
Still have an effect

Jesse's POV

"I need to go ". I went for the car door, but he held my hand

"Wait".he pleaded 

"Let me go Daniel, you just have to let me go". I begged.

“I can't, I won't ".he spoke softly.

I shake my head and stared at him 

"I don't want to break your heart or give you false hope, at the end of the day, I'm in love with someone and until I let go of him I can't be with you or any other man ". I tried explaining things to him, but he wasn't listening.

"I'll wait, let me just wait".he spoke firmly.

I shake my head and look away.

We sat there for a while and none of us said a word.

"You should go in "he spoke softly 

I hissed softly and stared at him, 

He was hurt and lost in thought, and it pains me that I'm the reason for it.

"Goodnight". I murmured and went for the door, but he pulled me to himself and kiss me softly and tenderly.

At first, I wanted to withdraw from the kiss, but he tightens his grip on me and deepens the kiss.

I melt in his touch and did not know when I started returning the kiss, we kissed for a while before he ends the kiss and kissed me on my forehead.

He withdraws from me and stared into my eyes with a big smile on his face, 

"Your lips taste just like I imagined".he smiled at me and kissed my cheek

I shyly smiled at him and look away.

"Should I come pick you up ".he asked 

"No, that won't be necessary, I have already made my arrangement". I responded.

He nods his head and smiled at me, 

I met eyes with him and felt intoxicated by his gaze and I knew I have to leave this instance before I do something I would regret.

"I have to go " I did not let those words finish from my mouth before I rush to the car door and opened it.

I open the door and went out of the car.

"Goodbye Daniel ". I wave my hands at him before walking to my apartment.

I got to my apartment and opened the door before going in.

I got home and relaxed on the couch.

Today was indeed a hectic day.

I pull off my shoes and hissed in relief.

I stood up from the couch and picked up my shoes before going to my room.

I got to my room, pull off my cloths step into the shower and took a warm bath before putting on my night wear and lay on the bed.

By Tomorrow I should be out of this town and make my way back to the city.

By tomorrow, a new phase in my life will open, and I have to do everything possible not to let my mistakes of twelve years to repeat itself.

I was in still in thought when my phone started ringing, I went for the phone and saw that it was Jennifer.

"Hey ". I greeted, 

"Hey Jesse, how was your day?"


"Really ?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, now tell me why you called because I'm really exhausted, and I need to go to bed ". I murmured tiredly 

"I understand, I was just calling to check up on you to see if you are okay since I know you are all alone there "

I hissed and roll my eyes 

"I'm fine, don't worry about me ".

"If you say so, so when is your flight".she asked 

"By 10 am ".

"Alright, see you then ".

"Bye". I whispered and ended the call 

I kept the phone on the bed, I took in a deep breath before closing my eyes and drifted to sleep.

I was woken up by the constant knocking on my door, I stood up from the bed and went to the door.

I opened it and saw Benson and Lilly standing in front of me, 

"Good day, miss Jesse". Lilly greeted 

I squat to her height and smiled at her 

"How are you Lilly ".

"Very well, thank you "

I smiled at her and ran my fingers through her hair before getting up

"Hey". I waved my hand at Benson, 

"Hey, we are here to say our goodbye"

"Oh, when is your flight ?" I asked 

"7am".he replied 

I nod my head and smiled at Lilly who gave me a big smile 

"You promise to come see from time to time right ?" Lilly asked while staring at me with her two bulky eyes.

"Yes darling, I will "

She giggled happily and hugged me

"Goodbye miss Jesse".she murmured

"Bye Lily". I kissed her forehead before releasing her from my embrace.

"I'll go to Grandma". Lilly said those words and left Benson and I 

We stood there in silence while avoiding each other gaze.

We stood there for a while before I decided to speak up, 

"So it's goodbye then ?" I asked while flashing him a weak smile, 

"It is ".he murmured while staring at me like he was trying to pierce through my soul.

I caught his gaze and quickly look away.

"Let me know when you are in Australia".he spoke firmly

"You will be the one looking for me instead, when you've met your Aunt". I whispered to myself.

"Yeah, sure". I replied him, 

He stares at me with quizzical eyes before stepping closer to me. I felt my heart beat increased the moment I felt his cold hands on my cheek.

He gently caressed my cheek while locking eyes with me.

I felt intoxicated by his gaze and couldn't look away, he came closer to me and unexpectedly took hold of my neck and pulled me into a tight and hot kiss.

He gently kissed my lips, begging for access into my mouth, and I let him.

He kissed my lower lips before fully taking my full lips.

I melt in his touch and moan in between the kiss.

I have to take advantage of this, this might be the last time I may get the chance to kiss him.

He kissed my lips before going for my neck and shoulders.

He placed kisses on them before pulling away from me.

I met eyes with him and saw him flash me a big smile.

I felt my heart flutter the moment he smiled at me because this was the first time he smiled at me after twelve years.

"I have to go ".he murmured

"Yeah, sure, bye". I spoke nervously.

He took him a deep breath and pulled me in a tight hug, I felt so comfortable in his embrace and wish never to break from it.

"Bye".he pulled me away from him and smiled at me before walking away.

I hissed and closed my eyes in regret.

"Damn you Benson, damn you for still having such effect on me ".