
Strange dream

Benson's POV

“Charity”. I called out, but she kept on walking deeply into the bush, 

“Charity wait “. I shouted and ran after her, but she fastens her footsteps. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me until I was able to meet up with her.

“Where are you going”. I held her arms and she stared coldly at me, 

“Why do you keep following me “. She spoke in an angry tune.

“What do you mean, I'm your husband”. I spoke up, 

She chuckled softly and stared at me with a cold Expression on her face

“You were my husband not anymore, both of us are now apart, so please let me go “. She removes my grip from her and vanished into the thin air.

“Shit”. I shouted and stood up from the bed. I put on the lights and realized I had a dream. I was sweating profusely, despite it was snowing heavily outside.

I check the time and noticed it was few minutes pass 4am, I hissed and stood up from the bed I went to the bathroom and wash my face with water. What was going on, why will I have such a dream 

I groaned and came out of the bathroom I tried to lay back on the bed, but I noticed I couldn't go back to sleep.

I stood up and put on some clothes before leaving my room. I left the apartment and walk in the cold street of the town.

I strolled around the town for a while, trying to clear my head.

As I walk around the town my thought went back to the dream, why would I have such a dream, a dream that felt so real, and I could feel my body shiver in cold the Moment I woke up.

I ran my fingers through my hair and kept on walking. I knew my mind was playing a prank on me and I won't fall for it.

I noticed the day was getting brighter, so I decided to walk back home. I got home and saw Mrs Sonia outside the apartment.

“Here you are, Lilly woke up, and she has been looking for you “. 

I nod my head and went inside the apartment.

“Daddy “. Lilly shouted when she saw me.

“My little angel, what is it “. I asked, 

“I thought you've left “. She whispered. I smiled and hugged her tightly.

“You know I will never leave “. I spoke softly while caressing her hair.

“Promise”. She asked in her tiny voice, 

“Promise”. I replied

I released her from my arms, and she ran to meet Mrs Sonia.

I took in a deep breath and stood up from the floor. I took a shower and dress up, so I could take Lilly to her dance practice.

Few minutes we were at the dinning table eating breakfast when Lilly spoke up 

“Daddy do you know that miss Jesse isn't married yet “.she said those words with food in her mouth.

“Yes, but I want you to eat slowly and don't talk “. She nods her head and ate slowly before she speaks up again, 

“Dad”. She called out.

“Yes dear "

“Miss Jesse isn't married “. She said those words while staring at me with her bulky eyes. I stared at her and wondered what she was up to this time.

“Yes, I know that “. I replied her 

“I told miss Jesse that she should call you whenever she is getting married, so we could attend her wedding”. She spoke happily.

“Well, that's great “. I lied .for strange reason, the thought of she getting married brought a strange feeling to me.

“I even gave her your number”.she spoke happily and went back to her food like she did nothing.

“Shit”. I whispered.