
Small world

Benson's POV

"What's her name? ". I asked, while seizing my breath.

Aunt kept quiet for a while before speaking up, 

"Let's talk about this when you come home". She said those words and ended the call.

I hissed and dialed her number,, but it was already switched off.

I groaned angrily and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

Aunt was definitely hiding something from me, and I just can't wait to know what she was hiding.

I stood up from the pavement and was about going back to the hall when I noticed Jesse laughing and discussing with the guy I saw her with at the birthday party.

I hissed and wonder what he was saying that was making her this happy.

I hissed softly and was about walking away when I heard someone calling out to me, I turn around and saw that it was the man with Jesse.

I murmured and walked over to them.

"Hey ". He greeted.

"Hey "

"You came?". He asked in a friendly tune 

I stared at him and noticed he was the friendly guy, maybe looking for friends, but I can never be friends with my rival.

"Yeah, my daughter was among the performers". I replied, 

"Oh really, then you must be a proud dad ". he expressed those words with a smile on his face.

I move my gaze to Jesse and noticed she was avoiding my gaze.

"I wish I could stay longer, but I have to go". He muttered those words and kissed Jesse on the cheek. I stared at them and felt my heart tearing into pieces.

"See you on Christmas day ". she muttered those words and smiled at him.

"Shit ". I whispered to myself, 

He was the friendly she was going to have Christmas dinner with.

I felt anger, jealousy and a childish hatred for him.

"See you some other time, Benson". He said those words and walked away, leaving Jesse with me.

We stood there in an awkward silence, avoiding each other gaze until Jesse spoke up.

"Lilly told me you guys will leave after Christmas".she whispered, but I could hear her 

"Yeah ". I replied firmly.

"Back to Australia?". She asked, 

"Yeah ".

She chuckled softly and look away, 

"What funny ". I asked, confusion.

"It's a small world you know ". She expressed those words like she was so sure of it.

"Yeah it is". I murmured.

We stood there silent for a while before she spoke up, 

"I will be traveling to Australia". She whispered.

I turn and stared at her in shock.

"Really ?". I asked, 

"Yeah, I will be staying there for four months".she replied.

Hearing those words from her, I felt a slight bit of joy in me.

But then realization hit me., why will she come to Australia when she stays here in California.

"What will you be doing in Australia". I asked.

"Dancing". She responded firmly.

"Dancing?". I asked, confused.

"Yeah, it is a tour. We will stay in Australia for four moth and then move to two other countries before ending the tour ".she explained.

I released out a sign and felt at ease when I heard those words from her., at least she was not going on a vacation with that man I saw her earlier with.

"That's nice". I whispered.

“Yeah”. she nods her head and look away.

We stood there and did not say a word to each other before I spoke up, 

"It seems you love the town and the people in it?".  I expressed those words not as a question.

She smiled at me and I felt my heart flutter, 

"I do, and I think they also do ". She muttered out those words with a smile on her face.

"They will surely miss you, ". I whisper 

"Maybe, ". she replied and look away.

"I think we should go in "

"Yeah, ".  I replied and took a step away from her.

"Bye". she said those words and left.

I hissed and made my way back to the hall.

I got to the hall and noticed another sets of kids were singing Christmas Carol songs.

“Dad”.  Lilly exclaims happily when I took my seat.

"Where were you?, you miss a lot ". she asked those questions while staring at me with wild eyes.

"I was taking some fresh air outside".  I muttered out those words and tried to concentrate on the performance,, but I couldn't.

Jesse will be in Australia for four months, and I was just excited.

At least we will be able to meet for sometime before she leaves.

I hissed in relief when I realized the Carol was over.

We all stood up and made our way out of the hall and walked in the direction where our car was parked.

We all got in, and Samuel drove off.

"You were amazing".  Mrs Sonia kissed Lilly on the cheek, 

"Thanks grandma ".  Lilly giggled joyously.

We drove back home with Lilly talking and giggling about all that happened tonight

"We are home, ". she exclaims happily and went for the car door and step out.

"Be careful". Samuel cautioned.

"Yes Uncle". she giggled happily, 

Smith opened the door, and we all got in.

"Goodnight princess". I kissed Lilly's cheek before walking to my room, 

"Wait Benson". Mrs Sonia's voice caught my attention.

I turn around and stared at her.

"It's four days, and she will be gone., you have to take your chance". She spoke firmly.

I hissed in frustration and look around only to see that everyone has left.

"You still haven't thought of it yet ". She asked, 

I groaned and stared at her in anger 

"Can you please let go of this? "? I asked in irritation.

"No, you have to think about it ". She declared firmly.

I hissed angrily and couldn't hold my anger anymore.

"I will take a wife when the time is right, and it's definitely not her ". I muttered out those words in anger and left for my room.

I sat on my bed and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration, I can't just wait for Christmas to come, so I could leave this town.

I pulled off my clothes and took a warm bath before laying on my bed and drifted to sleep.