
Throwing a great opportunity

Jesse's POV

I saw my phone blinking, indicating I have an SMS. I picked up the phone and saw that it was an email from the Royal dance academy.

“Shit”. I shouted in shock when I saw the content of the email. I was offered a spot in the dancing academy and will have the opportunity to travel around the world with the academy.

This was a great opportunity, but I did not remember summiting any application to them. I picked up my phone and dialed Jennifer's number.

“Hey sis”. I spoke up

“What do you want “. she asked in anger. It was obvious she was still angry at me.

“Come on, don't give me that attitude “. I begged.

“Just say what you have to say “. she sounded irritated.

“Fine. I just got an email from the Royal academy . did you send my application to them”

“Yes, have they contacted you “.she asked.

I knew it. She was the only one who could do that.

“Yes they have, but I might turn it down” “Why “. she yelled

I hissed and roll my eyes 

“Their practice starts next week for Christmas celebration, and you know I'm teaching this kids”. I spoke hoping she would understand.

“You must be fucking kidding me “. Jennifer spoke in anger.

“Am not and you know it “. I replied to her, 

“Who are you and what have you done to my sister”. she shouted in anger.

“Calm down”. I pleaded. But it seems like it anger her the more.

“Don't tell me to fucking calm down, we've been waiting for an opportunity like this . and you want to waste it just because of some charity work I don't understand”. Now I knew Jennifer was furious.

“Listen, this town is special to mom and I promise mom I will do this Remember”. I said those words hoping it will calm her down .but no, it did not.

“Oh, please don't put this on mom. I know wherever mom is, she will be disappointed at you for throwing such an opportunity “. she yells in anger.

I hissed and closed my eyes.” if only mom was here “. I whispered to myself.

“You are accepting them and that's final”. she said those words and ended the call 

“Great “. I murmured to myself.

A knock on the door got my attention. I walked to the door and met Mrs Sonia at my door.

“How are you Jessica”.she asked with a smile on her face.

“I'm fine ma'am”. I replied.

“I'm inviting you for my 50th birthday party, I never wanted to celebrate it, but my son refused it .so I'm here asking if you could come”. she asked while handling some cookies to me.

“Of course I will be there “. I smiled and took the cookies from her.

“See you by 6pm then “. she smiled and left for her apartment.

I closed the door and took a bite of the cookies.

“Delicious”. I muttered

I kept the cookies on the table and realization hit me.

I was going to Mrs Sonia party, that means Benson will be there.

"Fuck”. I will have to see him even when I'm trying to forget him, just like he did to me.

But then I couldn't lie to myself. I couldn't forget him after twelve years, and now I think I could just pretend like I didn't know him, or I wasn't in love with him, when I knew i still love him like I did twelve years ago.