's office and waited for him, 

“Mr Benson”.he shakes my hand and sat down.

“Thanks for taking care of my daughter”

“It was nothing, the mom was just panicking”.he said those words with a smile in his face.

Everything in me was screaming at me to tell him that he was wrong that Jesse wasn't Lilly's mom, but I couldn't.

“These are the drugs to give her, don't worry she is fine “.he handed me a piece of paper

“Thank you “. I took the paper from him and left his office.

I got to Lilly's room and saw her chatting happily with Jesse, they were lost in their discussion that they didn't notice me coming in.

I stood at the door and stared at them discussing happily and for strange reason, I loved the sight of it.

“Papa”. Lilly was the first to notice my presence, 

I walk away from the door and sat on the chair 

“What did the doctor say “.she asked 

“He said everything is fine, and she could go home "

“That's good "

Few minutes a nurse came in and discharged Lilly.

We left the hospital with Lilly in Jesse's arms.

Lilly fell asleep in Jesse's arms as we walk back home.

We got to my apartment and Jesse handed Lilly back to me.

I took Lilly from her arms and stared at her.

“Good night”.she whispered and walk back to her apartment.

I hissed softly and walk inside the house.

“You are back “. Mrs Sofia said those words and took Lilly from me.

“How is she “.she asked 

“she Is fine “. I replied, 

"Alright, go in and rest, I will put her to bed “.she smiled at me and took Lilly away.

I hissed in relief and lazily sat on the couch 

I closed my eyes and my thought were full of Jesse and Lilly happily talking to each other. they seem comfortable in each other company and I loved it 

I was still playing that scenario in my head when Charity's mom words rang in my head.

I wipe away the thought and stood up from the couch and walk back to my room.

I room a quick bath and lay on my bed.

I closed my eyes and Charity's mom words kept ringing in my head.

I groaned in frustration and turn around the bed.

I stood up from the bed and walk to the kitchen, I took a bottle of water and drank all to relieve my nerves.

I sat on the couch and my thought was on charity.

How could I be so unfair to her and think of letting another woman into my life just after two years of she leaving me.

I hissed angrily and stood up from the couch and walk back to my room.

I took a picture of charity on the table and sat on the bed, 

I stared at a smiling Charity and felt my heart clench in pain.

There were so many happy memories about her that I couldn't forget.

“Hey babe”. Charity kissed me softly on the lips, I tried to deepen the kiss,, but she chuckled softly and moved away.

“Guess what “.she said those words and sat on my laps 

“What”I asked 

She giggled happily and kissed me softly on the lips.

“Why are you this happy “. I asked, 

She chuckled softly and peck me on the lips 

“I'm one month pregnant”.she giggled happily.

“What”. I asked in excitement

She nods her head and kissed me again but this time I pull her to me and deepen the kiss.

“I'm just coming from the hospital, and it's been confirmed”.she giggled happily.

“Wow”. I kissed her forehead before placing kisses all over her body. 

“Thank you “. I muttered out and kissed her on the lips

“Thank you for giving me such a priceless gift “I whisper and gently stroke her head 

“We are now a complete family”. She said those words with a big smile on her face.

“Yes we are, and I will make sure to keep this family together, nothing can ever break this family”. I made those promises and gently kissed her cheek.

I hissed in frustration and open my eyes which was soaked in tears.

I can't be with another woman now, if I do so, then it's so unfair to charity.